Version 2 of Calculating the Date of Easter

Updated 2003-05-16 12:21:23

A little calculator to get the date of Easter in various years using an algorithm from the Astronomy FAQ. MNO

 # next line restarts with tclsh \
         exec tclsh $0 ${1+"$@"}
 # Author: Mark Oakden
 # Version: 1.0
 # calculate Easter Sunday using the algorithm given at 
 # assumes Gregorian calendar
 proc easterdate { year } {
     # G is "golden number"
     set G [expr $year % 19 + 1]
     # H is intermediate in calculating C
     set H [expr int($year / 100)]
     # C is "century term"
     set C [expr -$H + int($H/4) + int(8*($H+11)/25)]
     # first we need the paschal full moon.
     # the following is in days before april 19 with a couple of exceptions
     set rawdays [expr (11*$G+$C) % 30]
     # exceptions if rawdays = 0 use days=1
     # if rawdays = 1 and G >= 12 use days=2
     # else use days=rawdays
     if { $rawdays == 0 } {
         set days 1
     } elseif { $rawdays == 1 && $G >= 12} {
         set days 2
     } else {
         set days $rawdays
     # now find the day that this falls on:-
     set apr19 [clock scan "19 April $year 12:00"]
     # %w is week day number Sun=0 
     set pfmweekdaynum [clock format [expr $apr19 - $days*24*60*60] \
             -format "%w"]
     # Easter sunday is the next Sunday _strictly_ after PFM, so
     # if pfmweekday is sunday, we want 7 days after pfm
     # if pfmweekday is monday, we want 6 days after pfm etc.
     # i.e. we want to take (7-pfmweekdaynum) days after pfm
     set easterdate [expr $apr19 - ($days - 7 + $pfmweekdaynum)*24*60*60]

     return $easterdate

 for { set i 1995 } { $i <= 2015 } { incr i } {
     puts "Easter Sunday in $i will be on [clock format [easterdate $i] -format {%b %d}]"

PT writes: In a strange twist of fate - the very day this was posted a collegue wished to know this date for 2004. Tcl wins the day!