Version 6 of A Graph plotter

Updated 2005-09-09 13:29:39

GWM Based on A Little graph Plotter. See also Fun with Functions.

Modified to draw a set of points or multiple sets of points on a canvas. The proc plot takes a list of data to be plotted and a set of titles (one per graph). The data format is: [list of xposition [list of ypositions (1,2 or more)]]] eg:

set res [0.0 {0.0 1.0} 0.333 {0.327 0.944 } 0.6667 {0.618 0.785}]

will define 3 points at x = 0, .333, .6667 with 2 y coordinates per x position (2 graphs). Better example data at the end of this page.
