Version 10 of Spheres

Updated 2004-06-05 22:40:54

ulis, 2003-09-10

Inspired from Marco Maggi's page: Experimenting with graphics algorithms.

The proc

  proc gradient {image relief light source} \
    set sunken [string match sun* $relief]
    set light [expr {$light * 96 + 32}]
    set source [expr {0.5 + $source / 2.0}]
    set D [image width $image]
    set R [expr {$D / 2}]
    set R2 [expr {$R * $R}]
    for {set y 0} {$y < $D} {incr y} \
      set Dy2 [expr {($y - $R) * ($y - $R)}]
      set dy [expr {($y * $source - $R)}]
      set dy2 [expr {$dy * $dy}]
      for {set x 0} {$x < $D} {incr x} \
        set Dx2 [expr {($x - $R) * ($x - $R)}]
        set Dxy [expr {$Dx2 + $Dy2}]
        if {$Dxy <= $R2} \
          set dx [expr {($x * $source - $R)}]
          set dx2 [expr {$dx * $dx}]
          set dxy [expr {$dx2 + $dy2}]
          set color [expr {int(127 + $light * (1.0 - ($dxy / $R2 / 1.5)))}]
          if {$sunken} { set color [expr {int(127 + $light * 2 - $color)}] }
          set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $color $color $color]
          $image put $color -to [expr {$D - $x}]  [expr {$D - $y}]

The demo

  proc demo {args} \
    # args
    set size 128
    set light 1.0
    set source 0.0
    foreach {key value} $args \
      switch -glob -- $key \
        -li*    \
          if {$value < 0.0 ||$value > 1.0} \
          { error "light should be between 0.0 and 1.0" }
          set light $value
        -si*    { set size $value }
        -so*    \
          if {$value < 0.0 ||$value > 1.0} \
          { error "source should be between 0.0 and 1.0" }
          set source $value
        default { error "unknown option \"$key\"" }
    # title
    wm title . "spheres"
    # canvas
    set ww $size; incr ww $size; incr ww
    set hh $size; incr hh
    canvas .c -width $ww -height $hh -relief groove -bd 1
    grid .c -padx 50 -pady 10
    # raised image
    image create photo raised -width $size -height $size
    set x 3; set y 3
    .c create image $x $y -image raised -anchor nw
    gradient raised raised $light $source
    # sunken image
    incr x $size
    image create photo sunken -width $size -height $size
    .c create image $x $y -image sunken -anchor nw
    gradient sunken sunken $light $source
    # button
    button .b -text Quit -width 6 -command exit -bd 1
    grid .b -pady 10
    bind .b <Return> { %W invoke }
    bind . <Escape> { exit }

  package require Tk 8.4
  demo -size 96 -light 0.9 -source 0.1

RLH: Thanks for the code. However, all the \'s to enforce a non-Tcl coding style makes it really ugly to look at.

ulis I let you the responsability to say that it's 'a non-Tcl coding style'. I think the contrary and that coding style is a matter of taste.

TV I'd say real ugly is an ugly exageration. Maybe a simple search and replace few-liner?

RLH: The I would say "ugly" and not "real ugly" but this is only a small snippet of code. Imagine it being 1000 times bigger.

ulis To know that you can look at my packages that are almost all bigger than 1000 lines.

Category Example

Category Graphics

Category Image processing