Version 7 of ASED

Updated 2003-04-26 08:54:36

What: ASED

 Description: Tcl/Tk 8.x , BWidget IDE allowing editing of multiple Tcl files,
        providing syntax highlighting, indentation support, search/replace,
        unlimited undo/redo, simple console, fast source code navigation and
        Tcl testing.  Includes a client/server example, to allow you to run
        ased, or other clients, remotely.
        Currently at v2.0.8.
 Updated: 01/2000
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]  (Andreas Sievers)

 What: EDITT(ASED french version)
 Description: Tcl/Tk 8.x , Based on ASED with lot of improvements. Freewraped 
        and Starkit versions are available. For french speaking tclers only.
        Currently at v1.0.3
 Updated: 04/2003
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]  (David Zolli aka Kroc)

escargo 25 Apr 2003 - If there are a lot of improvements to ASED in EDITT, is there some reason they have not been provided back to the ASED developers for inclusing in a newer version of ASED?

kroc 25 Apr 2003 - The first reason is that Andreas doesn't include them in Ased. The second is that I remove some ASED features and I add others , so it's really a choice to works with ASED or EDITT now. The third reason is that some improvements are for french only. For example, calling french Tcl help by pressing the F1 key. Last reason, but not least, I'm not fluent enought in english to translate it back now ;^).

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