
AMB: I created an object-oriented tabular data structure package, called "taboo". It builds upon the object variable framework I developed and released with my vutil package.

As an example, here are some of the ways you can manipulate table objects:

package require tin
tin add -auto taboo install.tcl
tin import taboo
table new tableObj {
    key {1 2 3 4 5} 
    x {3.44 4.61 8.25 5.20 3.26}
    y {7.11 1.81 7.56 6.78 9.92}
    z {8.67 7.63 3.84 1.11 4.56}
$tableObj --> tableCopy
set a 20.0
puts [$tableCopy cget x]; # 3.44 4.61 8.25 5.20 3.26
puts [$tableCopy expr {@x*2 + $a}]; # 26.88 29.22 36.5 30.4 26.52
$tableCopy fedit q {@x*2 + $a}; # creates field "q" with table expression
puts [$tableCopy cget q]; # 26.88 29.22 36.5 30.4 26.52

This package can be installed from my GitHub , or installed on the fly with Tin, as shown in the example.