Version 15 of File selection dialog for Tile

Updated 2007-08-26 14:26:04 by sbron

TR - This is a file selection dialog for Tile as a replacement for tk_getOpenFile, tk_getSaveFile, tk_chooseDirectory and even more! It was coded by Schelte Bron.


 ttk::getAppendFile <- explain this one

sbron I added the getAppendFile version of the dialog because I needed a dialog that allows the user to select a log file. It is perfectly fine if the selected file did or did not exist. The other dialogs would either give a confusing warning for an existing file or not allow non-existing files at all.

Example (using xfce4 on Linux)

 package require tile
 source fsdialog.tcl
 tile::setTheme clam

Get the file here and just source it into your own script:

TLu: 2006-12-30 In line 1594 should be '-mustexist' instead '-mustexists', because ttk::chooseDirectory has parameter '-mustexist'

MSH: 08/06/2006 Hi, This is a great widget I have included it into one of my programs and have a few comments: The standard dialogs have a '-multiple' option which I use to select multiple files for opening I have looked at the code but do not have the time to understand it to add this function do you have the intention of adding this ? Pressing ESCAPE on the standard dialogs will cancel the dialog. I downloaded the file at home for another project and discovered that the code had changed, is it possible to add a few comments to the code or even better a quick message here to signal any changes, so that any users can recover the latest. Thanks again I was preparing to develop something (almost certainly not as pretty) for my linux versions as the default dialogs don't look good on a tiled interface.

TR - There is a bug in the widget. When you resize it, you can no longer select a file. I will try to fix this if I get the time to dig into the code ... MSH - Another bug is in the tk_chooseDirectory replacement which works great under linux but not under windows (at least 2000). sbron - That's not a bug. It simply wasn't designed for windows. No compromises were made to support operating systems that don't have the proper capabilities needed for a timely display of the directory structure.

MG I admit I've not actually looked at these yet, but I wonder: is it worth using them on Windows? Since the aim of Tile is to provide a native look, and "real" native dialogs are already used on Windows, it seems a little strange to code up another version made to look exactly like the one we already use...

SEH 20060625 -- having good widgets like this is important and useful for every platform, because they can see files in Tcl virtual filesystems, while the native dialogs can't. For those working with vfs's, they're crucial.

MG Working with Tcl's vfs's is something I'd not thought of, and is a good point. Thanks :)

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