References to, includes from, and redirects to Andrew Mangogna

Date Name Who What
2010-05-23 17:05:56 crosstab a la Relations GAM reference
2016-12-04 04:29:42 ENJ ENJ reference
2014-05-31 15:31:21 Relation Oriented Programming with Raloo RLE reference
2021-12-21 20:59:50 structured data pooryorick reference
2025-01-27 19:57:32 Tcl'ers sergiol reference
2020-03-30 12:07:18 Tcl_CreateEventSource oehhar reference
2018-10-24 20:21:44 TclRAL HarmOlthof reference
2011-11-28 08:24:02 Thirteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference AMG reference