Version 5 of ASED

Updated 2003-04-26 03:28:54

What: ASED

 Description: Tcl/Tk 8.x , BWidget IDE allowing editing of multiple Tcl files,
        providing syntax highlighting, indentation support, search/replace,
        unlimited undo/redo, simple console, fast source code navigation and
        Tcl testing.  Includes a client/server example, to allow you to run
        ased, or other clients, remotely.
        Currently at v2.0.8.
 Updated: 01/2000
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]  (Andreas Sievers)

 What: EDITT(ASED french version)
 Description: Tcl/Tk 8.x , Based on ASED with lot of improvment. Freewraped 
        and Starkit versions are available. For french speaking tclers only.
        Currently at v1.0.3
 Updated: 04/2003
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]  (David Zolli aka Kroc)

escargo 25 Apr 2003 - If there are a lot of improvements to ASED, is there some reason they have not been provided back to the ASED developers for inclusing in a newer version of ASED?

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