Version 3 of A simple slideshow

Updated 2002-04-29 16:04:04

Arjen Markus The script below is an experiment in a more sophisticated use of the text widget than what I usually do. It is also a joke - with two Tcl events this year, 2002, why not use Tcl/Tk for a presentation?

Note that the current version is far from completed. But you will get an idea anyway.

   # present.tcl --
   #    Script to show slides, using a Wiki-like format for entering the text
   # Version information:
   #    version 0.1: initial implementation, april 2002

   # buildSlide --
   #    Build up a new slide
   # Arguments:
   #    contents  List containing the text to be shown
   # Result:
   #    None
   # Side effects:
   #    Text window is filled with the new text
   proc buildSlide { contents } {
      global textwindow

      $textwindow delete 0.0 end

      foreach {tag_text} $contents {
         foreach {tag text} $tag_text {break}
         $textwindow insert end "$text\n" $tag

   # displayNewSlide --
   #    Move to a new slide (depending on the direction: next, previous, ...)
   # Arguments:
   #    dir       Direction to take
   # Result:
   #    None
   # Side effects:
   #    Text window shows the new slide
   proc displayNewSlide { dir } {
      global current_slide
      global number_slides
      global slide_contents

      switch -- $dir {
      "1"     { incr current_slide    }
      "-1"    { incr current_slide -1 }
      "begin" { set  current_slide  0 }
      "end"   { set  current_slide  $number_slides }
      default { return }

      if { $current_slide < 0 } {
         set current_slide 0
      if { $current_slide >= $number_slides } {
         set current_slide [expr {$number_slides-1}]

      buildSlide $slide_contents($current_slide)

   # mainWindow --
   #    Set up the main (text) window and bindings
   # Arguments:
   #    None
   # Result:
   #    None
   # Side effect:
   #    Main window, tags and bindings defined
   proc mainWindow { } {
      global textwindow

      set textwindow ".textwindow"

      text $textwindow -width 70 -height 25
      pack $textwindow -fill both

      font create Title -family Helvetica -size 24 -weight bold
      font create Text  -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal
      font create Code  -family Courier   -size 14 -weight normal

      $textwindow tag configure title -justify center -font Title
      $textwindow tag configure text  -justify left   -font Text
      $textwindow tag configure code  -justify left   -font Code

      bind $textwindow <KeyPress-space> {displayNewSlide 1}
      bind $textwindow <KeyPress-Down>  {displayNewSlide 1}
      bind $textwindow <KeyPress-Up>    {displayNewSlide -1}
      bind $textwindow <KeyPress-Home>  {displayNewSlide begin}
      bind $textwindow <KeyPress-End>   {displayNewSlide end}

   # Main code


   global slide_contents
   global current_slide
   global number_slides
   set slide_contents(0) {
      {title {Aha, my title}}
      {text  {Some text}}
      {text  {Again a line}}
      {code  {Display code}}
   set slide_contents(1) {
      {title {---, my title}}
      {text  {Some text}}
      {text  {Again a line}}
   set slide_contents(2) {
      {title {The end}}
      {text  {}}
      {text  {}}
      {text  {      -- End --}}
   set current_slide 0
   set number_slides 3
   displayNewSlide begin

   # Take the focus - in this order!
   focus $::textwindow
   focus -force .

A script that also exploits the possibilities of the simple Wiki format: htext. See also Canvas presentation graphics

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming