Version 4 of Symbolic manipulation

Updated 2005-04-25 06:42:31 by AM

Arjen Markus (14 august 2003) It was just an idea: symbolic manipulation or manipulation of mathematical expressions via Tcl. This could be handy for some mathematical playthings I have already. I did not want to spend the time and effort (a true, full-sized system would be as difficult to build as, say, hunting a snark, so I wondered if someone else had. The newsgroup did not bring any suggestions and with Google, I saw naught but implementations in Java, C++, LISP.

I pondered upon how to proceed with such system. I gave myself about an hour to actually implement and test it. Here is the result. It lacks a front-end, that will be the most difficult thing to get right. And if you run the test cases, you will see extra, unnecessary parentheses, but I did give myself one hour for the whole thing :).

As RS mentioned, the technique used in Expression parsing will come in handy for building the front-end.

AM (25 april 2005) This morning I came across a completely different technique to compute the derivative of a function - rather than manipulate the expression by which the function is computed you use the rules of differentiation and go from there (a floating-point value must become a value and "its" derivative, but it can be done easily ...)

 # symbolic.tcl --
 #    Experiment with symbolic (algebraic) manipulation:
 #    determine the derivative of an expression
 #    Note:
 #    Parsing an expression like {$x/(1+$x)} is not implemented yet.
 #    So you will have to do that yourself:
 #    {/ $x {+ 1 $x}}
 #    Derivative w.r.t. x:
 #    {1/(1+$x)-$x/((1+$x)*(1+$x)) - not the simplest form, but
 #    [expr] won't mind

 # toexpr --
 #    Reconstruct the expression from the parsed and manipulated
 #    form
 # Arguments:
 #    parse_tree     The parsed and manipulated expression
 # Result:
 #    String representing the expression as [expr] would take it
 # Note:
 #    The result is safe, as far as brackets are concerned, but
 #    very conservative
 proc toexpr { parse_tree } {
    if { [llength $parse_tree] == 1 } {
       return $parse_tree
    } else {
       foreach {op operand1 operand2} $parse_tree {break}
       switch -- $op {
       "umin"  {return "-[toexpr2 - $operand1]"}
       "-"     {return "[toexpr2 - $operand1]-[toexpr2 - $operand2]"}
       "+"     {set add1 [toexpr2 + $operand1]
                set add2 [toexpr2 + $operand2]
                if { $add1 == "0" || $add1 == "(0)" } {
                   return $add2
                if { $add2 == "0" || $add2 == "(0)" } {
                   return $add1
                return "$add1+$add2"
       "*"     {set mult1 [toexpr2 * $operand1]
                set mult2 [toexpr2 * $operand2]
                if { $mult1 == "1" || $mult1 == "(1)" } {
                   return $mult2
                if { $mult2 == "1" || $mult2 == "(1)" } {
                   return $mult1
                if { $mult1 == "0"   || $mult2 == "0"   ||
                     $mult1 == "(0)" || $mult2 == "(0)"    } {
                   return 0
                return "$mult1*$mult2"
       "/"     {return "[toexpr2 / $operand1]/[toexpr2 / $operand2]"}
       "npow"  {return "pow([toexpr $operand1],[toexpr $operand2])"}
       "atan2" {return "atan2([toexpr $operand1],[toexpr $operand2])"}
       "hypot" {return "hypot([toexpr $operand1],[toexpr $operand2])"}
       default {return "$op\([toexpr $operand1])"}

 # toexpr2 --
 #    Reconstruct the expression from the parsed and manipulated
 #    form, add brackets if necessary given the context
 # Arguments:
 #    context        Operator context
 #    parse_tree     The parsed and manipulated expression
 # Result:
 #    String representing the expression as [expr] would take it
 proc toexpr2 { context parse_tree } {
    if { [llength $parse_tree] == 1 } {
       return $parse_tree
    } else {
       set op [lindex $parse_tree 0]
       if { $op == $context || [llength $parse_tree] == 2 } {
          return [toexpr $parse_tree]
       } else {
          return "([toexpr $parse_tree])"

 # deriv --
 #    Construct the derivative w.r.t. a given variable
 # Arguments:
 #    var            Name of the variable
 #    parse_tree     The parsed and manipulated expression
 # Result:
 #    Parsed expression representing the derivative
 proc deriv { var parse_tree } {
    # Two cases:
    # - The parse tree consists of the expression "$var" only
    # - The parse tree is more complicated, then delegate the
    #   task to the subexpressions and assemble
    if { [llength $parse_tree] == 1 } {
       if { "$parse_tree" == "\$$var" } {
          return 1
       } else {
          return 0
    } else {
       foreach {op operand1 operand2} $parse_tree {break}
       switch -- $op {
       "umin"  {return [list umin [deriv $var $operand1]]}
       "-"     {return [list - [deriv $var $operand1] [deriv $var $operand2]]}
       "+"     {return [list + [deriv $var $operand1] [deriv $var $operand2]]}
       "*"     {return [list + \
                          [list * [deriv $var $operand1] $operand2 ] \
                          [list * $operand1 [deriv $var $operand2] ] ]}
       "/"     {return [list / \
                          [list - \
                             [list * [deriv $var $operand1] $operand2 ] \
                             [list * $operand1 [deriv $var $operand2] ] ] \
                          [list * $operand2 $operand2] ]}
       "npow"  {return [list * \
                          [list * $operand2 [deriv $var $operand1]] \
                          [list npow $operand1 [expr {$operand2-1}]]   ]}
       "sin"   {return [list * \
                          [deriv $var $operand1] [list cos $operand1] ]}
       "cos"   {return [list umin \
                          [list * \
                             [deriv $var $operand1] [list sin $operand1]] ]}
       "exp"   {return [list * \
                          [deriv $var $operand1] [list exp $operand1] ]}

       default {error "Derivative for '$op' not implemented"}

 # Simple test
 set x {$x}
 puts "Original expression: {$x/(1+$x)}"
 puts "Reconstructed: [toexpr {/ $x {+ 1 $x}}]"
 puts "Derivative: [toexpr [deriv x {/ $x {+ 1 $x}}]]"
 puts "Original expression: {sin($x)*exp($x)}"
 puts "Reconstructed: [toexpr {* {sin $x} {exp $x}}]"
 puts "Derivative: [toexpr [deriv x {* {sin $x} {exp $x}}]]"

If you run this, the result is:

 Original expression: {$x/(1+$x)}
 Reconstructed: $x/(1+$x)
 Derivative: (((1+$x))-($x))/((1+$x)*(1+$x))
 Original expression: {sin($x)*exp($x)}
 Reconstructed: sin($x)*exp($x)
 Derivative: (cos($x)*exp($x))+(sin($x)*exp($x))

Not bad, eh? For one hour's work.

There, I have said it thrice, and what I say thrice, is true!

(Note: I just had get Lewis Carroll in there somewhere :D)

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