Version 2 of Tcl socket performance client script source

Updated 2004-10-26 17:01:17 by rdt

Purpose: to provide an example...

 # \
 exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}

 # Configure a socket for use with a relay link

 proc ConfigureSocket { fd } {

         global Connections

         fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -buffering $Connections(Buffering) 
 -translation binary
         return $fd

 # Connect to a host

 proc Connect { host port } {

         if { [catch { socket $host $port } server] } {
                 Display "Connect" "Failed to connect to $host on $port" red
                 return ""

         return [ConfigureSocket $server]

 # Disconnect a link

 proc Disconnect { fd } {

         global Connections

         if { ![catch { fileevent $fd readable {} }] } {
                 close $fd

 if { 0 } {
         wm title . "Data transmission..."

         catch { destroy .f }

         set f [frame .f]

         button $f.quit -width 40 -text "Quit sending stuff to the server" 
 -command { set StopFlag 1 }

         pack $f.quit -side left
         pack $f

 # Some default options

 set Connections(Host) invicta
 set Connections(Port) 14210
 set Connections(Buffering) full
 set Connections(BufSize) 80000
 set Connections(DataLength) 1000

 # Process the parameter list

 foreach { key opt } $argv {
         switch -exact -- [string tolower $key] {

 "-h"                    -
 "-host"                 {       set Connections(Host) $opt      }

 "-d"                    -
 "-datalength"           {       set Connections(DataLength)     }

 "-p"                    -
 "-port"                 {       set Connections(Port) $opt      }

 "-b"                    -
 "-buffering"            {       set Connections(Buffering) $opt }

 "-s"                    -       
 "-size"                 {       set Connections(BufSize) $opt   }

 default                 {       puts stderr "Keyword $key is not supported!"    

 set StopFlag 0

 set Buffer [string repeat "0" 1000]

 puts "Buffer size [string length $Buffer]"

 if { [set fd [Connect $Connections(Host) $Connections(Port)]] != "" } 
         puts "Connected to $Connections(Host) on $Connections(Port)"

         puts $fd 

         set count $Connections(DataLength)
         while { [incr count -1] != -1 && $StopFlag == 0 } {
 #               puts $count
                 puts $fd $Buffer
         flush $fd
         Disconnect $fd
 } else {
         puts stderr "Failed to connect to server"


rdt the Connect proc has a Display command that is not present.

Category Performance