Version 8 of TclCurl

Updated 2002-01-02 06:08:28

What: TclCurl

 Where: > >
 Description: Tcl binding for libcurl, a library for accessing internet
        resources of various types.  Supports ftp, telnet,
        ldap, gopher, dict, http, https protocols.
        libcurl is currently at version 7.9.1 and
        TclCurl is currently at version 0.9 .
 Updated: 05/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]> (Andr<E9>s Garc<ED>a)

So, how is TclCurl better than the bare http package? A few examples should help make that clear [ WWW::Search::* analogue; HotMail mass downloader]. But, wouldn't either of those examples be just as feasible to implement with the http package?

  • websearch, an initial WWW::Search like package (using the http package, though, not TclCurl)

Category Package