Version 8 of Generating a color image

Updated 2003-11-21 23:01:20

ulis, 2003-09-12. How to create, compute, fill, save, read, set transparency, display a color image.

DKF: Note that these sorts of techniques are used in Functional Imaging

  # size
  set size 128
  package require Tk
  # create image
  image create photo img -width $size -height $size
  # put colors
  if 1 \
    # compute colors
    set pixels {}
    set k [expr {128.0 / $size}]
    for {set i 0} {$i < $size} {incr i} \
      set row {}
      for {set j 0} {$j < $size} {incr j} \
        set R [expr {int($i * 2 * $k)}]
        set G [expr {int(($i + $j) * $k)}]
        set B [expr {int($j * 2 * $k)}]
        lappend row [format #%02x%02x%02x $R $G $B]
      lappend pixels $row
    img put $pixels
    # save image
    img write test.ppm -format ppm
  } \
  else \
    # read image
    img read test.ppm
  # set transparency
  set s2 [expr {$size / 2}]
  for {set i 0} {$i < $s2} {incr i} \
    set i2 [expr {$s2 - $i}]
    for {set j 0} {$j < $size} {incr j} \
      if {$j > $i2 && $j < $size - $i2} { img transparency set $j $i 1 }
  for {} {$i < $size} {incr i} \
    set i2 [expr {$i - $s2}]
    for {set j 0} {$j < $size} {incr j} \
      if {$j > $i2 && $j < $size - $i2} { img transparency set $j $i 1 }
  # display image
  wm title . color
  incr size 8
  canvas .c -width $size -height $size -bg azure
  .c create image 6 6 -anchor nw -image img
  pack .c

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