Version 79 of Notebook App

Updated 2002-10-15 21:56:05

Notebook is one of several Personal Wikis currently under development. It allows a single user to easily create, edit, browse, search, and link together a collection of pages on their own personal machine. You can extend Notebook from within the application itself in the Tcl language. Version 0.9 is now (8/22/2002) available from . Version 0.91 is in development. -- WHD

Notebook Mailing List

There is now a Notebook discussion list; see the instructions at to join it.

Changes in V0.9

For a complete list, see "Changes in V0.9" from Notebook's Help menu. Highlights:

  • Better document handling: File/Open, and File/New menu items.
  • Easier navigation. Step through the pages in your notebook in sequence, forwards or backwards.
  • Cycle through the most recently viewed pages, or select one from a menu.
  • Customizable user menu.
  • Many new Notebook commands for use in user code.
  • Notebook commands now execute in a slave interpreter; it's no longer possible for user code to nasty things to the application.
  • Improved page editing.


I was playing with Wikit's stand-alone Tk GUI, which is way cool, and I thought it would make a great personal notebook if only it were designed to be a great personal notebook instead of a Wiki. So I've started developing my own application from scratch; here are some features:

  • A single user Tk application; a pleasant user experience is the goal here, not creation of a web application. In fact, it isn't a web application.
  • A markup convention similar to but different with Wikit's. I think it's an improvement, naturally. :-)
  • Embedded macros in notebook pages, using TclLib's "expander" (see below). Include any desired text or the output of any program Tcl can exec in any page. (Quote of the day on your home page, for example.)
  • Magic Buttons in notebook pages. Like links, but execute any desired Tcl code.
  • Easy creation of "web log" pages, except that of course this isn't on the web. Decide what you want your log to be called (e.g., Daily Log). Create a page with that name, and put this text in it, in the first column:
  • Searching, Indexing, and Recent Changes
  • Page maintenance tools: Delete and Rename. Renaming a page also updates all links to that page.

Some things on my wish list:

  • More page maintenance tools: copy pages within a Notebook, or from one notebook to another.
  • A user-configurable and extendable editor
  • Browsing multiple Notebooks at the sametime.
  • Importing text into Notebook pages.
  • Exporting Notebook pages (one or all) to plain text, HTML, or Notebook markup files.

And on and on and on.

User Wishlist

If there are features you'd like to see, feel free to add them here.

  • Start it maximized on Windows. You can do this by creating a shortcut to start Notebook and editing the shortcut's properties. -- WHD
  • Hyperlink HTTP support, either by displaying pages directly or by invoking the default web browser. See Duquette's First Law

Notebook Bugs

If you find a bug, either e-mail it to me or post it here.

'User Comments'

Rohan Pall - Cool program! I've been using it and I like it. Seems pretty stable so far. I've longed for a program like this for a while, but haven't had the time to do it. I used knotes for a while, the kde thing, but I wanted something that I could reprogram. This fits the bill. Thanks.

LV wonders - as you think about evolving your program, keep that programmability aspect alive. For instance, you say add some code to turn it off - instead, consider allowing someone to decide. Frankly, with lots of pages, I would want narrowing down even more. Another thing that I always like to encourage in tools like this is to consider a comm/tk send interface, so that the tool could be used by other tk applications.

WHD replies -- Programmability is a large part of what Notebook's about; the tricky part is defining (and then documenting!) a clean API that code embedded in pages can use to customize and extend the behavior of the tool as desired. Version 0.8 (currently in development) adds a "User Code" page that's loaded automatically at load time, and thereafter as the user directs; it's a place to define new commands. But even now, the extendability is interesting. The "Index" page is simply a page with the embedded command "pageIndex". If you want an index of just the pages with Tcl in their names, create a page and use the embedded command "pageIndex *Tcl*". And then there's the Home page in my own notebook that verifies whether the notebook has been checked into CVS or not...and creates a button to check it in if not.

July 17th, 2002

Hey Will, you've got a great program there. I really enjoyed using yours, so I wrote my own from scratch. You can check it out at It doesn't have many features yet, but in time, who knows ;) Maybe we can trade ideas sometime. Oh yeah, the code for the link hiliting is in there... you might have to dig though ;>

Hmmm. I don't know whether to be flattered, or.... Hmmmm. :-) -- WHD

Yes, I know the feeling! I've had several "I like it so much, I wrote my own" reports over the past years (several projects, not just this one, btw). Let's face it, we all do it. It goes with the territory, I s'pose. Which is yet another reason to hammer on modularity IMO: re-coding can be good, as learning experience, but also as "2nd try works better" effect. If we just focus on implementing ideas in a modular way, then maybe, sometimes, things will turn out to work well in ways never anticipated. IMO, multiple implementations can be a positive thing, as functionality gets turned more and more into isolated and re-usable components. Well, my .02... -jcw

WHD: Yes, I'm completely aware of the irony of the situation. :-) And actually, I suspect that Ro's motivation is the same as mine: "Gosh, this is fun, and it would be even more fun to do it all by myself!" I've been a programmer for many, many years and I've seldom had reason or opportunity to write a real standalone GUI application; and I tend to learn best by doing. I'm learning an amazing amount.

Well, if it's any comfort... I wrote Wikit in much the same way :) - if we can end up with at least some pieces which are good enough to be re-used, it would be great. With the understanding that re-use is not something one imposes, but something that happens because people decide they WANT to. I see the fact that people re-write stuff I did as being proof that it was not yet good enough (in some sense). -jcw

AK: I agree with learning by doing. I am right now deeply in the bowels of the Wiki formatter, and the rewrite of the conversion of markup 2 internal rep gave me really nice insight into the power of tcl for parsing any language ... The new code uses string map and regsub to pre-tokenize a string, inserting marker characters, and then split on the marker to listify, i.e tokenize. The new stuff is nearly 2 times faster. And I wondered if I could use the same technique to tokenize C sources. I believe it is possible. Together with yeti this could make one heck of a general purpose parser framework.

WHD: Just a thought--I found that it's very useful if the internal rep contains enough information to rebuild the input exactly as it was. For example, renaming links automatically requires parsing the page source; you can't be sure that text in brackets is a real link otherwise. And it's only polite when making changes like that to leave the page source looking as much like it originally did as possible.

Good point. The only reason I did not (at least not back then) want to go that way, was out of fear of making mistakes. By storing the original text, one never needs to worry about losing entered data, even when the rendering system is buggy. Tricky trade-off... -jcw

WHD: I only do it when renaming links in pages.

Ro: In Mind Web [L1 ], I made two text widgets. One is the source text widget, and the other is the render text widget. The source text widget never gets modified programmatically, what ever you type in is always the same every time you look at it (it doesn't have the old "grow by one newline every time" bug). I never modify the source text, but I will have to when I add the rename function. But this seems pretty straightforward to me, just a case insensitive regsub, right? Maybe you guys can enlighten me...

On motivation: Yeah, I'm doing it cause its fun. This language is my fave, I mean in what else can you hack up a little project in two days? I wrote my program to go all the way from idea to windows installer, and to experience it for myself.

This whole phenomenon is interesting to me - I remember reading the posts that you guys have put up on usenet, reading Will's guides, checking out Andreas's pool, and trying out tclkit. To think that maybe something I do will also inspire others is really CooL ;)

WHD: Ro, so long as every bracketed sequence of characters that matches your regexp is guaranteed to be a link, the regsub will do the trick. In Notebook's markup, it depends on where the bracketed sequence appears. It might be some text (a Tcl example, for example) in preformatted text; it might be a call of a Tcl function in an embedded macro or magic button. Without actually parsing the text, I have no way of knowing which is which. Oh, by the did you do the installer?

Ro: That's the difference between thinking about the feature, and actually implementing it ;) Oh, the installer... pretty cool, isn't it? That was done _very_ easily using Inno Setup [L2 ]. There's only one problem with it, but that can be easily remedied. Its all documented in the FAQ and the problem is with shortcuts not finding their working directory. If you need more help, I'll send you my Inno Setup .iss script.

I think a little friendly competition is fun, what do you think? ;>

WHD: Works for me. :-)

Ro: Glad to hear it ;P Just got back from a great weekend trip to Montreal, and here I see is version 0.8! Great stuff, I can't wait to check it out ;) You can check out my latest version... it launches your default browser when you click a url [L3 ]

In your notebook 0.8 I had some trouble starting the app coz it doesn't look in the lib dir for packages. Including

  lappend auto_path lib

before the package requires fixed this.

WHD: Silly bug. "package require trycatch" appears before I fix up the auto_path. I didn't notice on my system because I have trycatch installed for general use. Thanks for telling me about it!

Ro: Yeah tough to catch without having other computers lying around to test it on... that's what I try to do before releasing a version, but still I only test on Win98... gotta setup a winxp and win2000 image one of these days... ;) You're really making super progress Will - you're fassttttttttt!

WHD: And my wife's getting a little fed up with it. Time for some vacation. There's a patch on the home page, BTW; see the URL at the top of this page. Incidentally, I've tested V0.7 on Win ME, Win 2000, and Solaris--but only because I've been using it at work, which is where the latter two machines are. I haven't been in since Friday, so I haven't been able to try out V0.8 on either of them.

Ro: Yeah I know the feeling. My girlfriend calls me a 'workaholic' - maybe we both need some downtime ;) Enjoy yourself, you deserve it.

Ed Suominen: Will, I completely understand the "wife's fed up" part. My Privaria [L4 ] TCL-based project has taken up too much my time already (in her opinion). So, I'd like to donate my own partially-completed work on a similar project to you (or whomever) and see if it makes sense to integrate them. I've put my main source file on its own Wiki page, WebUtils. Your thoughts, anyone?

Ro: As always, you're very thoughtful Ed ;) I haven't found a use for WebUtils, but I'll let you know when I do... things just stick around in my brain... it takes time to sink in - then one day its BAM! Thanks Ed ;)

Ro: October 7th, 2002: I've finally got around to updating mindweb [L5 ] ... you might like to check it out Will, I've added auto-detection of links while you type bypassing the edit-save cycle.

WHD: I won't say that making Notebook truly WYSIWYG hasn't occurred to me. But darn it, I get so much mileage out of editing pages as plain text.....

Ro: I know what you mean. All the data is stored as plain text in mindweb as well. Plain text is compatible! ;) In mindweb, a renderer is run every half second to do auto-hiliting, so there isn't a need for multiple modes. I find it simpler to use.

WHD: Yes, but that only works if all you're doing is highlighting. Much of the power of Notebook is in the embedded macros; something like [@logpage@] can expand into hundreds of lines of rendered text. I suppose I could leave the macro in place as well, but that would be awfully ugly...and I'm not sure about expanding the macros every every half second. I don't think it would look good. (Sigh!)

Ro: Yes, you're right. Have a great weekend!

escargo: I think there are really four text formats of interest.

  1. Presentation format: How the text is displayed when being viewed.
  2. Editing format: How the text is displayed when being edited.
  3. Storage format: How the text is really stored internally.
  4. Export format: How the text is encoded for storing externally. (Added 10/15/2002)

The presentation format is how the text is styled with multiple fonts, different colors or underlining for hyperlinks, etc.

The editing format is how the text is presented for editing. There might be some "almost free text" or wiki representation of the editable text.

The internal storage format could be the same of the editing text, but it need not be if there was some good reason.

The external storage format is of interest if the application can export the contents for use by other programs. (Added 10/15/2002)

How feature-rich you want the presentation and editing formats to be depends on the level of function you want, how fancy you want the display, how simple you want the representation to be for editing.

You could have all three formats be the same, and have editing of HTML through a web page. You could have the presentation be in HTML being rendered from text stored in a wiki format. You just need to balance the richness of the presentation with the simplicity of processing and editing.

WHD: This is true, of course. When I began, I explicitly chose to make the presentation and editing formats separate, using a wiki-like editing format. There's certainly no reason, however, why I couldn't using highlighting in the editor (and possibly other tricks) to make editing more friendly. It's just a matter of finding time.

AK: Here is another idea: Editor with 2 panes. In one you edit the page, the other panel show the rendered version of the input. With a fast machine this might even be quite smooth. Of course, this preview panel should be optional.

WHD: This is part of something I've been pondering--allowing multiple views at the same time. Multiple rendered views, of the same or different notebook files, and multiple editors. I've just been having trouble figuring out just how I want to do it (not to mention finding time to make the changes). I could use multiple toplevel windows, a single window with tabs, a single paned window like Emacs, or some combination of the above. I'm leaning towards panes (like Emacs), but tabs (like Mozilla) are also tempting.

Ro: Hey Will, the sins of the father are indeed revisited upon the son. Mindweb was copied as I copied your notebook app! Umm was inspired by... HAHA check it out

WHD: What comes around goes around, I guess... :-)

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