kbs means Tclkit Kitgen Build System
Remember not to mix 8.5 and 8.6 builds!
Put requests of new examples here
Common operations
- create html documentation under doc/
./kbs.tcl doc
./kbs.tcl list
- get sources of itcl3.4 and itk3.4 and iwidgets4.0.2 (under sources/*)
./kbs.tcl sources itcl3.4 itk3.4 iwidgets4.0.2
- get sources of 8.5 Tclkit Lite kbskit builds (under sources/*)
./kbs.tcl -r -vq sources kbskit8.5
- get sources of 8.5 Tclkit kbskit builds (under sources/*)
./kbs.tcl -r -mk sources kbskit8.5
- get sources of 8.5 Tclkit Lite and Tclkit builds with verbose output (under sources/*)
./kbs.tcl -v -r -vq -mk sources kbskit8.5
Sourceforge binaries
- build sourceforge download files of your system (build*/bin/kbs*)
./kbs.tcl install __
Tcl/Tk 8.5
- build command line Tclkit Lite interpreter (85/bin/kbsvq8.5-cli*)
./kbs.tcl -builddir=85 -r -vq-cli install kbskit8.5
- build Tk dynamically linked Tclkit Lite interpreter (85/bin/kbsvq8.5-dyn*)
./kbs.tcl -builddir=85 -r -vq-dyn install kbskit8.5
- build Tk statically linked Tclkit Lite interpreter (85/bin/kbsvq8.5-gui*)
./kbs.tcl -builddir=85 -r -vq-gui install kbskit8.5
./kbs.tcl -builddir=85 -r -vq install kbskit8.5
- build command line Tclkit interpreter (85/bin/kbsmk8.5-cli*)
./kbs.tcl -builddir=85 -r -mk-cli install kbskit8.5
- build Tk dynamically linked Tclkit interpreter (85/bin/kbsmk8.5-dyn*)
./kbs.tcl -builddir=85 -r -mk-dyn install kbskit8.5
- build Tk statically linked Tclkit interpreter (85/bin/kbsmk8.5-gui*)
./kbs.tcl -builddir=85 -r -mk-gui install kbskit8.5
- build all Tclkit interpreter (85/bin/kbsmk8.5*)
./kbs.tcl -builddir=85 -r -mk install kbskit8.5
- build all 8.5 interpreter (85/bin/kbs*)
./kbs.tcl -builddir=85 -r -mk -vq install kbskit8.5
- build BI Tclkit Lite interpreter (85/bin/kbsvq8.5-bi*) with some extensions
./kbs.tcl -builddir=85 -r -vq-bi -bi="bwidget1.8.0 gridplus2.5 icons1.2 img1.4 itcl3.4 itk3.4 iwidgets4.0.2" install kbskit8.5
- build BI Tclkit interpreter (85/bin/kbsmk8.5-bi*) with some extensions
./kbs.tcl -builddir=85 -r -mk-bi -bi="bwidget1.8.0 gridplus2.5 icons1.2 img1.4" install kbskit8.5
Tcl/Tk 8.6
./kbs.tcl -builddir=86 -r -vq install kbskit8.6
- build all Tclkit interpreter (86/bin/kbsmk8.6*)
./kbs.tcl -builddir=86 -r -mk install kbskit8.6
- build BI Tclkit Lite interpreter (86/bin/kbsvq8.6-bi*) with some extensions
./kbs.tcl -builddir=86 -r -vq-bi -bi="bwidget1.8.0 gridplus2.5 icons1.2 img1.4" install kbskit8.6
In case of errors
- check necessary programs and arguments with
./kbs.tcl config
- try the same command with the -v switch applied
- check existence of source files (under sources/).
Sometimes source retrievals are not successfull. Either try again or get sources by hand.
- when errors occur in the make stage use the -v switch or run the command like
cd <builddir>/<package>
make ...
- after fixing of error remove the make dir with one of the following commands before starting again
rm -rf <builddir>/<package>
./kbs.tcl distclean <package>