Version 3 of Scotty Starkit

Updated 2020-10-13 05:12:42 by JeffSmith

Jeff Smith 2020-09-23 : This is an attempt to configure Scotty to run from a Starkit. The Scotty binary is compiled for Linux x86_64. The Starkit on the initial launch copies a lib/ and bin/ directory into the same directory as the Starkit with all associated files. If you delete these directories the Starkit will recopy the directories on the next launch.

Change the files nmicmpd and nmtrapd permissions in the bin/ directory with chmod a+x. If you want to run Scotty as another user change the owner of the nmicmpd and nmtrapd files to root and suid the files.

Not all features within the Scotty Starkit have been tested. The Scotty Starkit is available from here .

Jeff Smith 2020-10-10 : Fixed issue with launching mibtree via "Snmp Tree" on Tools menu. Bumped Starkit version 03. Tested with Tclkit 8.6.10.

Jeff Smith 2020-10-13 : Changed Tkined canvas background color from grey to white. Bumped Starkit version 04.