Version 12 of Menus Even Easier Redux

Updated 2002-11-29 19:01:34

RBR - Inspired by Menus Even Easier, I decided to modify the code a bit to put it in its own namespace to avoid stepping on some common names, e.g., push. Here is the new code, the example in Menus Even Easier should still work with this, provided you do a namespace import ::mm::* (see namespace [L1 ]) which will import only the mm command itself.

This adds the ability to specify arbitrary options to the underlying widgets, e.g., -underline and -accelerator. An example follows the code for tkMenuMgr.

This version fixes a problem with checkbuttons that have multi-word labels and adds the ability to specify -value so that checkbutton values are independent of their labels. I also made the help menu recognized as a special menu, unix-style. This is arguably the wrong thing to do since it is not behaving in the appropriate platform special mode.

 # Copyright (c) 2002, Larry Smith
 # Copyright (c) 2002, Roland B. Roberts <[email protected]>
 # RCS Revision
 #   @(#) $Id: 4710,v 1.13 2002-11-30 09:00:27 jcw Exp $
 #   $Source: /home/kennykb/Tcl/wiki/cvsroot/twhist/4710,v $
 #   o Can't use -when with the top-most menu buttons.  This is not a
 #     big deal except when trying to imitate some stylistically challenged
 #     Windows applications.
 #   o Make -accelerator recognized and automatically generate the
 #     keystroke bindings required to invoke the command.

 package provide tkMenuMgr [lindex [regexp -inline {,v ([0-9.]+) } {@(#) $Id: 4710,v 1.13 2002-11-30 09:00:27 jcw Exp $}] 1]

 namespace eval mm {
     # Create an entire menu hierachy from a description.  It can
     # control all functions in the hierachy, enabling them and
     # disabling them as your program changes state.  Keeps torn-off
     # menus in sync with home menu.

     namespace export mm

     variable stack ""
     variable funclist ""
     variable menulist ""
     variable indxlist ""
     variable toplist ""
     variable nextwidget 0
     variable torn


 namespace eval ::mm::stack {

 #                                                               #
 #  __ _             _                           _       _       #
 # / _\ |_ __ _  ___| | _____    /\/\   ___   __| |_   _| | ___  #
 # \ \| __/ _` |/ __| |/ / __|  /    \ / _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ \ #
 # _\ \ || (_| | (__|   <\__ \ / /\/\ \ (_) | (_| | |_| | |  __/ #
 # \__/\__\__,_|\___|_|\_\___/ \/    \/\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___| #
 #                                                               #

 proc ::mm::stack::height { stack } {
     upvar $stack s
     return [ llength $s ]

 proc ::mm::stack::push { stack str } {
     upvar $stack s
     lappend s $str

 proc ::mm::stack::pull { stack } {
     upvar $stack s

     if { $s == "" } return ""
     set result [ lindex $s end ]
     set s [ lreplace $s end end ]
     return $result

 proc ::mm::stack::peek { stack } {
     upvar $stack s
     if { $s == "" } return ""
     return [ lindex $s end ]

 # returns the entire stack as a pathname using the
 # given separator.  The last argument can be "prefix",
 # "suffix" or both, and indicates whether the separator
 # will precede the pathname, follow the pathname, or
 # both, resulting in .a.b.c, a.b.c. or .a.b.c.

 proc ::mm::stack::pathname { stack { separator "." } { how prefix } } {
     upvar $stack s
     set result ""
     if { "$how" != "suffix" } {
         foreach n $s {
             append result $separator $n
     } else {
         foreach n $s {
             append result $n $separator
     if { "$how" == "both" } {
         append result $separator
     return $result

 proc ::mm::stack::pushpath { stack pathname { separator "." } } {
     upvar $stack s
     set s [ split $pathname $separator ]
     if { [ lindex $s 0 ] == "" } { set s [ lreplace $s 0 0 ] }

 #                                                               #
 #                                             _       _         #
 #   /\/\   ___ _ __  _   _    /\/\   ___   __| |_   _| | ___    #
 #  /    \ / _ \ '_ \| | | |  /    \ / _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ \   #
 # / /\/\ \  __/ | | | |_| | / /\/\ \ (_) | (_| | |_| | |  __/   #
 # \/    \/\___|_| |_|\__,_| \/    \/\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___|   #
 #                                                               #

 # returns a string for the next widget name
 proc ::mm::GetName { } {
     variable nextwidget

     set result w$nextwidget
     incr nextwidget
     return $result

 # Scans for -foo "str" pairs and converts them into variable/value
 # pairs in the surrounding scope - i.e.  -foo "str" becomes "foo" with
 # a value of "str" in the calling routine.
 # Returns a list of switches which are NOT "when", "cmd", "label", "init", or "var".
 proc ::mm::DoSwitches { args } {
     upvar $args arglist

     set rest {}
     set max [ llength $arglist ]
     if { $max == 1 } {
         # braced set of args
         eval set arglist $arglist
         set max [ llength $arglist ]
     for { set i 0 } { $i <= $max } { } {
         set s [ lindex $arglist $i ]
         if { [ string index $s 0 ] == "-" } {
             set var [ string range $s 1 end ]
             incr i
             if { $i < $max } {
                 set val [ lindex $arglist $i ]
                 if { [ string index $val 0 ] != "-" } {
                     uplevel 1 set $var \{$val\}
                     switch -exact $var {
                         when -
                         cmd -
                         label -
                         init -
                         var {}
                         default {
                             lappend rest $s $val
             uplevel 1 set $var 1
         incr i
     return $rest

 proc ::mm::SplitSwitchesAndCommands { args } {

     set switches {}
     set rest {}
     set max [ llength $args ]
     if { $max == 1 } {
         # braced set of args
         eval set args $args
         set max [ llength $args ]
     for { set i 0 } { $i <= $max } { } {
         set s [ lindex $args $i ]
         if { [ string index $s 0 ] == "-" } {
             incr i
             if { $i < $max } {
                 set val [ lindex $args $i ]
                 if { [ string index $val 0 ] != "-" } {
                     lappend switches $s $val
         } elseif { [ string length $s ] > 0 } {
             lappend rest $s
         incr i
     return [list $switches [lindex $rest 0]]

 # Removes and returns the 1st element of a list
 proc ::mm::First { args } {
     upvar $args arglist

     set rtn [ lindex $arglist 0 ]
     set arglist [ lreplace $arglist 0 0 ]
     return $rtn

 # called when a menu is torn off, saves the name
 # of the torn-off menu so entries on it are con-
 # trolled like regular menu entries.
 proc ::mm::TearOffControl { parent newwidget } {
     variable torn

     if { [ info exists torn($parent) ] == 0 } {
         set torn($parent) ""
     ::mm::stack::push torn($parent) $newwidget

 # returns list of menus torn off of this main one.
 proc ::mm::GetTearOffs { parent } {
     variable torn

     if { [ info exists torn($parent) ] == 1 } {
         return $torn($parent)
     } else {
         return ""

 # removes a torn-off menu that no longer exists.
 proc ::mm::DeleteTearOffs { parent w } {
     variable torn

     set i [ lsearch -exact $torn($parent) $w ]
     set torn($parent) [lreplace torn($parent) $i $i]

 proc ::mm::SetState { active widget index } {
     if { $active } {
         $widget entryconfigure $index -state normal
     } else {
         $widget entryconfigure $index -state disabled

 proc ::mm::SaveControl { widget when index } {
     variable menulist
     variable funclist
     variable indxlist

     ::mm::stack::push menulist $widget
     ::mm::stack::push funclist $when
     ::mm::stack::push indxlist $index

 # the menu mgr proper
 proc ::mm::mm { keyword args } {
     variable stack
     variable menulist
     variable funclist
     variable indxlist

     if { "$keyword" == "menubar" } {

         # FIXME: This is wrong if -parent was specified.  However, it
         # will always be the case that .w0 is the _relative_ path from
         # widget specified in -parent.

         return ".w0"

     } elseif { "$keyword" == "menu" } {
         # mm menu - defines a new menu

         set label [ First args ]

         foreach {switches body} [ ::mm::SplitSwitchesAndCommands $args ] {}

         if {[set idx [lsearch $switches {-parent}]] >= 0} {
             set parent [lindex $switches [expr {1+$idx}]]
             if {[string compare [winfo class $parent] Toplevel] != 0} {
                 error "***FATAL: -parent $parent specifies a non-Toplevel widget"
             variable nextwidget
             set nextwidget 0
             set name [string range "[lindex $switches [expr {1+$idx}]].[GetName]" 1 end]
             if {$idx > 0} {
                 set pfx [lrange $switches 0 [expr {$idx-1}]]
             } else {
                 set pfx {}
             if {$idx < [expr {[llength $switches]-1}]} {
                 set sfx [lrange $switches [expr {$idx+2}] end]
             } else {
                 set sfx {}
             set switches [eval {lappend $pfx} $sfx]
         } elseif {[string compare -nocase $label help] == 0} {
             set name help
         } else {
             set name [ GetName ]

         # check to see if menu is on menubar or is cascade
         # from pulldown and create owner accordingly
         set pathname [::mm::stack::pathname stack]
         if { [ ::mm::stack::height stack ] == 0 } {
             ::mm::stack::push stack $name
             frame [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] -relief raised -borderwidth 3 -height 30 -width 300
             pack  [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] -side left -fill x -side top
         } else {
             if { [ ::mm::stack::height stack ] == 1 } {
                 ::mm::stack::push stack $name
                 eval {menubutton [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] -menu [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ].menu -text $label} $switches
                 if {[string compare $name help] == 0} {
                     pack [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] -side right -fill x
                 } else {
                     pack [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] -side left -fill x
                 ::mm::stack::push stack menu
                 menu [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] -tearoffcommand [ namespace code TearOffControl ]
             } else {
                 menu [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ].$name -tearoffcommand [namespace code TearOffControl ]
                 eval {[ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] add cascade -label $label -menu [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ].$name} $switches
                 ::mm::stack::push stack $name

         eval $body
         ::mm::stack::pull stack
         if { [ ::mm::stack::height stack ] == 2 } {
             ::mm::stack::pull stack
         if { [ ::mm::stack::height stack ] == 0 } { mm update }

     } elseif { "$keyword" == "func" } {
         # mm func - defines a function a menu can refer to

         if { [ ::mm::stack::height stack ] < 3 } {
             error "***FATAL: func must occur within menu"
         set when ""
         set cmd ""
         set rest [DoSwitches args]
         eval {[ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] add command -label $label -command $cmd} $rest
         SaveControl [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] $when [ [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] index end ]

     } elseif { "$keyword" == "toggle" } {
         # mm toggle - insert a settable boolean in menu

         set when ""
         set var ""
         set cmd ""
         set init 0
         set rest [DoSwitches args]
         eval {[ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] add checkbutton -label $label -variable \
                   $var -command $cmd -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -selectcolor black} $rest
         uplevel \#0 set $var $init
         SaveControl [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] $when [ [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] index end ]

     } elseif { "$keyword" == "check" } {
         # mm check - insert a radio selector in menu

         set when ""
         set var ""
         set cmd ""
         set init 0
         set rest [DoSwitches args]
         eval {[ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] add radiobutton -label $label -variable \
                   $var -command $cmd -value $label -selectcolor black} $rest
         if { $init } {
             if {[set idx [lsearch $rest -value]] >= 0} {
                 uplevel \#0 set $var [lindex $rest [expr {$idx+1}]]
             } else {
                 uplevel \#0 set $var \{$label\}
         SaveControl [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] $when [ [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] index end ]

     } elseif { "$keyword" == "separator" } {
         # mm separator - inserts a horizontal rule in menu

         [ ::mm::stack::pathname stack ] add separator

     } elseif { "$keyword" == "control" } {
         # mm control - puts a non-menu widget under mm state control

         set widget [ First args ]
         set when ""
         set cmd ""
         DoSwitches args
         SaveControl $widget $when ""
         mm update

     } elseif { "$keyword" == "update" }        {
         # mm update - updates all controlled widgets according to
         # state control expressions current values.

         set max [ ::mm::stack::height funclist ]
         for { set i 0 } { $i < $max } { incr i } {
             set this_menu [ lindex $menulist $i ]
             set ctrl [ lindex $funclist $i ]
             set index [ lindex $indxlist $i ]
             set active 1
             if { "$ctrl" != "" } {
                 set active [ uplevel \#0 expr $ctrl ]
             if { "$index" == "" } {
                 if { $active } {
                     $this_menu configure -state normal
                 } else {
                     $this_menu configure -state disabled
             } else {
                 foreach widget $this_menu {
                     SetState $active $widget $index
                     set torn [ GetTearOffs $widget ]
                     if { "$torn" != "" } {
                         foreach w $torn {
                             set result [ catch { SetState $active $w [ expr $index - 1 ] } ]
                             if { $result != 0 } {
                                 DeleteTearOffs $widget $w

DKF - Making accelerators work automatically is non-trivial; getting the mapping between characters and keys is very tricky indeed! However, I've found that it is easier if you go from the binding to the accelerator string, and not the other way round. You can then even do tricks like making the bindings be to virtual events (like <<Paste>>) and then pick up the correct platform defaults that Tk picks out for you. Which is a very neat trick indeed!