References to, includes from, and redirects to Playing Prolog

Date Name Who What
2010-10-18 14:25:10 A little backtracking Prolog interpreter nem reference
2015-02-17 05:37:24 A little database with unification pooryorick reference
2019-11-09 22:49:43 Advanced Tcl pooryorick reference
2018-02-01 17:57:39 artificial intelligence SEH reference
2018-08-28 17:54:50 Code Generation pooryorick reference
2011-07-06 00:59:13 Control structures for backtracking search RLE reference
2013-12-16 18:56:06 hat0 AMG reference
2005-04-09 15:14:47 Logic programming suchenwi, reference
2011-07-06 01:03:39 Playing predicate logic RLE reference
2018-02-09 20:38:17 Prolog SEH reference
2012-08-27 22:33:00 Richard Suchenwirth LkpPo reference
2015-05-04 10:04:23 Solving cryptarithms HJG reference
2022-04-25 20:23:12 Tcl and other languages pooryorick reference