Version 18 of Profiling Tcl by Overloading Proc

Updated 2006-06-17 11:18:16

George Peter Staplin Dec 28, 2005 - I wanted the ability to profile my whole program without wrapping many commands with time, so I created a version of proc that logs the time. The cost of the logging and tracing[L1 ] increases the time, but it seems to be a good way to find hot spots in a program.

 # By George Peter Staplin
 # Dec 2005 
 array set ::debug_state {}

 proc debug_callback {args} {
  global debug_state

  set proc [lindex [lindex $args 0] 0]
  set type [lindex $args end]

  if {"enter" eq $type} {
   set debug_state($proc) [clock clicks]
  } else {
   set end [clock clicks]
   set fd [open $::debug_log_file a]
   #catches to stop failure during recursive calls  - !todo: proper handling of recursion
   catch {puts $fd "$proc took: [expr {$end - $::debug_state($proc)}]"}
   close $fd
   catch {unset debug_state($proc)}

 proc debug_trace cmd {
  trace add execution $cmd enter debug_callback
  trace add execution $cmd leave debug_callback

 set ::debug_log_file debug.log
 rename proc _proc

 _proc proc {name arglist body} {
  if {![string match ::* $name]} {
    #not already an 'absolute' namespace path
    #qualify it so that traces can find it
    set name [uplevel 1 namespace current]::[set name]
  _proc $name $arglist $body

  debug_trace $name

Possible future improvements might include keeping a log of the entire runtime, and then averaging the runtime by the number of calls. I however didn't need that for my usage, because I was killing the program with ^C. :)

JMN 2005-12-30 - Added kludgy 'catch' statements around ::debug_state array access so that recursive calls to a proc don't stop the program. Also replaced the _proc procedure with a version that works for creating procedures in 'other' namespaces. e.g The following script would fail before:

 namespace eval ::a {}
 namespace eval ::b {proc ::a::myproc {} {return a-myproc}} 


 _proc proc {name arglist body} {
  set ns [uplevel 1 namespace current]
  set p [set ns]::[set name]
  _proc $p $arglist $body

  debug_trace $p

George Peter Staplin Dec 30, 2005 - Thank you JMN. You have given me some ideas for improvements that would handle recursion in a better manner. I will most likely post a followup to this code based on your improvements later.

Barney Blankenship June 15, 2006 - Thanks George, and JMN, here is my contribution:

 # by [Barney Blankenship] (based on work by [George Peter Staplin])
 # Insert this snippet above the function definitions you want
 # to have profiled.
 # global TimeProfilerMode
 # if { [info exists TimeProfilerMode] } {
 #      global ProfilerArray
 #      array unset ProfilerArray
 # }
 # TO PRODUCE THE OUTPUT (currently hard-coded to "TimingDump.txt"
 # file output "append" in the current working directory)...
 # global TimeProfilerMode
 # if { [info exists TimeProfilerMode] } {
 #      TimeProfilerDump description
 # }
 # (description: text string shown at the top of the output)
 # (This describes what is included in the output)
 # Provides total elapsed time in milliseconds between reset and dump.
 # Provides function call statistics...
 # for each function defined after this snippet, provide...
 #   Number of times called
 #   Average milliseconds per call
 #   Total milliseconds used
 #   Ratio of above to total elapsed time (XX.XXX percent)
 # In addition, the function call statistics are sorted
 # in descending values of Ratio (above).
 # Note that nested functions and functions that use recursion
 # are properly profiled here.
 # Comment out the "set TimeProfilerMode 0" below...
 global TimeProfilerMode
 set TimeProfilerMode 0

 if { [info exists TimeProfilerMode] } {
     proc TimeProfiler {args} {
         global ProfilerArray

         # Intialize the elapsed time counters if needed...
         if { ![info exists ProfilerArray(ElapsedClicks)] } {
             set ProfilerArray(ElapsedClicks) [expr double([clock clicks])]
             set ProfilerArray(Elapsedms) [expr double([clock clicks -milliseconds])]

         set fun [lindex [lindex $args 0] 0]

         if { [lindex $args end] == "enter" } {
             # Initalize the count of functions if needed...
             if { ![info exists ProfilerArray(funcount)] } {
                 set ProfilerArray(funcount) 0

             # See if this function is here for the first time...
             for { set fi 0 } { $fi < $ProfilerArray(funcount) } { incr fi } {
                 if { [string equal $ProfilerArray($fi) $fun] } {
             if { $fi == $ProfilerArray(funcount) } {
                 # Yes, function first time visit, add...
                 set ProfilerArray($fi) $fun
                 set ProfilerArray(funcount) [expr $fi + 1]

             # Intialize the "EnterStack" if needed...
             if { ![info exists ProfilerArray(ES0)] } {
                 set esi 1
             } else {
                 set esi [expr $ProfilerArray(ES0) + 1]
             # Append a "enter clicks" and "enter function name index" to the EnterStack...
             set ProfilerArray(ES0) $esi
             set ProfilerArray(ES$esi) [clock clicks]
             # Note: the above is last thing done so timing start is closest to
             # function operation start as possible.
         } else {
             # Right away stop timing...
             set deltaclicks [clock clicks]

             # Do not bother if TimeProfilerDump wiped the ProfilerArray
             # just prior to this "leave"...
             if { [info exists ProfilerArray(ES0)] } {
                 # Pull an "enter clicks" off the EnterStack...
                 set esi $ProfilerArray(ES0)
                 set deltaclicks [expr $deltaclicks - $ProfilerArray(ES$esi)]
                 incr esi -1
                 set ProfilerArray(ES0) $esi

                 # Correct for recursion and nesting...
                 if { $esi } {
                     # Add our elapsed clicks to the previous stacked values to compensate...
                     for { set fix $esi } { $fix > 0 } { incr fix -1 } {
                         set ProfilerArray(ES$fix) [expr $ProfilerArray(ES$fix) + $deltaclicks]

                 # Intialize the delta clicks array if needed...
                 if { ![info exists ProfilerArray($fun,0)] } {
                     set cai 1
                 } else {
                     set cai [expr $ProfilerArray($fun,0) + 1]

                 # Add another "delta clicks" reading...
                 set ProfilerArray($fun,0) $cai
                 set ProfilerArray($fun,$cai) $deltaclicks

     proc TimeProfilerDump {description} {
         global ProfilerArray

         # Stop timing elapsed time and calculate conversion factor for clicks to ms...
         set EndClicks [expr {double([clock clicks]) - $ProfilerArray(ElapsedClicks)}]
         set Endms [expr {double([clock clicks -milliseconds]) - $ProfilerArray(Elapsedms)}]
         set msPerClick [expr $Endms / $EndClicks]

         # Visit each function and generate the statistics for it...
         for { set fi 0 ; set PerfList "" } { $fi < $ProfilerArray(funcount) } { incr fi } {
             set fun $ProfilerArray($fi)
             if { ![info exists ProfilerArray($fun,0)] } {
             for { set max -1.0 ; set min -1.0 ; set ctotal 0.0 ; set cai 1 } { $cai <= $ProfilerArray($fun,0) } { incr cai } {
                 set clicks $ProfilerArray($fun,$cai)
                 set ctotal [expr {$ctotal + double($clicks)}]
                 if { $max < 0 || $max < $clicks } {
                     set max $clicks
                 if { $min < 0 || $clicks < $min } {
                     set min $clicks
             set cavg [expr {$ctotal / double($ProfilerArray($fun,0))}]
             set ProfilerArray($fun,avgms) [expr $cavg * $msPerClick]
             set ProfilerArray($fun,totalms) [expr $ctotal * $msPerClick]
             set ProfilerArray($fun,ratio) [expr {double($ctotal / $EndClicks) * 100.0}]
             set ProfilerArray($fun,max) [expr $max * $msPerClick]
             set ProfilerArray($fun,min) [expr $min * $msPerClick]

             # Append to the sorting list the pairs of ratio values and function indexes...
             lappend PerfList [list $ProfilerArray($fun,ratio) $fi]
         # Sort the profile data by Ratio...
         set PerfList [lsort -real -decreasing -index 0 $PerfList]

         # Finally, generate the results...
         set fd [open "TimingDump.txt" a]
         puts $fd "\n===================================================================="
         puts $fd [format "     T I M I N G  D U M P  <%s>" $description]
         puts $fd [format "\n      Elapsed time: %.0f ms" $Endms]
         puts $fd [format "\n      %s" [clock format [clock seconds]]]
         puts $fd "===================================================================="
         for { set li 0 } { $li < [llength $PerfList] } { incr li } {
             set fun $ProfilerArray([lindex [lindex $PerfList $li] 1])
             puts $fd [format ">>>>> FUNCTION: %s" $fun]
             puts $fd [format "       CALLS: %d" $ProfilerArray($fun,0)]
             puts $fd [format "    AVG TIME: %.3f ms" $ProfilerArray($fun,avgms)]
             puts $fd [format "    MAX TIME: %.3f ms" $ProfilerArray($fun,max)]
             puts $fd [format "    MIN TIME: %.3f ms" $ProfilerArray($fun,min)]
             puts $fd [format "  TOTAL TIME: %.3f ms" $ProfilerArray($fun,totalms)]
             puts $fd [format "       RATIO: %.3f%c\n" $ProfilerArray($fun,ratio) 37]
         close $fd

         # Reset the world...
         array unset ProfilerArray

     # Overload "proc" so that functions defined after
     # this point have added trace handlers for entry and exit.
     # [George Peter Staplin]
     rename proc _proc

     _proc proc {name arglist body} {
                                     # Allow multiple namespace use [JMN]
                                     if { ![string match ::* $name] } {
                                         # Not already an 'absolute' namespace path,
                                         # qualify it so that traces can find it...
                                         set name [uplevel 1 namespace current]::[set name]

                                     _proc $name $arglist $body
                                     trace add execution $name enter TimeProfiler
                                     trace add execution $name leave TimeProfiler

Here is the time profiler output on the Piechart Disk program scan of G: drive on my PC...

     T I M I N G  D U M P  <Piecart Disk: G:/>

      Elapsed time: 33062 ms

      Fri Jun 16 11:38:28 PM Hawaiian Standard Time 2006
 >>>>> FUNCTION: ReadDirectory
       CALLS: 2281
    AVG TIME: 10.929 ms
    MAX TIME: 3527.845 ms
    MIN TIME: 0.144 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 24929.068 ms
       RATIO: 75.401%

 >>>>> FUNCTION: PackAndSort
       CALLS: 2270
    AVG TIME: 1.372 ms
    MAX TIME: 501.295 ms
    MIN TIME: 0.166 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 3114.665 ms
       RATIO: 9.421%

 >>>>> FUNCTION: GetGlob
       CALLS: 2281
    AVG TIME: 1.175 ms
    MAX TIME: 84.923 ms
    MIN TIME: 0.325 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 2679.374 ms
       RATIO: 8.104%

 >>>>> FUNCTION: Dolsort
       CALLS: 2270
    AVG TIME: 0.572 ms
    MAX TIME: 205.545 ms
    MIN TIME: 0.024 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 1297.803 ms
       RATIO: 3.925%

 >>>>> FUNCTION: DirDataMagic
       CALLS: 1
    AVG TIME: 494.874 ms
    MAX TIME: 494.874 ms
    MIN TIME: 494.874 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 494.874 ms
       RATIO: 1.497%

 >>>>> FUNCTION: PlotPiechart
       CALLS: 1
    AVG TIME: 181.087 ms
    MAX TIME: 181.087 ms
    MIN TIME: 181.087 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 181.087 ms
       RATIO: 0.548%

 >>>>> FUNCTION: ScanProgressTask
       CALLS: 31
    AVG TIME: 5.067 ms
    MAX TIME: 17.719 ms
    MIN TIME: 4.329 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 157.068 ms
       RATIO: 0.475%

 >>>>> FUNCTION: OneSecondProgress
       CALLS: 4553
    AVG TIME: 0.025 ms
    MAX TIME: 1.853 ms
    MIN TIME: 0.019 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 113.268 ms
       RATIO: 0.343%

 >>>>> FUNCTION: ListDirectory
       CALLS: 1
    AVG TIME: 89.746 ms
    MAX TIME: 89.746 ms
    MIN TIME: 89.746 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 89.746 ms
       RATIO: 0.271%

 >>>>> FUNCTION: FormatBytes
       CALLS: 40
    AVG TIME: 0.068 ms
    MAX TIME: 0.122 ms
    MIN TIME: 0.023 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 2.729 ms
       RATIO: 0.008%

 >>>>> FUNCTION: FormatCommas
       CALLS: 31
    AVG TIME: 0.046 ms
    MAX TIME: 0.086 ms
    MIN TIME: 0.039 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 1.438 ms
       RATIO: 0.004%

 >>>>> FUNCTION: GetColor
       CALLS: 6
    AVG TIME: 0.061 ms
    MAX TIME: 0.168 ms
    MIN TIME: 0.028 ms
  TOTAL TIME: 0.366 ms
       RATIO: 0.001%

Barney Blankenship Added MAX and MIN measurements, updated the snippet and output here. Category Performance | Category Debugging | Category Dev. Tools | Category Development