- Simple DirectMedia Layer SDL is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer.
There is a tcl interface - package require mkLibsdl - and some demo scripts joystick(1-5).tcl to get status information from the gamepad or joystick .
# gamepad button to key translation bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} package require mkLibsdl package require Tk pack [label .l -text "press gamepad buttons\n1 Tab\n2 some text\n3 backspace\n4 backTab" -justify left] pack [entry .e0] [entry .e1] -pady 5 # buttons w/o commands to take focus pack \ [button .b0 -text "Tcl/Tk language"]\ [button .b1 -text "designed by"]\ [button .b2 -text "John Ousterhout"] -pady 2 foreach x [winfo children .] { $x configure -highlightthickness 1 -highlightcolor blue -highlightbackground yellow } array set ::jbuttons {} array set ::afterid {} # key is "device number"."button number" trace add variable ::jbuttons(0.0) write {type <Tab>} trace add variable ::jbuttons(0.3) write {type <Shift-Tab>} trace add variable ::jbuttons(0.1) write {typelist {<Key-T> <Key-c> <Key-l> <Key-/> <Key-T> <Key-k> <Key-space>}} trace add variable ::jbuttons(0.2) write {type <Key-BackSpace>} proc setstate {} { set levent [joystick event peek] foreach {x ijoystick stype icontrol x ivalue} $levent break switch $stype { button { set ::jbuttons($ijoystick.$icontrol) $ivalue } axis { set ::aAxes($ijoystick.$icontrol) $ivalue } } } proc repeat {ev n2} { event generate . $ev set ::afterid($n2) [after 200 [list repeat $ev $n2]] } proc type {ev n1 n2 op} { set state [lindex [array get $n1 $n2] 1] if {$state} { repeat $ev $n2 } else { after cancel [lindex [array get ::afterid $n2] 1] } } proc typelist {evlist n1 n2 op} { if {[lindex [array get $n1 $n2] 1]} { foreach x $evlist { event generate . $x } } } joystick event eval setstate focus -force .e1