Version 36 of SQLiteStudio

Updated 2008-10-20 17:33:13 by Charlie

Description of the software

 What: SQLiteStudio
 Where: (only viewable in browsers with Javascript enabled)
 Description: cross-platform sqlite database manager.
        Supports SQLite 3.x, with support of SQLite 2.x, RealSQL, and others
        Currently tested on Linux and Windows.
        Open source (GPL licence).
        Currently at version 1.0.0.
 Updated: 05/2008
 Contact: See web site:

Open source discussion

Larry Smith I regret putting it so harshly, but the above statement "Open Source BUT..." means that it is NOT Open Source. "Open Source" has a precise meaning, and the use of the term should be governed by the Open Source Initiative [L1 ], and should not be used willy-nilly for what amounts to a source-available proprietary product. True open source means commercial usage is okay, modification is okay and redistribution is okay. The above statement denies all of these and is therefore NOT "Open Source." You should read [L2 ] before you use the term again.

Kevin Walzer For better or worse, the OSI does not have a trademark on the phrase "Open Source." So there is nothing to prevent anyone from using the term as they see fit.

LV I know that I always bristle when I see people create their own meanings for terms like freeware or public domain . And when OSI created a definition of open source , I wasn't really certain that it was a good idea - seemed to me that it would have been better to come up with a new term and leave the old, vague, term to continue to have the wide variety of meanings that it had grown to have.

Googie In my understeanding "open source" is just a description of releasing model. It means that sources are open to read and eventually to modify, but nothing more. I don't interprete it and don't use it as filled with whole ideology. Anyway, I agree that writing it using uppercased-words makes it somehow related to "Open Source" in OSI understeanding. I didn't write it like this in here, on this page (some else did), so I just fixed it at this moment.

Googie ...and one more thing. I've read some interview with Richard Stallman not so long ago. He pointed out difference between Free Software [L3 ] and Open Source. There is a big difference. So:

 (...) commercial usage is okay, modification is okay and redistribution is okay.

is much closer to Free Software, than an Open Source. That's just a meaningless riff, because I don't force my application to be OSI Open Source compatible.

KJN It appears that the product is available with a source code license (as UNIX was in days gone by). That does not imply that the license is open-source.

Charlie, Sunday October 19th 2008, 5h 26 pm Excellent comment by Larry Smith. There is no such thing as Open source but. It's either open source or it's not open source. There are no buts or ifs. Apparently the problem has been solved and the software is now open source without a but.

Favourable comments

AET 26jul07

Just tried it on XP. Very nice indeed. Nice, uncluttered interface, and intuitive to use. Compliments on your web site, too.

Discussion: add database or new database

There doesn't seem to be an option to open an existing database, or am I missing something? When I first started the only option under the File menu was "New Database".

JAG - I agree that it's a bit confusing, but go ahead and select "New Database". In the dialog that opens, provide a name for your database (just to represent it in the tree), then select the "Choose existing database" button to browse for your existing file.

Googie 1 Sep 2007 "New Database" is going to be changed to "Add database" in next release. I think it's less confusing.

Bryan Oakley for the sake of discussion... "Add database" is still confusing to me. I don't want to add my database to some other database (?), I simply want to open it and browse around. Does "Add" mean "Add to the GUI"? That's a bit confusing. Maybe it's because I've not used similar products in the past. Also, if I open a database and click on a table name on the left, nothing seems to happen. It's not clear what purpose there is in single-clicking on a table on the left.

Those quibbles aside, it's a pretty nice GUI. I like your attention to detail -- the "Did you know that..." and the license dialogs are very professional looking, as is the toolbar.

As a final comment -- it's not clear if changes to a database are immediate or not. I'm afraid to try something like "edit table" because it's not clear whether or not that's a reversible action. Do I get to play around with an in-memory version of the database without actually altering the live database, or do actions directly affect the underlying database? Put more succinctly, do I have to "commit" or "save" changes for them to take effect?

A direction for this Studio: a database manager for the general public

Charlie, Sunday October 19th 2008. If Pawel's goal is to write yet another piece of software for programmers, to please programmers, one piece of sofware among zillions, then it has absolutely no interest (at least as far as I'm concerned). But if the purpose is to write a piece of software for the general public, a public domain equivalent of Access then it is a very worthwile initiative. Unfortunately, the way the program presents itself is not at all general user friendly as of now (version 1.0.0). In the first place, the average user thinks in terms of Database/Fields and not in terms of tables.

The simple steps to create a database are:

1) Create a database (or a file)

2) Add Fields

3) Add data

4) Save

The view most people are confortable with is table view (vertical lines) and not one at a time record view (horizontal lines).

A lot of care has to be given to the interface if Pawel ever dreams of providing a public domain answer to Access. But if he wants to cater to programmers as most programmers on internet do, then his Studio will be limited to programming circles, it will never move to the main stream, it will be stuck in one place, it won't evolve and Pawel will lose interest. Too bad. Most programmers using SQL Lite are comfortable with its syntax. The general public is not. There is a gap to fill and Pawel might manage to fill this gap.

Googie - 20 Oct 2008 - It is always nice to read criticism, truly. Usually I take it seriously, but this time I have to gainsay:

1) SQLite is not like Access database, therefore SQLiteStudio is not Access-like manager.

2) Charlie, please notice, that nobody forces users to learn SQL when they want to create SQLite database with SQLiteStudio, on the contrary - whole database schema and tables data can be created with clicking buttons and entering names. Why would it be hard for "public" users?

More than that - I've read that SQLiteStudio is quiet popular among Open Tibia server users - they use it to edit the server parameters stored in SQLite database and I don't think they are programmers.

Anyway, interface is going to be raised very much to be more user friendly. General tests for user friendly usage are planned, also creating database schema by drawing diagrams is planned as well, so I hope it will satisfy your expectations, at least some parts :)

Charlie, Monday October 21st 2008, 11:33 am- Thanks for your quick reply, Pavel. The best thing to do would be to grab a very simple database manager from the past, say from the DOS days and see how simple it was and why it was so simple. It'll give you ideas. As I said earlier, the general public is familiar with the notion of fields and records but not with the notion of tables.

The interface could have the following elements: Database, Table, Index, Trigger, View, Tools, Help

I asked around in the college; very few people know about tables, indexes, trigers, views, etc. Even some programmers don't have a clue about this whole thing. They all know abut Facebook and sex nevertheless. Colleges, it figures.

The best thing to do would be to do a step by step tutorial giving an example and to put it on your site: here is something that could be of interest. The purpose is to create a database with the student adresses; another dabase would be connected to it: a database with the student's marks for each course; another database for tuition fees paid.

If you install a wiki on your site, I could write the tutorial myself with some help from you.

Basically I was able to do the following:

1) I created a database: Stud-ID (Student ID; where is the file located?

2) I clicked on Connect and I got 4 lines under the name of my Stud-ID database: Tables, Indexes, Triggers, Views

3) I would like to create 8 fields: Family Name, First Name, Address, City, State, Country, Phone number, E-mail address and enter data in each field.

Given the fact that you're open to dialogue, that you're working hard on your project, that you program excellent stuff, we can only congratulate you on your work, your attitude and your dedication.

Category Database