Version 5 of DES in Tcl

Updated 2003-01-20 08:44:25

to see a pure-Tcl implementation of a DES (just 56-bit encryption) go [L1 ].

This can/should go into the tcllib.

to encrypt do:

  package require des
  DES::GetKey -encrypt <password> encryptKeysArray
  # or DES::GetKey -encryptVNC <password> encryptKeysArray
  set encryptedBlock [DES::DoBlock <PlainText8ByteBlock> encryptKeysArray]

to decrypt do:

  package require des
  DES::GetKey -decrypt <password> decryptKeysArray 
  set plainText [DES::DoBlock <Encrypted8ByteBlock> decryptKeysArray]

I did a pure-tcl implementation of Eric Young's fast version some years ago. The recent developement of TkVNC (pure-Tcl as well) and the missing authentication, leads me to release the code. Unfortunately, I recognize that the VNC implementation generates the key vector out of the key/password slightly different. So I reimplemented another, more readable version, whichs allows standard and VNC mode easily to be switched. I still have the old version around.

Jochen Loewer

PT writes: This would be a fine addition to tcllib although to add this we need a file of tests to ensure that it is working correctly. I gave this a try and for Tcl 8.4.1 on Win98 I unfortunately get

   DES::GetKey -encrypt sekret K
   set e [DES::DesBlock "01234567" K]
   integer value too large to represent

The error comes from the binary format I* ...

Jochen Loewer: your example works for me in Tcl8.0 and Tcl8.3. Do you have a 64bit Tcl8.4? Need to read the 8.4 man pages for 'binary'.

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