References to, includes from, and redirects to stacking

Date Name Who What
2018-11-10 06:16:24 Design patterns in Tcl apn reference
2015-05-13 10:11:23 Ensemble APN reference
2020-01-27 13:57:35 ensemble extend yorickthepoor reference
2015-05-10 15:32:37 How can I add a new option to an existing Tcl command APN reference
2019-08-19 02:16:26 Larry Smith LarrySmith reference
2011-07-31 10:40:24 modify a proc's behavior with a shim dkf reference
2017-07-17 19:08:52 overload RKzn reference
2007-12-07 10:11:23 overproc Sly reference
2024-10-15 20:18:30 Poor Yorick pooryorick reference
2012-01-11 11:50:16 Stacking Commands jbr reference
2023-11-15 11:06:29 Tcl 9.0 WishList dbohdan reference
2013-10-23 20:14:55 Wrapping a procedure pooryorick reference
2025-02-28 20:37:21 wrapping commands KSA reference