Simple Tcl-Only Object-Oriented Programming , or stooop, by Jean-Luc Fontaine, is an object system written in pure Tcl. stoop is also available as a module in Tcllib.
stooop, implemented in a single source-able file, uses simple techniques to provide object orientation to Tcl. Includes an HTML class browser and examples of a lifo and fifo stack. Consists of new and delete operators as well as a virtual operator. Object members are held in a global array bearing the class name.
stooop is the basis of various useful extensions/widgets , such as:
vigal - 2016-04-11 05:11:37
I was wandering regarding the choice of using empty named array for stoop. What were the design considerations, pros/cons versus alternatives, etc. I read in many places on this wiki that this conflicts with possible future enhancements that could otherwise use the $() syntax. I even read somewhere that this feature was enabled especially for stoop. Since until recently I didn't even know that such possibility existed, I am naturally curious. So some insight into this would be appreciated.
rz - 2016-04-11 06:48:43
AFAIK it was to hide internally used variables.