Version 0 of A simple slipchart

Updated 2004-02-05 08:02:45

if { 0 } { Arjen Markus (4 february 2004) I wrote this little script as a preliminary exercise to a small application I have in mind, that being one that addresses an engineering problem (I am, after all, an engineer who has not done much engineering lately, being professionally preoccupied with software development and maintenance :).

Now, this little script produces a very simple graph and generates two timeseries that are to b e shown in that graph. The x-axis will adjust itself over time moving the shown data in the right direction. I think this type of graph is called a slipchart, whence the name.

Much of this little script can be made more general and put into Tklib, IMO.

And of course, it can be made prettier too. }

 # slipchart.tcl --
 #    Facilities to draw a slipchart in a dedicated canvas

 # Slipchart --
 #    Namespace to hold the procedures and the private data
 namespace eval ::Slipchart {
    variable scaling
    variable data_series

    namespace export worldCoordinates viewPort createSlipchart \
 # viewPort --
 #    Set the pixel extremes for the graph
 # Arguments:
 #    w           Name of the canvas window
 #    pxmin       Minimum X-coordinate
 #    pxmax       Maximum X-coordinate
 #    pymin       Minimum Y-coordinate
 #    pymax       Maximum Y-coordinate
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effect:
 #    Array scaling filled
 proc ::Slipchart::viewPort { w pxmin pxmax pymin pymax } {
    variable scaling

    set scaling($w,pxmin)    $pxmin
    set scaling($w,pymin)    $pymin
    set scaling($w,pxmax)    $pxmax
    set scaling($w,pymax)    $pymax
    set scaling($w,new)      1

 # worldCoordinates --
 #    Set the extremes for the world coordinates
 # Arguments:
 #    w           Name of the canvas window
 #    width       Width of the canvas window
 #    height      Height of the canvas window
 #    xmin        Minimum X-coordinate
 #    xmax        Maximum X-coordinate
 #    ymin        Minimum Y-coordinate
 #    ymax        Maximum Y-coordinate
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effect:
 #    Array scaling filled
 proc ::Slipchart::worldCoordinates { w xmin xmax ymin ymax } {
    variable scaling

    set scaling($w,xmin)    $xmin
    set scaling($w,ymin)    $ymin
    set scaling($w,xmax)    $xmax
    set scaling($w,ymax)    $ymax

    set scaling($w,new)     1

 # coordsToPixel --
 #    Convert world coordinates to pixel coordinates
 # Arguments:
 #    w           Name of the canvas
 #    xcrd        X-coordinate
 #    ycrd        Y-coordinate
 # Result:
 #    List of two elements, x- and y-coordinates in pixels
 proc ::Slipchart::coordsToPixel { w xcrd ycrd } {
    variable scaling

    if { $scaling($w,new) == 1 } {
       set scaling($w,new)     0
       set width               [expr {$scaling($w,pxmax)-$scaling($w,pxmin)+1}]
       set height              [expr {$scaling($w,pymax)-$scaling($w,pymin)+1}]

       set dx                  [expr {$scaling($w,xmax)-$scaling($w,xmin)}]
       set dy                  [expr {$scaling($w,ymax)-$scaling($w,ymin)}]
       set scaling($w,xfactor) [expr {$width/$dx}]
       set scaling($w,yfactor) [expr {$height/$dy}]

    set xpix [expr {$scaling($w,pxmin)+($xcrd-$scaling($w,xmin))*$scaling($w,xfactor)}]
    set ypix [expr {$scaling($w,pymin)+($scaling($w,ymax)-$ycrd)*$scaling($w,yfactor)}]
    return [list $xpix $ypix]

 # createSlipchart --
 #    Create a command for drawing a slipchart
 # Arguments:
 #    w           Name of the canvas
 #    xscale      Minimum, maximum and step for x-axis (initial)
 #    yscale      Minimum, maximum and step for y-axis
 # Result:
 #    Name of a new command
 # Note:
 #    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the slipchart.
 #    The slipchart will be drawn with axes
 proc ::Slipchart::createSlipchart { w xscale yscale } {
    variable data_series

    foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
       unset data_series($s)

    set newchart "slipchart_$w"
    interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Slipchart::DrawData $w

    set pxmin 80
    set pymin 20
    set pxmax [expr {[$w cget -width]  - 40}]
    set pymax [expr {[$w cget -height] - 20}]

    foreach {xmin xmax xdelt} $xscale {break}
    foreach {ymin ymax ydelt} $yscale {break}

    viewPort         $w $pxmin $pxmax $pymin $pymax
    worldCoordinates $w $xmin  $xmax  $ymin  $ymax

    DrawYaxis        $w $ymin  $ymax  $ydelt
    DrawXaxis        $w $xmin  $xmax  $xdelt
    DrawMask         $w

    return $newchart

 # DrawYaxis --
 #    Draw the y-axis
 # Arguments:
 #    w           Name of the canvas
 #    ymin        Minimum y coordinate
 #    ymax        Maximum y coordinate
 #    ystep       Step size
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    Axis drawn in canvas
 proc ::Slipchart::DrawYaxis { w ymin ymax ydelt } {
    variable scaling

    $w create line $scaling($w,pxmin) $scaling($w,pymin) \
                   $scaling($w,pxmin) $scaling($w,pymax) \
                   -fill black -tag yaxis

    set y $ymin
    while { $y < $ymax+0.5*$ydelt } {
       foreach {xcrd ycrd} [coordsToPixel $w $scaling($w,xmin) $y] {break}
       $w create text $xcrd $ycrd -text $y -tag yaxis -anchor e
       set y [expr {$y+$ydelt}]

 # DrawXaxis --
 #    Draw the x-axis
 # Arguments:
 #    w           Name of the canvas
 #    xmin        Minimum x coordinate
 #    xmax        Maximum x coordinate
 #    xstep       Step size
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    Axis drawn in canvas
 proc ::Slipchart::DrawXaxis { w xmin xmax xdelt } {
    variable scaling

    $w delete xaxis

    $w create line $scaling($w,pxmin) $scaling($w,pymax) \
                   $scaling($w,pxmax) $scaling($w,pymax) \
                   -fill black -tag xaxis

    set x $xmin
    while { $x < $xmax+0.5*$xdelt } {
       foreach {xcrd ycrd} [coordsToPixel $w $x $scaling($w,ymin)] {break}
       $w create text $xcrd $ycrd -text $x -tag xaxis -anchor n
       set x [expr {$x+$xdelt}]

    set scaling($w,xdelt) $xdelt

 # DrawMask --
 #    Draw the stuff that masks the data lines outside the graph
 # Arguments:
 #    w           Name of the canvas
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    Several polygons drawn in the background colour
 proc ::Slipchart::DrawMask { w } {
    variable scaling

    set width  [$w cget -width]
    set height [expr {[$w cget -height] + 1}]
    set colour [$w cget -background]
    set pxmin  $scaling($w,pxmin)
    set pxmax  $scaling($w,pxmax)
    set pymin  $scaling($w,pymin)
    set pymax  $scaling($w,pymax)
    $w create rectangle 0 0      $pxmin $height -fill $colour -outline $colour -tag mask
    $w create rectangle 0 0      $width $pymin  -fill $colour -outline $colour -tag mask
    $w create rectangle 0 $pymax $width $height -fill $colour -outline $colour -tag mask

    $w lower mask

 # DrawData --
 #    Draw the x-axis
 # Arguments:
 #    w           Name of the canvas
 #    series      Data series
 #    xcrd        Next x coordinate
 #    ycrd        Next y coordinate
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    Axis drawn in canvas
 proc ::Slipchart::DrawData { w series xcrd ycrd } {
    variable data_series
    variable scaling

    if { $xcrd > $scaling($w,xmax) } {
       set xdelt $scaling($w,xdelt)
       set xmin  $scaling($w,xmin)
       set xmax  $scaling($w,xmax)

       set xminorg $xmin
       while { $xmax < $xcrd } {
          set xmin [expr {$xmin+$xdelt}]
          set xmax [expr {$xmax+$xdelt}]
       set ymin  $scaling($w,ymin)
       set ymax  $scaling($w,ymax)

       worldCoordinates $w $xmin $xmax $ymin $ymax
       DrawXaxis $w $xmin $xmax $xdelt

       foreach {pxminorg pyminorg} [coordsToPixel $w $xminorg $ymin] {break}
       foreach {pxmin pymin}       [coordsToPixel $w $xmin    $ymin] {break}
       $w move data [expr {$pxminorg-$pxmin+1}] 0

    # Draw the line piece
    if { [info exists data_series($w,$series,x)] } {
       set xold $data_series($w,$series,x)
       set yold $data_series($w,$series,y)
       foreach {pxold pyold} [coordsToPixel $w $xold $yold] {break}
       foreach {pxcrd pycrd} [coordsToPixel $w $xcrd $ycrd] {break}
       $w create line $pxold $pyold $pxcrd $pycrd \
                      -fill black -tag data
       $w lower data

    set data_series($w,$series,x) $xcrd
    set data_series($w,$series,y) $ycrd

 # Main code
 canvas .c -background white -width 400 -height 200
 pack   .c -fill both

 set s [::Slipchart::createSlipchart .c {0.0 100.0 10.0} {0.0 100.0 20.0}]

 proc gendata {slipchart xold xd yold yd} {
    set xnew [expr {$xold+$xd}]
    set ynew [expr {$yold+(rand()-0.5)*$yd}]
    set ynew2 [expr {$yold+(rand()-0.5)*2.0*$yd}]
    $slipchart series1 $xnew $ynew
    $slipchart series2 $xnew $ynew2

    after 500 [list gendata $slipchart $xnew $xd $ynew $yd]

 after 100 [list gendata $s 0.0 15.0 50.0 30.0]

[ Category Graphics ]