Version 0 of Super-exponential growth in text manipulation

Updated 2002-01-08 20:26:23

Arjen Markus This lengthy title is meant to introduce a subject for the mathematically interested. It has to do with replacing strings by other strings in a short text and suddenly finding memory has exhausted.

Superexponential growth in text manipulation This note discusses a small problem in the area of text manipulation. To get some feeling for this subject, it is perhaps good to know the circumstances under which it arose. I was trsting a small utility that would edit text files based on a few simple commands: you could replace strings that matched a certain pattern, by something else, you could insert the contents of another text file after a line containing a string pattern or replace that text by it. That was (and is) about all the utility did.

While I was testing it, I used the same small text file (some 20 lines of text) over and over again and though I had noticed that its size grew, I had not expected to run out of memory - at last the utility needed some 100 MB of memory all of a sudden.

This led me to consider the mathematics of the process in more detail. We can strip it down to an example like below:

  • Take the string "AbbAbb"
  • Insert after each "A" the original string and repeat this procedure
  • The resulting strings are:
        Initial string: AbbAbb
        After one round: AAbbAbbbbAAbbAbbbb
        After two rounds:
     As you can see, it is growing very fast!

There are a number of variations possible:

  1. Insert a fixed string that does not contain "A"
  2. Insert a fixed string that does contain one or more "A"s
  3. Replace "A" by a such a fixed string
  4. Replace "A" by the string from the previous iteration, rather than insert that string after the "A".

Let us examine what happens in each of these cases:

  1. As the number of "A"s does not change, the length of the resulting string is a linear function of the iteration step: at each step n.m characters are added, where n is the number of "A"s in the original string and l is the length of the inserted string:
          N(k+1) = N(k)
          L(k+1) = L(k) + N m
  1. If, at step k, the string contains N(k) "A"s and the fixed string contains n "A"s and has a total length m, then the resulting string from the next round has N(k) extra copies of the fixed string.
          N(k+1) = N(k) + N(k).n = (n+1) N(k)
          L(k+1) = L(k) + N(k) m
       The solution is:
          N(k) = (n+1)^(k-1) N(0)
          L(k) = L(0) + N(0) m ((n+1)^k -1)/n
  1. When replacing the A, the formula changes, as N(k) "A"s will be deleted:
          N(k+1) = N(k) + N(k) .n - N(k) = n N(k)
          L(k+1) = L(k) + N(k) (m-1)

        And the solution is:
          N(k) = n^(k-1) N(0)
          L(k) = L(0) + N(0) m (n^k -1)/(n-1)
  1. In this case N(k) "A"s will be replaced by a string of length L(k) and containing N(k) "A"s as well. So:
          N(k+1) = N(k).N(k) = N(k)^2
          L(k+1) = L(k) + N(k) (L(k)-1) = N(k) L(k)
        A closed solution for N(k) is easy to find:
          N(k) = N(0)^P(k) , P(k) = 2^k
        The solution for L(k) is found when you take the logarithm of the above equation:
          ln L(k+1) = ln L(k) + ln N(k) = ln L(k) +2^k ln N(0)
          L(k) = L(0) + N(0)P'(k) , P'(k) = 2^(2^(k+1)-1)
  1. The original problem is described by the following equations:
          N(k+1) = N(k) + N(k).N(k) = (1+N(k)) N(k)
          L(k+1) = L(k) + N(k).L(k) = (1+N(k)) L(k)
        As far as I know this problem has no closed solution.

Below is a table that compares these five problems (N(0)=n=2, L(0) = m = 6):

  Iteration  Case 1   Case 2    Case 3   Case 4          Case 5
      k      Nk, Lk   Nk, Lk    Nk, Lk   Nk, Lk          Nk, Lk
  ---------  ------   ------    ------   ------          ------
      0      2, 6     2, 6      2, 6     2, 6            2, 6
      1      2, 18    6, 18     4, 16    4, 12           6, 18
      2      2, 30    18, 54    8, 36    16, 48          42, 126
      3      2, 42    54, 162   16, 76   256, 748        1806, 5418
      4      2, 54    162, 486  32, 156  65536, 196608   3263442, 9790326