Version 0 of Reducing the color depth of an image

Updated 2004-04-15 11:44:45

ulis, In Shrinking an image, MG asked for a Tcl proc reducing the colors count of an image (to be able to make a gif file).

How it works?

It works by choosing the nearest crude color.

A crude color is a color where the least significant bits are set to zero, thus reducing the color depth.

A first pass makes all colors crude but not too heavily: If the colors map contains 2^24 colors (8/8/8) and should become 2^8 colors (3/3/2), the first pass makes it a 2^15 colors map (5/5/5) by 'cruding' each color.

A second pass counts the shades for each crude color and 'crudes' the more numerous shades.

The proc

  namespace eval ::reduce \
    namespace export reduce

    package require Tk

    # the extraction of the data is inspired from DKF shrink3

    proc reduce {Image {depth 8}} \
      # get the image sizes
      set Width [image width $Image]
      set Height [image height $Image]
      if {$Width * $Height == 0} { error "bad image" }
      # compute hexa pattern & max palette
      # ------------------------
      set shift [expr {(8 - (($depth + 2) / 3)) - 2}]
      if {$shift < 0} { set shift 0 }
      set pattern1 0xf0f0f0; set pattern2 0xc0c0c0; set pattern3 0x808080
      switch -- $shift \
        0   { set pattern1 0xffffff; set pattern2 0xfcfcfc; set pattern3 0xf8f8f8 }
        1   { set pattern1 0xfefefe; set pattern2 0xf8f8f8; set pattern3 0xf0f0f0 }
        2   { set pattern1 0xfcfcfc; set pattern2 0xf0f0f0; set pattern3 0xe0e0e0 }
        3   { set pattern1 0xf8f8f8; set pattern2 0xe0e0e0; set pattern3 0xc0c0c0 }
      set max [expr {pow(2,$depth)}]
      # compute a x/x/x new image
      # ------------------------
      foreach oldrow [$Image data] \
        set row1 {}
        set row2 {}
        set row3 {}
        foreach oldpixel $oldrow \
          # compute new shade
          set pixel1 [expr {[scan $oldpixel #%6x] & $pattern1}]
          # save shade
          set color1 [format #%06x $pixel1]
          set shades($color1) 1
          # compute crude colors
          set pixel2 [expr {$pixel1 & $pattern2}]
          set color2 [format #%06x $pixel2]
          set pixel3 [expr {$pixel1 & $pattern3}]
          set color3 [format #%06x $pixel3]
          # append shade to crude color
          if {$color2 != $color1} \
            if {![info exists colors2($color2)]} \
            { lappend colors2($color2) $color1 } \
            else \
              if {[lsearch -exact $colors2($color2) $color1] == -1} \
              { lappend colors2($color2) $color1 } \
          if {$color3 != $color1 && $color3 != $color2} \
            if {![info exists colors3($color3)]} \
            { lappend colors3($color3) $color1 } \
            else \
              if {[lsearch -exact $colors3($color3) $color1] == -1} \
              { lappend colors3($color3) $color1 } \
          lappend row1 $color1
          lappend row2 $color2
          lappend row3 $color3
        lappend data1 $row1
        lappend data2 $row2
        lappend data3 $row3
      # find the slightest shades
      # ------------------------
      # total count of shades
      set total [llength [array names shades]]
      # crude colors with count of shades
      foreach color [array names colors2] \
      { lappend counts2 [list $color [llength $colors2($color)]] }
      foreach color [array names colors3] \
      { lappend counts3 [list $color [llength $colors3($color)]] }
      # sort colors by count of shades
      set counts2 [lsort -decreasing -integer -index 1 $counts2]
      set counts3 [lsort -decreasing -integer -index 1 $counts3]
      # get the finest shades list
      set finests2 {}
      foreach item $counts2 \
        if {$total < $max} { break }
        set crude [lindex $item 0]
        eval lappend finests2 $colors2($crude)
        incr total -[lindex $item 1]
        if {![info exists shades($crude)]} { incr total }
      set finests3 {}
      foreach item $counts3 \
        if {$total < $max} { break }
        set crude [lindex $item 0]
        eval lappend finests3 $colors3($crude)
        incr total -[lindex $item 1]
        if {![info exists shades($crude)]} { incr total }
      # suppress the slightest shades
      # ------------------------
      set y 0
      foreach row $data1 \
        set x 0
        set row3 {}
        foreach color $row \
          if {[lsearch -exact $finests2 $color] != -1} \
            # reduce 
            set crude [lindex $data2 $y $x]
            lset data1 $y $x $crude
          } \
          elseif {[lsearch -exact $finests3 $color] != -1} \
            # reduce 
            set crude [lindex $data3 $y $x]
            lset data1 $y $x $crude
          incr x
        incr y
      # create the new image
      # ------------------------
      set image [image create photo]
      # fill the new image
      $image put $data1
      # return the new image
      set ::count $total
      return $image


The demo

  # to download the images:
  # ...

  package require Tk
  package require Img
  image create photo Photo -file image2.png
  namespace import ::reduce::reduce
  wm withdraw .
  for {set n 1} {$n < 8} {incr n} \
    set image [reduce [image create photo -file image$n.png]]
    $image write image-$n.gif -format gif
    toplevel .$n
    wm title .$n "$::count"
    canvas .$n.c -bd 0 -highlightt 0
    .$n.c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image $image
    foreach {- - width height} [.$n.c bbox all] break
    .$n.c config -width $width -height $height
    pack .$n.c
    bind .$n.c <Destroy> exit 

See also

Category Graphics | Category Image Processing | Category Example