Version 5 of Convert pre-ANSI C files to ANSI C files

Updated 2002-12-30 10:46:02

ramsan This code tries to convert an old pre-ANSI C file to an ANSI C file. It will try to change things like:

 ParseGLFunc (interp, argc, argv, nArg)
     Tcl_Interp *interp;
     int argc;
     char *argv [];
     int *nArg;

to something like:

 int ParseGLFunc( Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc,char *argv[], int *nArg)

Of course, without guarantees. Please, do correct it if you can improve.

Be aware that to convert from a pre-ANSI to an ANS C interface directly like this means that people with the older compilers will no longer be able to compile the code. That support issue may be intentional - but impact on customers or users should be considered.

Your example is incorrect, it shows the difference between the old (pre 8.x) string based tcl command interface and the new Tcl_Obj based (8.x) style commands. If i remember correct it's the 8.4 version with CONST. This has nothing to do with ANSI C and not ANSI C. Didn't look at your code below, to see if it does something else... Michael Schlenker

ramsan OK, I have corrected the example.

 set filein {C:\path\to\file.c.old}
 set fileout {C:\path\to\file.c}

 set fin [open $filein r]
 set contents [read $fin]
 close $fin

 set funcname {\s*(\w+)\s*}
 set varname {\s*(\w+)\s*}
 set typename {\s*\w+[\s*&]*}

 for { set i 1 } { $i < 10 } { incr i } {
     set rex "$funcname\\("
     for { set j 1 } { $j <= $i } { incr j } {
         if { $j > 1 } { append rex "," }
         append rex $varname
     append rex "\\)"
     for { set j 1 } { $j <= $i } { incr j } {
         append rex "($typename\\[expr {$j+1}]\[]\[\\s]*)\\s*;"
     while 1 {
         set idxs [regexp -inline -indices $rex $contents]
         if { $idxs == "" } { break }
         set contents_new [string range $contents 0 [expr [lindex [lindex $idxs 0] 0]-1]]
         append contents_new " [eval string range [list $contents] [lindex $idxs 1]]("
         for { set j 1 } { $j <= $i } { incr j } {
             set ipos [expr {$j+$i+1}]
             regsub -all {\s+} [eval string range [list $contents] [lindex $idxs $ipos]] { } arg
             if { $j > 1 } { append  contents_new "," }
             append contents_new $arg
         append contents_new ")[string range $contents [expr [lindex [lindex $idxs 0] 1]+1] end]"
         set contents $contents_new
 set fout [open $fileout w]
 puts $fout $contents
 close $fout

Category Porting