Version 21 of Moon Lander

Updated 2009-04-06 00:14:24 by ZB

nedbrek - This page will document the development of a simple game, similar to the old games "Moon Lander" and "Hey! Taxi!". ZB03.10.2008. It was "Space Taxi"

The code will be presented piecemeal, in the history. (Please comment in the history based on what type of changes added - "added $feature", "fixed bug", "added comments")

It can also be used to demonstrate simple physics (gravity/acceleration, velocity, and position).

It's amazing how much more fun it is when you add left and right thrust! That's 22 (base, no comments, no blanks) to 35 lines of code (with X thrust)!

HE 2008-10-03: Added the following:

  • Bugfix second line: set ::gravY 0 => set ::gravX 0
  • grouped some initialisation inside a proc
  • New start with key n
  • detect hard crash (>=5) or soft land (<5)
  • refreshtime set in global variable ::afterTime and default to 500

ZB Introduced "else"... prevents event-looping after the game has been ended already

HE 2008-10-12: With ZB's change the game cannot started again with key n. I moved

 # start the game event loop 

at the end of the code in the proc new. Now the game can started again with key n.

ZB 2008-10-19 Isn't it nicer with "real lander"? ;)

HE 2008-10-20 The lander lands outside the canvas (ZB It was because the moon dust is very soft, so the lander partially digged in itself while landing ;). Added a groundline.

ZB 2009-04-05

  • major change: separated event loops. First one especially for "sprite" movement, the second one exclusively as "main game loop" (reading controls, gravity, etc.). Such way we've got smooth movement of our "lander"
  • added sprite for "wreck" (not especially fancy, but looks out like debris, anyway)
  • added "reverse thrust" (down)
  • added restart with space bar (more comfortable restart with left thumb, if you've got both hands on the keyboard)
  • added "quit game " with Escape
  • some additional sanitization of the code

JAG 2009-04-05 The code below is currently broken. Look for "groundline" in the code and notice that the canvas line command is incomplete. ZB - thanks, fixed.

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh


 package require Tk  
# tk_setPalette black
 # canvas item id for our lander/taxi rectangle
 set ::taxiID 0

 # refreshtime
 set ::afterTime 300

 proc new {} {
   if { [info exists ::mlID] } { after cancel $::mlID }
   if { [info exists ::elID] } { after cancel $::elID }
   # message delete
   if { [info exists ::msgID] } {
     .c delete $::msgID
     unset ::msgID
   # Create lander
   if { [info exists ::taxiID] } {
     .c delete $::taxiID
   set ::taxiID [.c create image 10 10 -image $::sprite1 -tags taxi]

   # Make it flying
   set ::flying yes

   # gravity in the X/Y directions (constant)
   set ::gravX 0
   set ::gravY 1

   # current lander velocity in the X/Y directions
   set ::velX 1
   set ::velY 1

   .c coords  taxi 10 10 ;# 20 20

   # start the game event loops
   movementLoop ".c" "taxi"

 # Separate event loop especially for smooth "lander" movement
 proc movementLoop { canv vehicle } {
 global afterTime flying velX velY mlID
   # Speed=1 -> 1px/100ms, 2 -> 2px/100ms (=1px/50ms) etc.

   set baseInterval 100
   # $interval not shorter than 10ms!
   if { abs($velY) >= abs($velX) } { 
     set interval [expr {abs($baseInterval / $velY)}]
     set xStep [expr {$velX * 1.0 / abs($velY)}]
     set yStep [expr {($velY >= 0) ? 1 : -1}]   
   } else {
     set interval [expr {abs($baseInterval / $velX)}]
     set yStep [expr {$velY * 1.0 / abs($velX)}]
     set xStep [expr {($velX >= 0) ? 1 : -1}]   

   if { $interval < 10 } {
     set coeff [expr {10 / $interval}]
     set yStep [expr {round($yStep * $coeff)}]
     set xStep [expr {round($xStep * $coeff)}]
     set interval 10
   # reached ground? (All ev. further collision-tests should be here)
   set coords [$canv coords $vehicle] ; # find the x1 y1 x2 y2 coords for the t
   if {[lindex $coords 1] >= [expr {[$canv cget -height] - 18}]} {
     set flying no

   if { $flying } {
     $canv move $vehicle $xStep $yStep
     update idletasks
     set mlID [after $interval movementLoop $canv $vehicle]
   } else {
 # Main Game Loop (has been named eventLoop before)
 proc mgl {} {
   # check for the taxi being destroyed
   if {$::taxiID == 0} { return }

   set coords [.c coords taxi] ; # find the x1 y1 x2 y2 coords for the taxi

   # reached ground?
   if { ! $::flying } {
      if {($::velY >= 5) || ($::velX >= 5)} {
        # hard crash
        set ::msgID [.c create text 200 100 -text crashed -fill red]
        # Show wreck
        .c delete $::taxiID
        set ::taxiID [.c create image [lindex $coords 0] [lindex $coords 1] -image $::sprite2 -tags taxi]
      } elseif {$::velY < 5 && $::velX < 5} {
        # soft land
        set ::msgID [.c create text 200 100 -text landed  -fill green]
   } else {
     incr ::velX $::gravX
     incr ::velY $::gravY
     set ::elID [after $::afterTime mgl]
 # callback for thruster
 proc thrustUp {} { incr ::velY -5 ; if { $::velY == 0 } { set ::velY 1 } }
 proc thrustDn {} { incr ::velY 5  ; if { $::velY == 0 } { set ::velY 1 } }
 proc thrustLt {} { incr ::velX -5 ; if { $::velX == 0 } { set ::velX 1 } }
 proc thrustRt {} { incr ::velX 5  ; if { $::velX == 0 } { set ::velX 1 } }
 # No speed = 0! Would be to easy, and protection against "div by 0 error"

 ### GUI
 # main frame
 pack [frame .fVel] -side top

 # current Y velocity 
 pack [label .fVel.lLX -text "X Velocity:"] -side left
 pack [label .fVel.lVX -textvariable velX] -side left 
 pack [label .fVel.lVY -textvariable velY] -side right
 pack [label .fVel.lLY -text "Y Velocity:"] -side right

 # main playing area 
 pack [canvas .c] -side top

 # create our "lander" (sprite1) - and "wreck" (sprite2)
 set ::sprite1 [image create photo -data {
 set ::sprite2 [image create photo -data {

 # [HE] The groundline
 .c create line 0 [expr {[.c cget -height] - 10}] [.c cget -width] [expr {[.c cget -height] - 10}]
 # allow the player to thrust
 bind . <Up>    thrustUp
 bind . <Down>  thrustDn
 bind . <Left>  thrustLt
 bind . <Right> thrustRt
 bind . <Key-n> new 
 bind . <Key-space> new
 bind . <Escape> exit  
