Version 10 of Microsoft Windows

Updated 2005-09-21 11:57:53

a.k.a Windows, the most widespread family of end-user operating systems on the planet, produced by Microsoft Corporation.

(There may be other operating systems in widespread use in embedded devices where they are not visible to the end users.)

This is more of a general platform than a single operating system - the differences between Windows 3.x and Windows XP are dramatic.

This Wiki has a fair amount of information on the subject of Microsoft Windows and Tcl and Microsoft Windows and Tk.

Interfacing to Windows/CE, recently renamed PocketPC, is something of a special case - but great fun! RS

See Word reaper for a way to extract the plain text from a word document via DDE.

"Despite being closed source, holes are discovered constantly. " [L1 ]

RS 2005-09-21 UNC name from drive letter: This windows-specific function parses the output of net use and returns the remote name as a forward-slashed UNC path, or "" if something went wrong:

 proc net_use drive {
   if ![catch {exec net use $drive} res] {
      foreach line [split $res \n] {
         if {[set pos [string first \\ $line]]>0} {
             return [file norm [string range $line $pos end]]
 % net_use h:

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