Version 14 of Eagle

Updated 2009-02-07 13:55:39 by mistachkin

Eagle, Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine, is an implementation of the Tcl scripting language for the Common Language Runtime (CLR). It is designed to be a universal scripting solution for any CLR-based language.

The web site is here [L1 ].

Eagle was the subject of a paper at the Fifteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2008).

Preliminary support for running on Mono 2.0+ has been added.

The latest build adds support for TIP 335 [L2 ] and TIP 336 [L3 ].

This article is basically a stub for now, more information will be forthcoming.

I would really appreciate help in testing the latest build on different platforms (e.g. Windows 2000 (totally untested), Windows XP, Vista, 7 Beta, 64-bit, Mono on Linux/Unix/Mac OS X, etc). To make testing as streamlined as possible, I have added an interactive command "#test" that runs the entire test suite. -- JJM

escargo 18 Sep 2008 - The SourceForge web site that is linked to by the official web site seems to date from the year 2000. -- JJM wrong link removed.

2008/09/18 JJM - The project registration is still pending approval over at SourceForge. The one that you are seeing has been abandoned and has nothing to do with this project.

2008/10/11 JJM - The project will soon be hosted on CodePlex at [L4 ] for the time being. Meanwhile, preview source and binary releases are available on the project web site. Thanks to Pat Thoyts and Jeffrey Hobbs for helping me a great deal during the release process.

RS 2008-10-06: As Eagle is a Tcl reimplementation (somehow comparable to Jacl or tcl.js?), do you test it with the Tcl test suite?

2008/10/06 JJM - Currently, it supports old-style tests and quite a few tests can run unmodified in Eagle; a more extensive test suite is a work in progress.