Version 0 of A little math language revisited

Updated 2004-05-07 09:44:21

Arjen Markus (7 may 2004) Recent interest in the possibilities of using Tcl for numerical analysis, brought back the page A little math language. I decided to explore this a bit further ... It is not complete yet, but you get the drift, I think, from the examples/test code.

  # math.tcl --
 #    Provide commands that allow a more usual mathematical syntax:
 #    mathfunc {x} {
 #       sinc = sin(x)/x if x != 0
 #       sinc = 0        otherwise
 #    }
 #    math {
 #       a = x*x + y*y
 #    }
 #    Still to do: mathfunc

 namespace eval ::mathsyntax {
    namespace export math
    variable cached_calcs {}

 # ToExpr --
 #    Transform an expression to the form expr wants
 # Arguments:
 #    expression     A right-hand side of an assignment
 # Result:
 #    Valid Tcl expression
 proc ::mathsyntax::ToExpr { expression } {
    set rhs [string map {" " ""} $expression]
    set indices [regexp -inline -all -indices {[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*} $rhs]
    set offset 0
    foreach idx $indices {
       foreach {start stop} $idx {break}
       set start [expr {$start+$offset}]
       set stop  [expr {$stop+$offset}]
       set next  [expr {$stop+1}]

       if { [string index $rhs $next] != "(" } {
          set char [string index $rhs $start]
          set rhs  [string replace $rhs $start $start "\$$char" ]
          incr offset
    return $rhs

 # Transform --
 #    Transform a series of mathematical expressions into Tcl code
 # Arguments:
 #    id         ID to use
 #    calc       One or more mathematical assignments
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    A private procedure is created
 # Note:
 #    No conditions yet
 proc ::mathsyntax::Transform { id calc } {
    set calc [split $calc "\n"]
    set body {"uplevel 2 \{"}

    foreach assign $calc {
       set assign [string trim $assign]
       if { $assign != "" } {
          regexp {([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*) *= *(.*)} $assign ==> lhs rhsfull

          # Is there a condition?
          set cond1 [string first " if"        $rhsfull]

          # PM: set cond2 [string first " otherwise" $rhsfull]

          set cond  ""
          if { $cond1 > 0 } {
             set rhs  [string range $rhsfull 0 [expr {$cond1-1}]]
             set cond [string range $rhsfull [expr {$cond1+3}] end]
             lappend body "if { [ToExpr $cond] } \{"
          } else {
             set rhs $rhsfull

          # if { $cond2 > 0 } {
          #    set rhs  [string range $rhsfull 0 [expr {$cond2-1}]
          #    set cond [string range $rhsfull [expr {$cond1+3} end]
          # }

          # Prepare the assignment
          set rhs [ToExpr $rhs]

          lappend body "set $lhs \[expr {$rhs}\]"

          if { $cond != "" } {
             lappend body "\}"

    lappend body "\}"

    proc Cached$id {} [join $body "\n"]

 # math --
 #    Allow mathematical expressions inside Tcl code
 # Arguments:
 #    calc       One or more mathematical assignments
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    As the code is executed in the caller's scope, variables
 #    in the calling procedure are set
 #    The code is transformed into a procedure that is cached
 proc ::mathsyntax::math { calc } {
    variable cached_calcs

    set id [lsearch $cached_calcs $calc]
    if { $id < 0 } {
       lappend cached_calcs $calc
       set id [expr {[llength $cached_calcs]-1}]
       Transform $id $calc


 # Simple test
 namespace import ::mathsyntax::math

 set a 1
 set b 1
 set c ""
 set d ""
 set sinc ""
 math {
    c = a + b
    d = a + cos(b+c)
 puts "$c $d"

 for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
    math {
       x = 0.1*i
       sinc = 1 if x == 0
       sinc = sin(x)/x if x != 0
    puts "$i $x $sinc"

[ Category Mathematics ]