JOB - 2017-02-02 20:36:26


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xscale.tcl ---
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (c) 2016, Johann Oberdorfer - Engineering Support | CAD | Software
#     johann.oberdorfer [at]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This source file is distributed under the BSD license.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   See the BSD License for more details.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Purpose:
#  A TclOO class template to extend ttk::scale functionality.
#  Same behavior as tk::scale widget,
#  implements -resolution option.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Thanks to:
#   derived from ttk::scale, implements -resolution found in older scale
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

package provide xscale 0.1

namespace eval xscale {
        variable cnt 0
        # this is a tk-like wrapper around my... class so that
        # object creation works like other tk widgets
        proc xscale {path args} {
                variable cnt
                incr cnt
                set obj [XScaleClass create tmp${cnt} $path {*}$args]
                # rename oldName newName
                rename $obj ::$path
                return $path
        oo::class create XScaleClass {
                constructor { path args } {
                        my variable widgetOptions
                        my variable oldval
                        array set widgetOptions {
                                -resolution 1.0
                                -command ""
                                -showvalue false
                        # incorporate arguments to local widget options
                        array set widgetOptions $args
                        # we use a frame for this specific widget class
                        set f [ttk::frame $path -class xscale]
                        # we must rename the widget command
                        # since it clashes with the object being created
                        set widget ${path}_
                        my Build $f
                        rename $path $widget
                        my configure {*}$args
                # add a destructor to clean up the widget
                destructor {
                        set w [namespace tail [self]]
                        catch {bind $w <Destroy> {}}
                        catch {destroy $w}
                method cget { {opt "" }  } {
                        my variable scalewidget
                        my variable widgetOptions
                        if { [string length $opt] == 0 } {
                                return [array get widgetOptions]
                        if { [info exists widgetOptions($opt) ] } {
                                return $widgetOptions($opt)
                        return [$scalewidget cget $opt]
                method configure { args } {
                        my variable scalewidget
                        my variable widgetOptions
                        if {[llength $args] == 0}  {
                                # return all tablelist options
                                set opt_list [$scalewidget configure]
                                # as well as all custom options
                                foreach xopt [array get widgetOptions] {
                                        lappend opt_list $xopt
                                return $opt_list
                        } elseif {[llength $args] == 1}  {
                                # return configuration value for this option
                                set opt $args
                                if { [info exists widgetOptions($opt) ] } {
                                        return $widgetOptions($opt)
                                return [$scalewidget cget $opt]
                        # error checking
                        if {[expr {[llength $args]%2}] == 1}  {
                                return -code error "value for \"[lindex $args end]\" missing"
                        # process the new configuration options...
                        array set opts $args
                        foreach opt_name [array names opts] {
                                set opt_value $opts($opt_name)
                                # overwrite with new value
                                if { [info exists widgetOptions($opt_name)] } {
                                        set widgetOptions($opt_name) $opt_value
                                # some options need action from the widgets side
                                switch -- $opt_name {
                                        -resolution {
                                                set widgetOptions(-resolution) $opt_value
                                        -variable {
                                                my SetVariable $opt_value
                                        -command {
                                                # not allowed to overwrite our own command
                                                # procedure as it triggers the "hopping" behavior
                                                # use the variable to get the actual scale value
                                                set cmd $opt_value
                                                append cmd "; [namespace code {my ResolutionCmd}]"
                                                $scalewidget configure -command $cmd
                                        -showvalue {
                                                # sorry, not implemented, any volunteers?
                                        default {
                                                # -------------------------------------------------------
                                                # if the configure option wasn't one of our special one's,
                                                # pass control over to the original tablelist widget
                                                # -------------------------------------------------------
                                                if {[catch {$scalewidget configure $opt_name $opt_value} result]} {
                                                        return -code error $result
                # --------------------------------------------------
                # if the command wasn't one of our special one's,
                # pass control over to the original tablelist widget
                # --------------------------------------------------
                method unknown {method args} {
                        my variable scalewidget
                        if {[catch {$scalewidget $method {*}$args} result]} {
                                return -code error $result
                        return $result
                method SetVariable { varname } {
                        my variable scalewidget
                        my variable widgetOptions
                        set widgetOptions(-variable) $varname
                        $scalewidget configure -variable $varname
                        if { $varname ne {} } {
                                upvar #0 $varname tracevar
                                if { ![info exists tracevar] } {
                                        set tracevar [$scalewidget cget -from]
                                set oldval $tracevar
                method ResolutionCmd { val } {
                        my variable widgetOptions
                        my variable oldval
                        # round value to nearest multiple of resolution
                        set res $widgetOptions(-resolution)
                        set hopval [expr {$res * floor(double($val) / $res + 0.5)}]
                        if { $widgetOptions(-variable) ne {} } {
                                upvar #0 $widgetOptions(-variable) var
                                set var $hopval
                        # run callback as in standard scale
                        # only for a different value == integer hop

                        if { $hopval != $oldval } {
                                set oldval $hopval
                                if { $widgetOptions(-command) ne {} } {
                                        set command_with_value [linsert $widgetOptions(-command) end $hopval]
                                        uplevel #0 $command_with_value
                        return $hopval                
                method Build {win} {
                        my variable scalewidget
                        my variable widgetOptions
                        my variable oldval
                        ttk::scale $ \
                                -command "[namespace code {my ResolutionCmd}]"

                        pack $ -fill x
                        set scalewidget $
                        set oldval [$scalewidget cget -value]
                        # need to overwrite the ttk binding:
                        # note:
                        #   the original bindings in the tcl distribution
                        #   uses "Press" instead of "Jump" which, when clicking
                        #   with the mouse, has no effect!
                        bind TScale <ButtonPress-1> { ttk::scale::Jump %W %x %y }


# xscale test

set dir [file dirname [info script]]
set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file join $dir "."]]

package require Tk
package require xscale 0.1

# ---test ---
console show

proc echo1 {args} {
        global test1
        puts "echo1: $test1"

proc echo2 {args} {
        puts "echo2: $args"

set top [toplevel .test]

        $top configure -bg [ttk::style lookup TLabel -background]
        wm withdraw .

xscale::xscale $top.scl1 \
                -from -10 -to 10 -resolution 2.0 \
                -variable test1 \
                -command echo1

pack $top.scl1 -expand yes -fill x

set test1 8

xscale::xscale $top.scl2 \
                -from 10 -to 20 -resolution 2.0 \
                -variable test2 \
                -command echo2

pack $top.scl2 -expand yes -fill x

set test2 2