Version 12 of AppleScript

Updated 2008-07-24 03:48:39 by peterc

[Looking for pointers to Applescript home page, tutorials, etc.] [Discuss the relationship between Applescript and Tcl - aka TclAppleScript and especially TclAE ]

CL likes "The AppleScript Sourcebook" [L1 ], the AppleScript FAQs of Fred Terry [L2 ] and macscripter [L3 ], and "Cocoa and AppleScript: from Top to Bottom" [L4 ] [explain AppleEvents?] [find ref to "AppleScript for Absolute Beginners"].

Think of AppleScript in two aspects:

  • a language,
  • which happens to hook into MacOS profoundly.

As it turns out, these two are largely decoupled. In fact, the content of the latter really is about OSA--which the latest Mac-specific versions of Tcl ...

peterc: If dead trees are your thing, ORA's "AppleScript: The Definitive Guide" [L5 ], by Matt Neuburg, is very good.

See also Applescript and legacy applications.

Category Language