References to, includes from, and redirects to Brush

Date Name Who What
2013-12-01 02:24:34 AMG's language ideas AMG reference
2015-03-06 04:18:52 Andy Goth RLE reference
2014-02-12 00:37:38 Cloverfield - Parser AMG reference
2018-03-18 14:33:23 dict for pooryorick reference
2019-10-25 10:17:00 duck typing pooryorick reference
2016-04-09 01:48:25 identity function aspect reference
2023-12-02 19:55:38 lassign oehhar reference
2015-06-11 21:32:44 lcomp AMG reference
2023-01-02 16:07:14 lolcat pooryorick reference
2016-05-02 14:50:11 Perl dbohdan reference
2023-06-27 09:29:43 Poor Yorick pooryorick reference
2014-07-29 01:51:56 shorthand dict set samoc reference
2022-10-13 17:16:40 Tcl implementations tp reference
2018-10-18 09:09:35 What Languages Fix jos reference