Version 13 of Physical empirical formulae

Updated 2006-05-05 15:00:26 by TR

Arjen Markus (4 may 2006) It occurred to me that we do not yet have a decent module in Tcllib yet that collects the various physical empirical formulae. So, right now, if I want to compute the water content of air, I have to hunt the Internet for the right formula. Similarly, the density of water as a function of temperature and salinity.

I am probably not the only one with that little problem, so I propose to collect such formulae here (with a reference) so that later we can simply wrap them up in a package/module for Tcllib.


As kbk pointed out, some or all of these formulae will have to be rearranged so that they can be evaluated in a fast and numerically stable way. For now, we are just gathering them in one place.

 # Auxiliary procedures:
 # Check the range of a parameter
 proc check {descr var range} {
   foreach {min max} $range break
   if { $var < $min || $var > $max } { 
       return -code error "Range error: $descr should be between $min and $max"

 # Efficiently evaluate a polynomial -
 # coefs is a list with the highest power first
 proc poleval {coefs x} {
     set y 0
     foreach c $coefs {
         set y [expr {$y * $x + $c}]

A formula for the humidity content of air:

   check "dew-point temperature" $td {-20 100}
   set vapordens [expr {5.018+0.32321*$td+8.1847e-3*$td*$td+3.1243e-4*$td*$td*$td}]


  • td the dewpoint temperature in degrees C - between -20 and +100 degrees
  • vapordens the water vapour density in g water/m3


TR - Here comes a formula for the density of seawater as a function of salinity, temperature, and pressure:

 proc rho {Salinity Temperature Pressure} {
     # compute the density of seawater in kg/m3 as a function of:
     # Salinity    -> salinity (in psu, practical salinity units)
     # Temperature -> temperature (in °C, degrees Celsius)
     # Pressure    -> pressure (in bar)
     check Temperature $Temperature {-2 40}
     check Salinity $Salinity {0 40}
     check Pressure $Pressure {0 12000}
     set rhow [expr {
         + 0.06793952 * $Temperature
         - 0.00909529 * pow($Temperature,2)
         + 0.0001001685 * pow($Temperature,3)
         - 1.120083e-06 * pow($Temperature,4)
         + 6.536332e-09 * pow($Temperature,5)
     set A [expr {
         - 0.0040899 * $Temperature
         + 7.6438e-05 * pow($Temperature,2)
         - 8.2467e-07 * pow($Temperature,3)
         + 5.3875e-09 * pow($Temperature,4)
     set B [expr {
         + 0.00010227 * $Temperature
         - 1.6546e-06 * pow($Temperature,2)
     set C 0.00048314
     set rho0 [expr {
         + $A * $Salinity
         + $B * pow($Salinity, 3.0/2)
         + $C * pow($Salinity, 2)
     set Ksbmw [expr {
         + 148.4206 * $Temperature
         - 2.327105 * pow($Temperature,2)
         + 0.01360477 * pow($Temperature,3)
         - 5.155288e-05 * pow($Temperature,4)
     set Ksbm0 [expr {
         + $Salinity * (
             - 0.603459 * $Temperature
             + 0.0109987 * pow($Temperature,2)
             - 6.167e-05 * pow($Temperature,3))
         + pow($Salinity,3.0/2) * (
             + 0.016483 * $Temperature
             - 0.00053009 * pow($Temperature,2))
     set Ksbm [expr {
         + $Pressure * (
             + 0.00143713 * $Temperature
             + 0.000116092 * pow($Temperature,2)
             - 5.77905e-07 * pow($Temperature,3))
         + $Pressure * $Salinity * (
             - 1.0981e-05 * $Temperature
             - 1.6078e-06 * pow($Temperature,2))
         + $Pressure * pow($Salinity,3.0/2) * 0.000191075
         + $Pressure * $Pressure * (
             - 6.12293e-06 * $Temperature
             + 5.2787e-08 * pow($Temperature,2))
         + pow($Pressure,2) * $Salinity * (
             + 2.0816e-08 * $Temperature
             + 9.1697e-10 * pow($Temperature,2))
     return [expr {$rho0/double(1 - double($Pressure)/$Ksbm)}]

or using poleval

      proc rho {Salinity Temperature Pressure} {
      set rhow [poleval {+6.536332e-09 -1.120083e-06 +0.0001001685 -0.00909529 +0.06793952 999.842594} $Temperature]
      set A [poleval {+5.3875e-09 -8.2467e-07 +7.6438e-05 -0.0040899 0.824493} $Temperature]
      set B [poleval {-1.6546e-06 +0.00010227 -0.00572466} $Temperature]
      set C 0.00048314
      set rho0 [expr {$rhow + $A * $Salinity + $B * pow($Salinity,3.0/2) + $C * pow($Salinity,2)}]
      set Ksbmw [poleval {-5.155288e-05 +0.01360477 -2.327105 +148.4206 +19652.21} $Temperature]
      set Ksbm0 [expr {
         + $Salinity * (
             - 0.603459 * $Temperature
             + 0.0109987 * pow($Temperature,2)
             - 6.167e-05 * pow($Temperature,3))
         + pow($Salinity,3.0/2) * (
             + 0.016483 * $Temperature
             - 0.00053009 * pow($Temperature,2))
     set Ksbm [expr {
         + $Pressure * (
             + 0.00143713 * $Temperature
             + 0.000116092 * pow($Temperature,2)
             - 5.77905e-07 * pow($Temperature,3))
         + $Pressure * $Salinity * (
             - 1.0981e-05 * $Temperature
             - 1.6078e-06 * pow($Temperature,2))
         + $Pressure * pow($Salinity,3.0/2) * 0.000191075
         + $Pressure * $Pressure * (
             - 6.12293e-06 * $Temperature
             + 5.2787e-08 * pow($Temperature,2))
         + pow($Pressure,2) * $Salinity * (
             + 2.0816e-08 * $Temperature
             + 9.1697e-10 * pow($Temperature,2))
     return [expr {$rho0/double(1 - double($Pressure)/$Ksbm)}]


Note: I am not totally sure about the ranges of the three parameters, so I added some reasonable defaults

Example: [rho 35 10 0] = 1026.95 (quite standard seawater with a salinity of 35 psu, temperature of 10 °C and pressure of 0 bar (surface water))

IDG May 04 2006: All empirical formulae need to have their range of validity stated. Note what happens to the above as td -> infinity :-)

AM Ah! Good thinking! I have added the valid range.

TR - Perhaps we should also add something like accuracy. It is often not good to give a result like 3.24345643 when the formula only has significance for 3.24. And: we should stick to SI units, so one result can be fed into the next formula without conversion.

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