Version 0 of A Graph plotter

Updated 2004-10-23 10:21:13

GWM Based on A Little graph Plotter. See also Fun with Functions.

Modified to draw a set of points or multiple sets of points on a canvas. The proc plot takes a list of data to be plotted and a set of titles (one per graph). The data format is: [list of xposition [list of ypositions (1,2 or more)] eg:

set res 0.0 {0.0 1.0} 0.333 {0.327 0.944 } 0.6667 {0.618 0.785}

will define 3 points at x = 0, .333, .6667 with 2 y coordinates per x position (2 graphs). Better example data at the end of this page.

 proc plot {res titles} { ;# adapted the simple graph plotter found on
  # --------------------------
  #   params
  # --------------------------
  # title
  # canvas width & height
  array set params \
    title     {Graph}
    width     400
    height    400

  # canvas
         if [winfo exists .c] { ;# delete it. Same as clear.
          destroy .c
          canvas .c -width $params(width) -height $params(height) \
              -xscrollincrement 1 -bg beige
  pack .c

  wm title . $params(title)

 # get range of x
        set xmin 100000000
        set xmax -100000000
        set vv0 [lindex $res 1]
        set nvars [llength $vv0]
          foreach {r y} $res {
                set xmin [::math::min $xmin $r]
                set xmax [::math::max $xmax $r]

 #how often tick marks
     set tspace [expr ($xmax-$xmin)/8.0] ;# how often to draw grid in X
     set nexttic $tspace
        foreach {r y} $res { ;# draw grid
                if {$r >= $nexttic} {
                        set xpix [scale $nexttic $xmin $xmax $params(width)]
                      set nexttic [expr $nexttic+$tspace]
                      .c create text [expr $xpix-10] 0 -anchor n -text $r -fill gray
                      .c create line $xpix 0 $xpix $params(height) -fill gray

 #label graphs
      .c create text 20 10 -anchor n -text [lindex $titles 0] -fill red
      .c create text 20 25 -anchor n -text [lindex $titles 1] -fill black

        for {set iy 0} {$iy<$nvars} {incr iy} {
        set color "black"
        if {$iy==1} {set color "red"}
        if {$iy==2} {set color "green"}
        set ymin [lindex [lindex $res 1] $iy]
        set ymax $ymin
          foreach {r y} $res { ;# get range of Y coordinate
                set yv [lindex $y $iy]
                set ymin [::math::min $ymin $yv]
                set ymax [::math::max $ymax $yv]
        if {$iy==0 || $iy==1} {
                set ymax 2
                set ymin -2
        set coordlist {}
        foreach {r y} $res {
                        set xpix [scale $r $xmin $xmax $params(width)]
                set vv [lindex $y $iy]
                set v [scale $vv $ymax $ymin $params(height)]
                lappend coordlist $xpix $v
           set rold $xpix        
           set yold $v         ;# vector of y values
            .c create line $coordlist -fill $color

Exercise the graph thus:

 set plot {}
 for {set i 0} {$i<20} {incr i} { lappend plot [expr $i/3.0] [expr sin($i/3.0)]}
 plot $plot "Sine"

Or 2 graphs (values of sin(x) and cos(x) are placed in a list of results at x):

 set plot {}
 for {set i 0} {$i<20} {incr i} { lappend plot [expr $i/3.0] [list [expr sin($i/3.0)] [expr cos($i/3.0)]]}
 plot $plot {"Sine" "Cos"}

Category MathematicsCategory ExampleCategory Widget