Version 40 of {expand}

Updated 2004-08-10 19:52:24

With Tcl 8.5, {expand} becomes the closest thing Tcl has to a conventional keyword. See TIP 157 [L1 ] for the details. [expand syntax ...]

NEM OK - here's an attempt at explaining {expand} in Tcl 8.5. The easiest way to explain is perhaps with an example. Consider the following code, which may be used for launching a browser on Windows:

 eval exec [auto_execok start] [list $url]

The reason that the [eval] is there is that [auto_execok] may return a list which represents the command to be run. This list needs to be "flattened" for exec. For instance, let's say [auto_execok start] returned:

 % auto_execok start
 c:/windows/ /c start

If you just did:

 exec [auto_execok start] $url

You would get an error about "can't find 'c:/windows/ /c start' - no such file or directory" or something similar. In order to flatten this list, Tcl before 8.5 requires use of [eval] (or more arcane uplevel equivalents) which does this for you (as it concats its arguments together before evaluation).

So, why not just say

 eval exec [auto_execok start] $url

Because the $url may contain spaces, so we need to protect it so that it doesn't get flattened. So, for pre Tcl 8.5 programmers, the safe way to code is via the use of [list]:

 eval exec [auto_execok start] [list $url]

There are lots of gotchas with quoting arguments correctly for [eval]. So, to solve this problem, 8.5 introduced the {expand} syntax, which inline expands arguments in a command invocation. What this means is that {expand}list becomes word word word... at invocation time. So, we can now rewrite our example (in 8.5) as:

 exec {expand}[auto_execok start] $url

which is clearer, safer (by avoiding eval) and better all round.

RS: {expand} is, so to speak, the inverse of list. It is not a command (because every command returns one single word), but an extension to the Tcl syntax. Consider:

 {expand}[list 1 2 3]

produces the three words

 1 2 3

And for using expand, it is good to look out for places where eval is used:

 eval pack [winfo children .]

is equivalent to

 pack {expand}[winfo children .]

But for code to be given to others (which might still run 8.4, 8.3 or older), best avoid {expand} for a while...

LES: Would someone remind us again why this command had to be braced? Why {expand} instead of expand? Why not [ expand [ list 1 2 3 ] ] ?

MG - I think it's because expand isn't actually a command, like [list], or [pack], etc; it's more of an 'option'. If you used [expand [list 1 2 3]]] you'd get an 'invalid command name' error. It's a little confusing, I think, since it seems to be different to all other aspects of the Tcl syntax. . .

DKF: Actually, it's because expansion is not command-like behaviour (i.e. the result of a command is never broken up into multiple words by the Tcl interpreter itself.) Allowing commands to specify that they return an expanding list (and no, I don't know of any way to limit the effects to just some magical expand command) causes all sorts of problems, potentially including security faults when handing values between interpreters. And it actually makes the Endecalogue much more complex than the {expand} version, as it requires a lot more complexity to be added to the existing rules. By using a new piece of core language syntax, we side-step these problems and focus on giving simple expansion control to the programmer at the point when the programmer actually wants it (you could do it before with eval but it was very error-prone.)

SLB: The syntax was controversial. One discussion of the subject is recorded in DISCUSSION: Argument Expansion Syntax. See especially the comments from MS towards the end.

Because backward compatibility (a virtue to be sure) overrode aesthetics (a higher virtue, IMO).

Hmmmmm. Those who find

    ... [expand [list 1 2 3]] ...

superior aesthetically should, CL believes, re-read the discussion and Miguel's comments. {expand}'s introduction is not some sort of reactionary defense of abstract compatibility principles; instead, it preserves valuable syntactic simplicity.

I agree that the functionality warranted new syntax. It's just that the chosen syntax is exceptionally ugly, and it seemed that pretty much everyone agreed that it was ugly, but it was backwards compatible. But since I've engaged in this argument before and lost, there's no point in having it again. It's also the reason why I'm not putting my name on this.

Although, given that Tcl's big claim to fame is having almost no syntax (Tcl: Just 11 syntax rules!), I'm still curious as to how a 12th syntatctic rule (Tcl: Now with almost 10% more syntax!) makes it into a minor revision.

"... with difficulty", CL judges. Was it the right thing to do? *I* won't be secure in that until we have a few years' of experience with it.

MG My two cents :) I think it's an awful shame that something so against-the-grain had to be added to make this possible, but I do definitely see the uses for it (even though I've not used it myself, still being on 8.4). As far as I can see, there was absolutely no way to achieve this effect without a change in syntax; I personally think that it's worth it, for all the hassle it saves with quoting for eval, etc.

DKF: FWIW, I believe that a sub-optimal syntax was selected and that it should have been done as part of Tcl 9.0 (but I didn't really want to see 8.5.) But other people disagreed with me on these matters, and I didn't (and don't) want to reopen those arguments (if you do, shout at Jeff :^). I will absolutely stand by the semantics of {expand} though; that's exactly right.

CMcC: IMHO {expand}$x is simply ugly (or, rather, complexly ugly), and sticks out like a wart on the otherwise flawless body of tcl :) I would have preferred a composite brace style, such as {$a}@ or similar or grave accent: $a.

LES: Ouch. What a can of worms I have opened. I was afraid it could happen. ... Honestly, I am pretty confident that the remarkable amount of heated debate over this intriguing issue by so many smart and experienced senior geeks has resulted in the most appropriate solution. However, I have read a lot (including lots of c.l.t., but not all) of that discussion and still can't find answers to this little idea that tickles the back of my mind: {expand} is mostly intended to solve a problem that almost invariably affects exec, isn't that right? Didn't someone suggest exec -expand when this discussion started? What was wrong with that idea? I don't remember ever seeing the argument that dismissed it.

RHS: In the way of a minor answer to the above, the ability to expand a list into separate arguments comes up in a variety of places, not just with exec. To add to that, a -expand flag would not totally satisfy the situation, even if it existed for every command. Keep in mind that {expand} allows one to specify which lists need to be expanded, rather than having all arguments expanded.

LES: Thanks. And what was wrong with creating an [expand $list] command? Or maybe concat -expand or concat -recurse?

 % concat hey {{1 2 3}} {a} {{{aa ab ac} {ba bb bc}}} mom
 hey {1 2 3} a {{aa ab ac} {ba bb bc}} mom

 % concat -recurse hey {{1 2 3}} {a} {{{aa ab ac} {ba bb bc}}} mom
 hey 1 2 3 a aa ab ac ba bb bc mom

aotto: does this meat that !every! argument have to be checked on {expand} ?? I think this is very slow because you check ~thousend of words to get one {expand} I vote for a expand comand and a new obj type expandList which acts like {expand}

DKF: The current behaviour is actually very fast and causes no performance degradation at all when not used (the parser is slightly more complex, but only in what was previously an error-case). It's also been perf-analyzed so as to get an implementation technique that balances speed with maintainability.

FWIW, I wanted $x/[x y z] but that was a 9.0-only solution and many people didn't want to go to 9.0 for various reasons.

RS: Gentlemen: all hopes for an [expand] command are vain, because every command returns one word as result, while {expand} will result in zero or more words. This requires a syntax change in Tcl - it just can't be done with the model we have so far. Nobody will be forced to use {expand} - it's up to each coder whether he prefers eval or {expand}.

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