by Theo Verelst

This page is about a 'little chore' I did in the progress of making bwise canvasses save not just drawable elements, but also widgets, which can be part of bwise blocks like entries, the oscilloscope, shells, etc.

Much earlier I liked to save the UI of a Tk application by foreach-ing all widgets with a recursive list routine, for instance ilist, and then be able to read a prototyped UI back in the next session by sourcing the result with all options from a file. At some point, it become unclear to me how the options actually held together, because that technique generated errors with later tcl versions, which was a pity.

Now, I though I'd first have a look at the options and the non-writable ones, before starting a save-upgrade, and it seemed natural to spend a few script lines to use (at least 6/7 years old) database access routines, which are in core an list based, and simple enough to use with default settings.