Version 0 of A simple mechanical system

Updated 2006-09-07 12:10:03

Arjen Markus (7 september 2006) The idea behind the three programs below is fairly simple: some computations (in my case numerical computations) can be split up into separate pieces and only a limited amount of information needs to be exchanged. I meant it as an example for my Ftcl library (see: Combining Fortran and Tcl in one program) but it can also serve as an example of Distributed computing.

The three programs together simulate a simple mechanical system: a series of bodies connected via springs. The trick is however that the motion of each body is simulated by a separate process.

Naturally this requires coordination: each process simulating a body needs information on the position of the neighbours - that determines the force on the body. And to get to the next time, all processes must have finished. So, a central process (the server) is doing all coordination.

The code below is a bit tricky: it needs to take care of the physical arrangement, or topology if you will, of the bodies and the springs and that led me to introduce a keyword "FREE" to indicate no spring is attached on that side and to juggle a bit with extra items at the beginning and end of the various lists. Yes, it should be cleaned up.

More important, in my opinion, than the actual code is the "architecture". I had to make a number of decisions:

  • The server now takes care of the topology. An alternative would be

to leave that to the simulation processes - at start-up they would then get information on their neighbours and they can then ask for the relevant information.

  • The server needs to wait for all computations to be ready, so that

the position of all bodies can be reported back to the client. I could have left that responsability to the client instead.

  • The server does not take care of the position and velocity of each

body, the state, that is left to the individual simulation processes. It means a smaller amount of information passing to and fro, but it also means the simulation processes are bound to a particular body. Whether that is convenient or not, will depend on the kind of computation you are doing (with realistic simulations, it may be very inconvenient however to store the state information in a central place - there can be a huge amount of information!)

  • There are three programs involved: a client program that defines

the configuration and starts the computation (it also contains the simulation loop), a simulation program and a server program to handle the conversation between the client and the simulation programs. This means that these three programs need to agree on the "protocol" for this computation. If, at connection time, we transfer the code to handle that protocol and to do the actual computations, the server program can become very generic and the client program will contain all specific code.

Well, there are numerous extensions and variations one can think of for setting up a system like this. Hopefully the Distributed computing page will end up in a more or less clear-cut design for a more general and flexible set-up.

To use it:

  • Save the three programs in separate files
  • Start the bs_server.tcl program
  • Then start the bs_client.tcl program

 # bs_client.tcl
 #     The client program:
 #     - Define up the system
 #     - Define the initial condition
 #     - Start the simulation

 # run --
 #     Start the computation and show the result (via the callback)
 # Arguments:
 #     server     Name of the server
 #     show       Procedure used to show the result
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     Whatever "show" does
 proc run {server show} {
     global bs_system
     global bs_state
     global time
     global timestep
     global stoptime

     # Connect to the server
     set channel [socket $server 5678]
     fileevent $channel readable [list getData $channel $show]

     # Start the computation
     puts $channel "ID client"
     puts $channel "SYSTEM $bs_system"
     puts $channel "TIMESTEP $timestep"
     puts $channel "INIT $bs_state"
     puts $channel "TIME"
     flush $channel
     set time 0.0

 # getData --
 #     Get the results from the server and show them
 # Arguments:
 #     channel    Channel to the server
 #     show       Procedure used to show the result
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     Whatever "show" does
 proc getData {channel show} {
     global time
     global timestep
     global stoptime

     if { [gets $channel result] >= 0 } {
         $show $time [lrange $result 1 end]

         set time [expr {$time+$timestep}]
         if { $time <= $stoptime } {
             puts $channel TIME
             flush $channel
     } else {
         if { [eof $channel] } {
             close $channel
             set ::forever 1

 # bs_system --
 #     Register the system setup (body-spring data)
 # Arguments:
 #     list       List of spring-body-spring properties
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     Sets bs_system
 proc bs_system {list} {
     global bs_system

     set bs_system $list

 # bs_initial --
 #     Register the system's initial state
 # Arguments:
 #     list       List of displacements per body
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     Sets bs_state#
 proc bs_initial {list} {
     global bs_state

     set bs_state $list

 # showResult --
 #     Display the result in a useful way
 # Arguments:
 #     time       Current system time
 #     list       State of the system (displacements)
 # Result:
 #     None
 proc showResult {time list} {

     puts "$time $list"

 # main --
 #             S   B   S   B    S    B    S      B
 bs_system  {FREE 1.0 0.1 10.0 0.1  1.0  1.0} ;# Implicitly FIXED}
 bs_initial {     1.0      0.0      0.0           }

 set stoptime 10.0
 set timestep  0.02

 run localhost showResult
 vwait ::forever

 # bs_compute.tcl
 #     The computational program:
 #     - Get the properties of the body and the two springs
 #     - Compute the new position
 #     - Send the new result to the server

 # handleInput --
 #     Handle input from the client or the worker process
 # Arguments:
 #     channel    Channel for the connection
 # Result:
 #     None
 proc handleInput {channel} {
     global id
     global position
     global velocity

     if { [gets $channel input] >= 0 } {
         puts "Worker $id >> $input"

         switch -- [lindex $input 0] {
             "NEXT" {
                 computeState [lrange $input 1 end]
                 puts $channel "NEWSTATE $id $position $velocity"
                 flush $channel
                 puts "Sent NEWSTATE: $position $velocity"
             default {
                 puts "Worker $id: unknown input -$input"
     } else {
         if { [eof $channel] } {
             puts "Worker $id stopped"
             catch [close $channel]
             set ::forever 1

 # computeState --
 #     Compute the new position and velocity of the body
 # Arguments:
 #     info       Information about the position of the neighbours
 # Result:
 #     None
 proc computeState {info} {
     global bodymass
     global position
     global velocity
     global left_spring
     global right_spring
     global friction

     foreach {dt left right} $info {break}

     set force 0.0
     if { $left_spring != {} } {
         set force [expr {$force+$left_spring*($left-$position)}]
     if { $right_spring != {} } {
         set force [expr {$force+$right_spring*($right-$position)}]
     set force [expr {$force-$velocity*$friction}]

     set position [expr {$position + $dt * $velocity}]
     set velocity [expr {$velocity + $dt * $force / $bodymass}]

 # main --
 #     Get the command-line parameters and start listening to the
 #     server's commands
 global id
 global bodymass
 global position
 global velocity
 global left_spring
 global right_spring
 global friction

 foreach {id bodymass position velocity left_spring right_spring} $argv {break}

 puts "Arguments: >>$argv<<"

 set friction 0.1

 # Test mode ...
 if { $id == -1 } {
     set time 0.0
     set dt   0.1
     while { $time < 10.0 } {
         computeState [list $dt 0.0 0.0]
         puts "$time $position"
         set time [expr {$time+$dt}]
 } else {
     set channel [socket localhost 5678]
     fileevent $channel readable [list handleInput $channel]
     puts $channel "ID $id"
     flush $channel
     vwait ::forever

 # bs_server.tcl
 #     The server program:
 #     - Handle the connection to the client
 #     - Dispatch the computations
 #     - Collect the results

 # registerClient --
 #     Register the client or the worker process
 # Arguments:
 #     channel    Channel for the connection
 #     addr       Address of the client
 #     port       Port to be used
 # Result:
 #     None
 proc registerClient {channel addr port} {

     fconfigure $channel -blocking 0 -buffering line
     fileevent $channel readable [list handleInput $channel]


 # handleInput --
 #     Handle input from the client or the worker process
 # Arguments:
 #     channel    Channel for the connection
 # Result:
 #     None
 proc handleInput {channel} {
     global bs_system
     global state
     global timestep

     if { [gets $channel input] >= 0 } {
         puts "Received >> $input"
         set keyword [lindex $input 0]
         switch -- $keyword {
             "ID"       { storeId $channel [lindex $input 1] }
             "SYSTEM"   { set bs_system [lrange $input 1 end] }
             "TIMESTEP" { set timestep  [lindex $input 1] }
             "INIT"     { set state(position) [lrange $input 1 end]
                          set state(record)   [lrange $input 0 end] ;# Note the 0!
             "TIME"     { nextTime }
             "NEWSTATE" { newState [lrange $input 1 end] }
             default    {
                 puts "Unknown input: $input"
     } else {
         if { [eof $channel] } {
             catch [close $channel]

 # storeId --
 #     Store the ID of the client or worker process
 # Arguments:
 #     channel    Channel for the connection
 #     id         The ID in question
 # Result:
 #     None
 proc storeId {channel id} {
     global connect

     set connect(channel,$channel) $id
     set connect(id,$id)           $channel

     if { $id != "client" } {
         lset connect(started) $id 1
         puts "Started: $connect(started)"

         if { [lsearch $connect(started) 0] < 0 } {
             puts "Started: Ready!"
             set ::all_started 1

     puts "Client/worker: $id"

 # startWorkers --
 #     Start the worker processes
 # Arguments:
 #     None
 # Result:
 #     None
 proc startWorkers {} {
     global connect
     global bs_system
     global state

     set connect(started) {X} ;# Dummy to make it possible to start workers IDs at 1
     set state(record)    {X}
     set left [lindex $bs_system 0]
     set id   1
     foreach {body right} [lrange $bs_system 1 end] position $state(position) {
         if { $left  == "FREE" } { set left  {} }
         if { $right == "FREE" } { set right {} }
         puts "Server: started worker process $id"
         exec [info nameofexecutable] bs_compute.tcl $id $body $position 0.0 $left $right >worker$id &
         lappend connect(workers) $id
         lappend connect(started) 0
         lappend state(record)    0
         set left $right
         incr id

     # Add a left and right boundary to the position
     set state(position) [concat 0.0 $state(position) 0.0]

 # nextTime --
 #     Instruct the workers to compute the next state
 # Arguments:
 #     None
 # Result:
 #     None
 proc nextTime {} {
     global connect
     global state
     global timestep

     if { $connect(workers) == {} } {
         vwait ::all_started

     set left   0
     set right  2
     foreach w $connect(workers) {
         lset state(record) $w 1
         puts $connect(id,$w) \
             "NEXT $timestep [lindex $state(position) $left] [lindex $state(position) $right]"
         flush $connect(id,$w)
         puts "Sent: NEXT - $w"
         incr left
         incr right

 # newState --
 #     Store the new state information of the worker
 # Arguments:
 #     info       The worker ID and the state
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects
 #     Stores the new state for that body. If
 #     all workers have sent their new state,
 #     the client can be informed
 proc newState {info} {
     global connect
     global state

     foreach {id position velocity} $info {break}

     lset state(position) $id $position
     lset state(record)   $id 0

     puts "State: $state(record)"
     if { [lsearch $state(record) 1] < 0 } {
         puts $connect(id,client) "STATE [lrange $state(position) 1 end-1]"
         flush $connect(id,client)

 # main --
 # Prepare the global variables
 global all_started
 global bs_system
 global timestep
 global connect
 global state
 set connect(workers) {}
 set connect(started) {}

 socket -server [list registerClient] 5678
 vwait ::forever

[ Category Distributed computing ]