Version 1 of Playing CLIPS

Updated 2003-02-12 07:55:15

Arjen Markus (11 february 2003) Just to experiment a little with expert systems, to get some feeling for what they are all about, I decided to model CLIPS in pure Tcl. Well, not the whole set of commands, but just a few to see if I understand the principle.

There is a proper Tcl extension for CLIPS, so for serious work one should look at that, but doing some of the basics in pure Tcl is not too difficult.

The principle is straightforward:

  • There are facts and rules
  • Rules consist of a set of conditions and a set of actions
  • When you have gathered enough data (facts), you can run the expert system, which then examines which rules apply and performs the various actions.
  • Actions can be anything, for instance asserting new facts (the conclusions).
  • If a fact has been used, it should be retired, because otherwise we get into endless loops.

So, the script below mimicks a very small expert system: conclude from the colour of a traffic light what we should do, stop or go?

In any real system improper data would trigger a new question. I have not found a way to deal with this situation in the very simple script below.

Here are some remarks that may be worthwhile for building an actual expert system:

  • In the simple script here the success highly depends on the order of specifying the rules. As there is no priority to the rules nor any special strategy, it can be very tricky to get a more complicated system work correctly.
  • There is no way currently to manipulate facts (change them in a rule for instance), nor to use wildcards and variables.
  • I noticed that thinking about facts can easily be confused with thinking about setting variables - this is a serious pitfall: the facts "start 1" and "start 0" can happily coexist!
  • Sometimes one might want to have negated conditions and "OR-ed" conditions. This would probably lead to very ugly syntax.


Also: the script is very raw - it contains some constructs that resulted from thought experiments with ways to store the data (in a long list, rather than an array) for instance.

 # playclips.tcl --
 #    Experiments with an expert system a la CLIPS

 # expertsys --
 #    Namespace for procedures and private variables dealing with
 #    facts and rules
 namespace eval ::expertsys:: {
    variable factIndex 0
    variable ruleIndex 0
    variable facts
    variable rules

    namespace export assert defrule run facts

 # assert --
 #    Register a fact
 # Arguments:
 #    fact     List of data, where the first is the name of the relation
 #             and all others are the specific data
 # Result:
 #    Index identifying the fact
 # Side effect:
 #    The fact is stored in the facts array
 proc ::expertsys::assert {fact} {
    variable factIndex
    variable facts

    set facts($factIndex) [list [lindex $fact 0] [lrange $fact 1 end]]
    set curIndex $factIndex
    incr factIndex

    return $curIndex

 # facts --
 #    Print the known facts
 # Arguments:
 #    None
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effect:
 #    All known facts are listed
 proc ::expertsys::facts {} {
    variable factIndex
    variable facts

    for { set i 0 } { $i < $factIndex } { incr i } {
       if { [info exists facts($i)] } {
          puts "Fact $i: $facts($i)"
       } elseif { [info exists facts($i,old)] } {
          puts "Fact $i: $facts($i,old)"

 # defrule --
 #    Register a rule
 # Arguments:
 #    name         Name of the rule
 #    conditions   List of conditions (raw facts)
 #    actions      Actions to take (if the rule triggers)
 # Result:
 #    Index identifying the rule
 # Side effect:
 #    The rule is stored in the rules array
 proc ::expertsys::defrule {name conditions actions} {
    variable ruleIndex
    variable rules

    set rules($ruleIndex,name)       $name
    set rules($ruleIndex,conditions) $conditions
    set rules($ruleIndex,actions)    $actions
    set curIndex $ruleIndex
    incr ruleIndex

    return $curIndex

 # run --
 #    Run the expert system - see if any rules apply
 # Arguments:
 #    None
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effect:
 #    Rules are executed and new facts are formed
 proc ::expertsys::run {} {
    variable ruleIndex
    variable factIndex
    variable facts
    variable rules

    set end 0

    while { ! $end } {
       set end 1 ;# If no rule has been invoked, then we quit
       for { set i 0 } { $i < $ruleIndex } { incr i } {
          if { [CanRuleBeActive $i] } {
             InvokeRule $i
             set end 0

 # CanRuleBeActive --
 #    Check that the rule can be invoked
 # Arguments:
 #    idx      Rule index
 # Result:
 #    1 if it can be invoked, 0 if not
 proc ::expertsys::CanRuleBeActive { idx } {
    variable factIndex
    variable facts
    variable rules

    set answer 0
    foreach cond $rules($idx,conditions) {
       set required [list [lindex $cond 0] [lrange $cond 1 end]]
       for { set i 0 } { $i < $factIndex } { incr i } {
          if { [info exists facts($i)] } {
             if { $required == $facts($i) } {
                set answer 1
       if { $answer == 0 } {

    return $answer

 # InvokeRule --
 #    Invoke the rule
 # Arguments:
 #    idx      Rule index
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    The facts that are used are moved to the "old" bin,
 #    new facts may be generated
 proc ::expertsys::InvokeRule { idx } {
    variable factIndex
    variable facts
    variable rules

    foreach cond $rules($idx,conditions) {
       set required [list [lindex $cond 0] [lrange $cond 1 end]]
       for { set i 0 } { $i < $factIndex } { incr i } {
          if { [info exists facts($i)] } {
             if { $required == $facts($i) } {
                set facts($i,old) $facts($i)
                unset facts($i)

    foreach action [split $rules($idx,actions) "\n"] {
       eval $action

 # main --
 #    A small example
 namespace import ::expertsys::*

 assert  {start 1}
 defrule Stop    {{light red}}   {puts "===> Stop" }
 defrule Go      {{light green}} {puts "===> Go" }
 defrule Colour? {{start 1}} {
    puts "What colour?"
    gets stdin colour
    assert [list light $colour]
 puts ""