References to, includes from, and redirects to Category XOTcl Code

Date Name Who What
2018-09-28 12:47:39 A simple comparison of Tcl object extensions PeterLewerin reference
2016-02-15 20:01:14 Accumulator Generators dbohdan reference
2018-09-21 21:17:49 Cacheable class dbohdan reference
2014-03-23 17:21:34 Category XOTcl Code RLE reference
2014-06-07 17:14:09 chan command in XOTcl dkf reference
2024-10-19 10:37:57 Closures q3cpma reference
2014-04-05 20:45:12 creating zip file archives from tcl with zlib MHo reference
2022-04-11 10:00:14 Eiffel-like Invariants pooryorick reference
2021-01-01 14:45:57 How do Wiki Categories work KJN reference
2012-05-26 04:33:19 Infix arithmetic with XOTcl RLE reference
2004-02-25 15:10:47 Itcl in XOTcl reference
2012-09-25 10:20:36 Learning XOTcl LkpPo reference
2011-01-18 03:28:35 Object Instantiation Test RLE reference
2016-07-10 11:47:24 OO Method calls dkf reference
2010-08-10 00:29:38 Safe XOTcl object creation Setok reference
2013-09-19 00:36:45 Snit like Delegation in XOTcl RLE reference
2011-05-27 12:03:01 Tcllib tree style interface to tDOM RLE reference
2011-12-18 04:41:45 Traits in XOTcl RLE reference
2020-01-13 20:15:45 XOTcl pooryorick reference
2013-10-16 15:07:25 XOTcl Introductory Example pooryorick reference
2014-06-07 17:31:23 XOTcl Method Traversal Order dkf reference
2011-10-10 11:35:03 XOTcl Objects as Tcl Commands with subcommands RLH reference
2024-08-06 17:16:50 XotclIDE TWu reference
2012-10-02 10:19:51 XOWidget RLE reference