References to, includes from, and redirects to Complex data structures

Date Name Who What
2021-03-28 21:52:29 Additional list functions pooryorick reference
2024-07-23 18:08:27 Arjen Markus Jorge reference
2020-02-22 14:13:13 Beginning Tcl pooryorick reference
2024-02-03 23:00:56 data structure CGM reference
2019-08-11 16:47:06 Data structures: from the bit to the Web pooryorick reference
2012-08-27 21:33:28 David T. Ashley LkpPo reference
2023-12-02 20:00:10 dict oehhar reference
2022-04-11 10:25:37 Garbage collection pooryorick reference
2012-10-13 01:22:02 Implementing enumerated types RLE reference
2011-10-19 03:47:48 Natively accessing XML RLE reference
2012-12-19 02:15:13 RBTree RLE reference
2017-11-02 04:38:28 Tcl references in Tcl SEH reference
2015-12-29 21:22:18 Trees as nested lists pooryorick reference