Version 10 of Tension Splines

Updated 2004-04-17 00:12:30

Greg Blair

2003-12-08 - new page

2003-12-17 - added bezier curves

--- (How do I upload an image to ? ftp+gftp+sftp+rcp all fail! Wiki entry discusses the use of images in wiki pages, but nowhere documents how to upload an image to the wiki site.

GPS: You can't upload images to the files directory unless you are Richard Suchenwirth or have other connections. I think this was done to prevent inappropriate content from showing up. :) )

I needed some spline with tension tcl code. I hacked Keith Vetter's Cubic Splines GUI and added some tension algorithms. The reference where each algorithm came from is listed in the code.


 # the next line restarts using wish \
 exec wish "$0" "$@" -visual truecolor

 ## Cubic Tension Splines: TensionSpline.tcl

 ## Greg Blair 2003-09-29                                                                     ##
 ## I took Keith Vetters Cubic Spline code and added TC and TCB tension, cardinal,            ##
 ## Catmull Rom splines as well as linear and cosine interpolation                            ##
 ## using C code I found at:                                                                  ##
 ##                                                                                           ##
 ## and                         ##
 ##                                    ##
 ##                                                                                           ##
 ## I hand converted the c code to TCL, and extended Keith's test GUI for the new curve types ##
 ##                                                                                           ##
 ## I have include the comments from the websites as documentation to the methods implemented ##

 ##Keith Vetter 2003-03-07 - one feature often noted as missing from tk the ability of the canvas to do cubic splines.

 ##Here is a routine PolyLine::CubicSpline that takes a list of (x,y) values of control points and returns a
 ## list points on the cubic spline curve that's suitable to be used by: canvas create line [PolyLine::CubicSplint $xy] ...

 # CubicSpline -- routines to generate the coordinates of a cubic spline
 # given a list of control points. Also included is demo/test harness
 # by Keith Vetter
 # Revisions:
 # KPV Mar 07, 2003 - initial revision

 namespace eval Cubic {}
 namespace eval PolyLine {}

 # CubicSpline - returns the x,y coordinates of the cubic spline using
 # xy control points.
 # xy => {{x0 y0} {x1 y1} .... {xn yn}}
 # XY points MUST BE SORTED by increasing x
 proc PolyLine::CubicSpline {xy {PRECISION 10}} {

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np <= 1} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx

    for {set i 1; set last $X(0)} {$i < $np} {set last $X($i); incr i} {
        set h($i) [expr {double($X($i) - $last)}]
        if {$h($i) == 0} return
        if {$h($i) < 0} return ;# ERROR not sorted

    if {$np > 2} {
        for {set i 1} {$i < $np-1} {incr i} {
            set i2 [expr {$i + 1}]
            set i0 [expr {$i - 1}]
            set diag($i) [expr {($h($i) + $h($i2))/3.0}]
            set sup($i) [expr {$h($i2) / 6.0}]
            set sub($i) [expr {$h($i) / 6.0}]
            set a($i) [expr {($Y($i2) - $Y($i))/$h($i2) - \
                                 ($Y($i) - $Y($i0)) / $h($i)}]
        PolyLine::SolveTridiag sub diag sup a [expr {$np - 2}]
    set a(0) [set a([expr {$np - 1}]) 0]

    # Now generate the point list
    set xy [list $X(0) $Y(0)]
    for {set i 1} {$i < $np} {incr i} {
        set i0 [expr {$i - 1}]
        for {set j 1} {$j <= $PRECISION} {incr j} {
            set t1 [expr {($h($i) * $j) / $PRECISION}]
            set t2 [expr {$h($i) - $t1}]
            set y [expr {((-$a($i0)/6 * ($t2 + $h($i)) * $t1 + \
                               $Y($i0))* $t2 + (-$a($i)/6 * \
                               ($t1+$h($i)) * $t2 + $Y($i)) * $t1)/$h($i)}]
            set t [expr {$X($i0) + $t1}]
            lappend xy $t $y
    return $xy
 # SolveTriDiag -- solves the linear system for tridiagoal NxN matrix A
 # using Gaussian elimination (no pivoting). Since A is sparse, we pass
 # in three diagonals:
 #     sub(i)  => a(i,i-1)    diag(i) => a(i,i)    sup(i)  => a(i,i+1)
 # Result is returned in b[1:n]
 proc PolyLine::SolveTridiag {N_sub N_diag N_sup N_b n} {
    upvar 1 $N_sub sub
    upvar 1 $N_diag diag
    upvar 1 $N_sup sup
    upvar 1 $N_b b

    # Factorization and forward substitution
    for {set i 2} {$i <= $n} {incr i} {
        set i0 [expr {$i - 1}]
        set sub($i) [expr {$sub($i) / $diag($i0)}]
        set diag($i) [expr {$diag($i) - $sub($i) * $sup($i0)}]
        set b($i) [expr {$b($i) - $sub($i) * $b($i0)}]
    set b($n) [expr {$b($n) / $diag($n)}]
    for {set i [expr {$n - 1}]} {$i >= 1} {incr i -1} {
        set i2 [expr {$i + 1}]
        set b($i) [expr {($b($i) - $sup($i) * $b($i2)) / $diag($i)}]

 ## from: ##

 ## Discussed here are a number of interpolation methods, this is by no
 ## means an exhaustive list but the methods shown tend to be those in
 ## common use in computer graphics. The main attributes is that they
 ## are easy to compute and are stable. Interpolation as used here is
 ## different to "smoothing", the techniques discussed here have the
 ## characteristic that the estimated curve passes through all the
 ## given points. The idea is that the points are in some sense correct
 ## and lie on an underlying but unknown curve, the problem is to be
 ## able to estimate the values of the curve at any position between
 ## the known points.

 ## Linear interpolation is the simplest method of getting values at
 ## positions in between the data points. The points are simply joined
 ## by straight line segments. Each segment (bounded by two data points)
 ## can be interpolated independently. The parameter mu defines where
 ## to estimate the value on the interpolated line, it is 0 at the
 ## first point and 1 and the second point. For interpolated values
 ## between the two points mu ranges between 0 and 1. Values of mu
 ## outside this range result in extrapolation. This convention is
 ## followed for all the subsequent methods below. As with subsequent
 ## more interesting methods, a snippet of plain C code will server
 ## to describe the mathematics.

 proc LinearInterpolate {y1 y2 mu} {
   ## return [expr {$y1*(1-$mu)+$y2*$mu}] ;# 2 multiplies 1 add, 1 subtract
   return [expr {$y1+$mu*($y2-$y1)}]      ;# 1 multiply   1 add, 1 subtract

 ## Linear interpolation results in discontinuities at each point.
 ## Often a smoother interpolating function is desirable, perhaps
 ## the simplest is cosine interpolation. A suitable orientated
 ## piece of a cosine function serves to provide a smooth transition
 ## between adjacent segments.

 proc CosineInterpolate {y1 y2 mu} {

 ## Paul Burke, on his website does mentions:
 ## By a cute trick the cosine interpolation reverts to linear
 ## if applied independently to each coordinate.

 ## must linear interpolate in x coord, cosine interp in y coord

   set mu2 [expr {(1.-cos(3.14159265358979323846*$mu))/2.}]
   ## return [expr {$y1*(1.-$mu2)+$y2*$mu2}]
   return [expr {$y1+$mu2*($y2-$y1)}]

 ## Cubic interpolation is the simplest method that offers true
 ## continuity between the segments. As such it requires more
 ## than just the two endpoints of the segment but also the two
 ## points on either side of them. So the function requires 4
 ## points in all labeled y0, y1, y2, and y3, in the code below.
 ## mu still behaves the same way for interpolating between
 ## the segment y1 to y2. This does raise issues for how to
 ## interpolate between the first and last segments. In the
 ## examples here I just haven't bothered. A common solution
 ## is the dream up two extra points at the start and end of
 ## the sequence, the new points are created so that they
 ## have a slope equal to the slope of the start or end segment.

 proc CubicInterpolate {y0 y1 y2 y3 mu} {
   set mu2 [expr {$mu*$mu}]
   set a0 [expr {$y3 - $y2 - $y0 + $y1}]
   set a1 [expr {$y0 - $y1 - $a0}]
   set a2 [expr {$y2 - $y0}]
   set a3 $y1

   return [expr {$a0*$mu*$mu2+$a1*$mu2+$a2*$mu+$a3}]

 ## Hermite interpolation like cubic requires 4 points so that
 ## it can achieve a higher degree of continuity. In addition
 ## it has nice tension and biasing controls. Tension can be
 ## used to tighten up the curvature at the known points. The
 ## bias is used to twist the curve about the known points.
 ## The examples shown here have the default tension and
 ## bias values of 0, it will be left as an exercise for
 ## the reader to explore different tension and bias values.

 ##   Tension: 1 is high, 0 normal, -1 is low
 ##   Bias: 0 is even,
 ##         positive is towards first segment,
 ##         negative towards the other

 proc HermiteInterpolate {y0 y1 y2 y3 mu tension bias} {

 ## GB this is a Kochanek-Bartels Spline
 ## (also called TCB-Splines, for tension,continuity,bias)
 ## GB with continuity c set to zero

 ## GB note variables m0,m1 are the slopes at y1,y2

   set mu2 [expr {$mu * $mu}]
   set mu3 [expr {$mu2 * $mu}]
   set m0  [expr {($y1-$y0)*(1+$bias)*(1-$tension)/2 + \
   set m1  [expr {($y2-$y1)*(1+$bias)*(1-$tension)/2 + \
   set a0  [expr { 2*$mu3 - 3*$mu2 + 1}]
   set a1  [expr {   $mu3 - 2*$mu2 + $mu}]
   set a2  [expr {   $mu3 -   $mu2}]
   set a3  [expr {-2*$mu3 + 3*$mu2}]

   return [expr {$a0*$y1+$a1*$m0+$a2*$m1+$a3*$y2}]

 ## While you may think the above cases were 2 dimensional,
 ## they are just 1 dimensional interpolation (the horizontal
 ## axis is linear). In most cases the interpolation can be
 ## extended into higher dimensions simply by applying it to
 ## each of the x,y,z coordinates independently. This is
 ## shown on the right for 3 dimensions for all but the
 ## cosine interpolation. By a cute trick the cosine
 ## interpolation reverts to linear if applied independently
 ## to each coordinate.

 proc HermiteSpline {P1 P2 T1 T2 s} {

 #   Vector S: The interpolation-point and it's powers up to 3:
 #   Vector C: The parameters of our hermite curve:
 #   Matrix h: The matrix form of the 4 hermite polynomials:

 #   S = | s^3 s^2 s 1 |        |  2  -2   1   1 |      | P1 |
 #                          h = | -3   3  -2  -1 |  C = | P2 |
 #                              |  0   0   1   0 |      | T1 |
 #                              |  1   0   0   0 |      | T2 |

 #  To calculate a point on the curve you build the Vector S,
 #  multiply it with the matrix h and then multiply with C.
 #    P = S * h * C

    if {[info exist HermiteCache($s,h1)]} {
        set h1 $HermiteCache($s,h1)
        set h2 $HermiteCache($s,h2)
        set h3 $HermiteCache($s,h3)
        set h4 $HermiteCache($s,h4)
    } else {
        set s2 [expr {$s*$s}]
        set s3 [expr {$s*$s2}]
        set h1 [expr { 2.*$s3 - 3.*$s2 + 1.}]
        set h2 [expr {-2.*$s3 + 3.*$s2}]
        set h3 [expr {    $s3 - 2.*$s2+$s}]
        set h4 [expr {    $s3 -    $s2}]
        set HermiteCache($s,h1) $h1
        set HermiteCache($s,h2) $h2
        set HermiteCache($s,h3) $h3
        set HermiteCache($s,h4) $h4
    return [expr {$h1*$P1 + $h2 *$P2 + $h3* $T1 + $h4*$T2}]

 proc CardinalSpline {P0 P1 P2 P3 a s} {

 # Cardinal splines are just a subset of the hermite curves.
 # They don't need the tangent points because they will be calculated from
 # the control points. We'll lose some of the flexibility of the hermite
 # curves, but as a tradeoff the curves will be much easier to use.
 # The formula for the tangents for cardinal splines is:

 #          T   =  a * ( P     -  P      )
 #            i            i+1      i-1

 # a is a constant which affects the tightness of the curve
 # (a should be between 0 and 1, but this is not a must)

    set T1 [expr {$a*($P2-$P0)}]
    set T2 [expr {$a*($P3-$P1)}]
    return [HermiteSpline $P1 $P2 $T1 $T2 $s]

 proc CatmullRomSpline {P0 P1 P2 P3 s} {

 # The Catmull-Rom spline is again just a subset of the cardinal splines.
 # You only have to define a as 0.5, and you can draw and interpolate
 # Catmull-Rom splines.
 #           T   =  0.5 * ( P     -  P      )
 #            i              i+1      i-1

    return [CardinalSpline $P0 $P1 $P2 $P3 0.5 $s]

 proc Lerp {a b mu} {
 # -------------------------------------------------
 # simple linear interpolation between two points
 # -------------------------------------------------
    set ax [lindex $a 0]
    set ay [lindex $a 1]
    set bx [lindex $b 0]
    set by [lindex $b 1]
    return [list [expr {$ax + ($bx-$ax)*$mu}] [expr {$ay + ($by-$ay)*$mu}] ]

 proc BezierSpline {a b c d mu} {
 # --------------------------------------------------------
 # evaluate a point on a bezier-curve. mu goes from 0 to 1.0
 # --------------------------------------------------------

    set  ab   [Lerp $a    $b    $mu]
    set  bc   [Lerp $b    $c    $mu]
    set  cd   [Lerp $c    $d    $mu]
    set  abbc [Lerp $ab   $bc   $mu]
    set  bccd [Lerp $bc   $cd   $mu]
    return    [Lerp $abbc $bccd $mu]

 proc HornerBezier {degree xc yc t} {
    upvar 1 $xc xcoeff
    upvar 1 $yc ycoeff

 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Greg Blair, algorithm derived from:
 # hornbez(degree, coeff, t)
 # Curves and Surface for Computer Aided Geometric Design, A Practical Guide
 # Farin, Gerald, Academic Press, 2nd Edition, 1990, page 48
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

 ## uses  Horner's scheme to compute one coordinate
 ## value of a  Bezier curve. Has to be called 
 ## for each coordinate  (x,y, and/or z) of a control polygon.
 ## Input:   degree: degree of curve.
 ##          coeff:  array with coefficients of curve.
 ##          t:      parameter value.
 ## Output: coordinate value.

        set t1 [expr {1.0 - $t}]
    set fact 1.0
        set n_choose_i 1

        set x [expr {$xcoeff(0)*$t1}]
        set y [expr {$ycoeff(0)*$t1}]
        for {set i 1} {$i < $degree} {incr i} {
                set fact [expr {$fact*$t}]
                set n_choose_i [expr {$n_choose_i*($degree-$i+1)/$i}] ;#  always int!
                set x [expr {$x + $fact*$n_choose_i*$xcoeff($i)*$t1}]
                set y [expr {$y + $fact*$n_choose_i*$ycoeff($i)*$t1}]
        set x [expr {$x + $fact*$t*$xcoeff($degree)}]
        set y [expr {$y + $fact*$t*$ycoeff($degree)}]

        return [list $x $y]

 proc TCBSpline {P0 P1 P2 P3 s t c b} {
 ## note by Greg Blair:                                          ##
 ##                                                              ##
 ## TCB splines due to Doris Kochanek, a UofWaterloo MSc student ##
 ##                                                              ##
 ## These TCB spline equations can also be found on page 433 of  ##
 ## Splines for use in Computer Graphics & Geometric Modelling   ##
 ## Bartels, Beatty, Barsky, Morgan Kaufman, 1987                ##

 # The Kochanek-Bartels Splines
 # (also called TCB-Splines, for tension,continuity,bias)
 # Now we're going down to the guts of curve interpolation:
 # The kb-splines (mostly known from Autodesk's 3d-Studio Max and Newtek's Lightwave)
 # are nothing more than hermite curves and a handfull of formulas to calculate the tangents.

 # These curves have been introduced by D. Kochanek and R. Bartels in 1984 to
 # give animators more control over keyframe animation.
 # They introduced three control-values for each keyframe point:

 # Tension:    How sharply does the curve bend?
 # Continuity: How rapid is the change in speed and direction?
 # Bias:       What is the direction of the curve as it passes through the keypoint?

 # I won't try to derive the tangent-formulas here. I think just giving you something you can use
 # is a better idea. (if you're interested you can ask me. I can write it down and send it to you
 # via email.)

 #    The "incoming" Tangent equation:

 #              (1-t)*(1-c)*(1+b)
 #    TS    =   -----------------  * ( P   -  P    )
 #      i              2                i      i-1

 #              (1-t)*(1+c)*(1-b)
 #          +   -----------------  * ( P   -  P    )
 #                     2                i+1    i

 #    The "outgoing" Tangent equation:

 #              (1-t)*(1+c)*(1+b)
 #    TD    =   -----------------  * ( P   -  P    )
 #      i              2                i      i-1

 #              (1-t)*(1-c)*(1-b)
 #          +   -----------------  * ( P   -  P    )
 #                     2                i+1    i

 #    When you want to interpolate the curve you should use this vector:

 #        |  P(i)    |
 #    C = |  P(i+1)  |
 #        |  TD(i)   |
 #        |  TS(i+1) |

 # You might notice that you always need the previous and next point
 # if you want to calculate the curve. This might be a problem when you try
 # to calculate keyframe data from Lightwave or 3D-Studio. I don't
 # know exactly how these programs handle the cases of the first and last point, but
 # there are enough sources available on the internet. Just search around
 # a little bit. (Newtek has a good developer section. You can download
 # the origignal Lightwave motion code on their web-site).

    set TD1 [expr {(1.-$t)*(1.-$c)*(1.+$b)/2*($P1 - $P0) \
                 + (1.-$t)*(1.+$c)*(1.-$b)/2*($P2 - $P1)}]
    set TS2 [expr {(1.-$t)*(1.+$c)*(1.+$b)/2*($P2 - $P1) \
                 + (1.-$t)*(1.-$c)*(1.-$b)/2*($P3 - $P2)}]

    return [HermiteSpline $P1 $P2 $TD1 $TS2 $s]


 proc KeyFrameTCBSpline {P0 P1 P2 P3 s t c b N0 N1 N2} {

 # Speed Control
 # If you write yourself keyframe-interpolation code and put it into a program
 # you'll notice one problem:

 # Unless you have your keyframes in fixed intervals you will have a sudden change
 # of speed and direction whenever you pass a keyframe-point.
 # This can be avoided if you take the number of key-positions (frames) between two keyframes into account:

 # N is the number of frames (seconds, whatever) between two keypoints.

 #                       2 * N
 #                            i-1
 #   TD  =  TD *     ---------------       adjustment of outgoing tangent
 #     i      i          N    + N
 #                        i-1    i

 #                       2 * N
 #                            i
 #   TS  =  TS *     ---------------       adjustment of incomming tangent
 #     i      i          N    + N
 #                        i-1    i

    set TD1 [expr {(1.-$t)*(1.-$c)*(1.+$b)/2*($P1 - $P0) \
                 + (1.-$t)*(1.+$c)*(1.-$b)/2*($P2 - $P1)}]
    set TS2 [expr {(1.-$t)*(1.+$c)*(1.+$b)/2*($P2 - $P1) \
                 + (1.-$t)*(1.-$c)*(1.-$b)/2*($P3 - $P2)}]

    set D [expr {$N0 + $N1}]
    if {$D} {
        set TD1 [expr {$TD1 * 2.*$N0/$D}]
    set D [expr {$N1+$N2}]
    if {$D} {
        set TS2 [expr {$TS2 * 2.*$N2/$D}]
    return [HermiteSpline $P1 $P2 $TD1 $TS2 $s]

 proc PolyLine::Linear {xy {PRECISION 10}} {

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np <= 1} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx

    # Now generate the point list
    set xy [list $X(0) $Y(0)]
    for {set i 1} {$i < $np} {incr i} {
        set i0 [expr {$i - 1}]
        for {set j 0} {$j <= $PRECISION} {incr j} {
            set mu [expr {double($j) / double($PRECISION)}]
            set x [LinearInterpolate $X($i0) $X($i) $mu]
            set y [LinearInterpolate $Y($i0) $Y($i) $mu]
            lappend xy $x $y
    return $xy

 proc PolyLine::Cosine {xy {PRECISION 10}} {

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np <= 1} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx

    # Now generate the point list
    set xy [list $X(0) $Y(0)]
    for {set i 1} {$i < $np} {incr i} {
        set i0 [expr {$i - 1}]
        for {set j 0} {$j <= $PRECISION} {incr j} {
            set mu [expr {double($j) / double($PRECISION)}]
            ## Paul Burke, on the website does mention:
            ## By a cute trick the cosine interpolation reverts to linear
            ## if applied independently to each coordinate.

            ## Now
            set x [CosineInterpolate $X($i0) $X($i) $mu]
            ## does generate linear interpolation

            ## linear interpolation on x and cosine interpolation on y
            set x [LinearInterpolate $X($i0) $X($i) $mu]
            set y [CosineInterpolate $Y($i0) $Y($i) $mu]
            lappend xy $x $y
    return $xy

 proc PolyLine::CatmullRom {xy {PRECISION 10}} {

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np <= 1} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx
        if {$idx == 1} {
            set X($idx) $x
            set Y($idx) $y
            incr idx
    ## duplicate last point
    set X($idx) $x
    set Y($idx) $y
    incr idx

    # Now generate the point list
    set xy [list $X(0) $Y(0)]
    for {set i 1} {$i < $np} {incr i} {
        set i0 [expr {$i - 1}]
        set i2 [expr {$i + 1}]
        set i3 [expr {$i + 2}]
        for {set j 0} {$j <= $PRECISION} {incr j} {
            set mu [expr {double($j) / double($PRECISION)}]
            set x [CatmullRomSpline $X($i0) $X($i) $X($i2) $X($i3) $mu]
            set y [CatmullRomSpline $Y($i0) $Y($i) $Y($i2) $Y($i3) $mu]
            lappend xy $x $y
    return $xy

 proc PolyLine::Bezier {xy {PRECISION 10}} {

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np < 4} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx

    set xy {}

    set idx 0
    while {[expr {$idx+4}] <= $np} {
        set a [list $X($idx) $Y($idx)]; incr idx
        set b [list $X($idx) $Y($idx)]; incr idx
        set c [list $X($idx) $Y($idx)]; incr idx
        set d [list $X($idx) $Y($idx)];# incr idx   ;# use last pt as 1st pt of next segment
        for {set j 0} {$j <= $PRECISION} {incr j} {
            set mu [expr {double($j) / double($PRECISION)}]
            set pt [BezierSpline $a $b $c $d $mu]
            lappend xy [lindex $pt 0] [lindex $pt 1]
    return $xy

 proc PolyLine::FDBezier {xy {PRECISION 10}} { ;# forward differencing Bezier calc.
 ## Calculating bezier curves is quite processor intensive task, but 
 ## this algorithm will make calculating at least 10 times faster. 
 ## Especially with bezier surfaces of bezier spaces, you will need the speed.

 ## All polynomial functions can be calculated via forward differencing. 
 ## The key idea is to start at some point of the function, move forwards 
 ## at constant step and use Taylor series to calculate the next value.

 ## Further reading

 ## The algo I presented here may not be the best one, but it works fine 
 ## for most 3d applications. If you need more, read these:

 ## Adaptive forward differencing for rendering curves and surfaces; 
 ## Sheue-Ling Lien, Michael Shantz and Vaughan Pratt; 
 ## Proceedings of the 14th annual conference on Computer graphics, 1987, Pages 111 - 118

 ## Rendering trimmed NURBS with adaptive forward differencing; 
 ## M. Shantz and Sheue-Ling Chang; 
 ## Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Computer graphics, 1988, Pages 189 - 198

 ## Rendering cubic curves and surfaces with integer adaptive forward differencing; 
 ## S.-L. Chang and M. S. R. Rocchetti; 
 ## Conference proceedings on Computer graphics, 1989, Pages 157 - 166

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np < 4} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx

    set t [expr {1.0 / double($PRECISION)}]
    set temp [expr { $t * $t}] 

    set idx 0
    set xy {}
    while {[expr {$idx+4}] <= $np} {    ;# segment loop
        set X0 $X($idx)
        set Y0 $Y($idx); incr idx
        set X1 $X($idx)
        set Y1 $Y($idx); incr idx
        set X2 $X($idx)
        set Y2 $Y($idx); incr idx
        set X3 $X($idx)
        set Y3 $Y($idx);# re-use last pt for 1st pt of next segment

        set xf $X0
        set yf $Y0
        set xfd         [expr { 3 * ($X1 - $X0) * $t}]
        set yfd         [expr { 3 * ($Y1 - $Y0) * $t}]
        set xfdd_per_2  [expr { 3 * ($X0 - 2 * $X1 + $X2) * $temp}]
        set yfdd_per_2  [expr { 3 * ($Y0 - 2 * $Y1 + $Y2) * $temp}]
        set xfddd_per_2 [expr { 3 * (3 * ($X1 - $X2) + $X3 - $X0) * $temp * $t}]
        set yfddd_per_2 [expr { 3 * (3 * ($Y1 - $Y2) + $Y3 - $Y0) * $temp * $t}]

        set xfddd       [expr { $xfddd_per_2 + $xfddd_per_2}]
        set yfddd       [expr { $yfddd_per_2 + $yfddd_per_2}]
        set xfdd        [expr { $xfdd_per_2 + $xfdd_per_2}]
        set yfdd        [expr { $yfdd_per_2 + $yfdd_per_2}]
        set xfddd_per_6 [expr { $xfddd_per_2 * (1.0 / 3)}]
        set yfddd_per_6 [expr { $yfddd_per_2 * (1.0 / 3)}]

        for {set j $PRECISION} {$j} {incr j -1} {   ;# pt in segment loop
            lappend xy $xf $yf

            set xf         [expr { $xf + $xfd + $xfdd_per_2 + $xfddd_per_6}]
            set yf         [expr { $yf + $yfd + $yfdd_per_2 + $yfddd_per_6}]
            set xfd        [expr { $xfd + $xfdd + $xfddd_per_2}]
            set yfd        [expr { $yfd + $yfdd + $yfddd_per_2}]
            set xfdd       [expr { $xfdd + $xfddd}]
            set yfdd       [expr { $yfdd + $yfddd}]
            set xfdd_per_2 [expr { $xfdd_per_2 + $xfddd_per_2}]
            set yfdd_per_2 [expr { $yfdd_per_2 + $yfddd_per_2}]
    lappend xy $X3 $Y3

    return $xy

 proc PolyLine::HornBezier {xy {PRECISION 10}} {

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np < 3} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx

    set degree [expr { $np -1 }]

    # Now generate the point list
    # 1st knot
    set xy [list $X(0) $Y(0)]
    # interpolate for intermediate points
    for {set j 1} {$j < $PRECISION} {incr j} {
        set t [expr {double($j) / double($PRECISION)}]
        set pt [HornerBezier $degree X Y $t]
        lappend xy [lindex $pt 0] [lindex $pt 1]
    # 2nd knot
    lappend xy $X($degree) $Y($degree)

    return $xy

 proc PolyLine::Cardinal {xy a {PRECISION 10}} {

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np <= 1} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx
        if {$idx == 1} {
            set X($idx) $x
            set Y($idx) $y
            incr idx
    ## duplicate last point
    set X($idx) $x
    set Y($idx) $y
    incr idx

    # Now generate the point list
    set xy [list $X(0) $Y(0)]
    for {set i 1} {$i < $np} {incr i} {
        set i0 [expr {$i - 1}]
        set i2 [expr {$i + 1}]
        set i3 [expr {$i + 2}]
        for {set j 0} {$j <= $PRECISION} {incr j} {
            set mu [expr {double($j) / double($PRECISION)}]
            set x [CardinalSpline $X($i0) $X($i) $X($i2) $X($i3) $a $mu]
            set y [CardinalSpline $Y($i0) $Y($i) $Y($i2) $Y($i3) $a $mu]
            lappend xy $x $y
    return $xy

 proc PolyLine::Cubic {xy {PRECISION 10}} {

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np <= 1} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx
        if {$idx == 1} {
            set X($idx) $x
            set Y($idx) $y
            incr idx
    ## duplicate last point
    set X($idx) $x
    set Y($idx) $y
    incr idx

    # Now generate the point list
    set xy [list $X(0) $Y(0)]
    for {set i 1} {$i < $np} {incr i} {
        set i0 [expr {$i - 1}]
        set i2 [expr {$i + 1}]
        set i3 [expr {$i + 2}]
        for {set j 0} {$j <= $PRECISION} {incr j} {
            set mu [expr {double($j) / double($PRECISION)}]
            set x [CubicInterpolate $X($i0) $X($i) $X($i2) $X($i3) $mu]
            set y [CubicInterpolate $Y($i0) $Y($i) $Y($i2) $Y($i3) $mu]
            lappend xy $x $y
    return $xy

 proc PolyLine::Hermite {xy tension bias {PRECISION 10}} {

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np <= 1} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx
        if {$idx == 1} {
            set X($idx) $x
            set Y($idx) $y
            incr idx
    ## duplicate last point
    set X($idx) $x
    set Y($idx) $y
    incr idx

    # Now generate the point list
    set xy [list $X(0) $Y(0)]
    for {set i 1} {$i < $np} {incr i} {
        set i0 [expr {$i - 1}]
        set i2 [expr {$i + 1}]
        set i3 [expr {$i + 2}]
        for {set j 0} {$j <= $PRECISION} {incr j} {
            set mu [expr {double($j) / double($PRECISION)}]
            set x [HermiteInterpolate $X($i0) $X($i) $X($i2) $X($i3) $mu $tension $bias]
            set y [HermiteInterpolate $Y($i0) $Y($i) $Y($i2) $Y($i3) $mu $tension $bias]
            lappend xy $x $y
    return $xy
 proc PolyLine::TCB {xy tension continuity bias {PRECISION 10}} {

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np <= 1} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx
        if {$idx == 1} {
            set X($idx) $x
            set Y($idx) $y
            incr idx
    ## duplicate last point
    set X($idx) $x
    set Y($idx) $y
    incr idx

    # Now generate the point list
    set xy [list $X(0) $Y(0)]
    for {set i 1} {$i < $np} {incr i} {
        set i0 [expr {$i - 1}]
        set i2 [expr {$i + 1}]
        set i3 [expr {$i + 2}]
        for {set j 0} {$j <= $PRECISION} {incr j} {
            set mu [expr {double($j) / double($PRECISION)}]
            set x [TCBSpline $X($i0) $X($i) $X($i2) $X($i3) $mu $tension $continuity $bias]
            set y [TCBSpline $Y($i0) $Y($i) $Y($i2) $Y($i3) $mu $tension $continuity $bias]
            lappend xy $x $y
    return $xy
 proc PolyLine::KeyFrameTCB {xy tension continuity bias {PRECISION 10}} {

    set np [expr {[llength $xy] / 2}]
    if {$np <= 1} return

    set idx 0
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set X($idx) $x
        set Y($idx) $y
        incr idx
        if {$idx == 1} { ;## duplicate 1st pt
            set X($idx) $x
            set Y($idx) $y
            incr idx
    ## duplicate last point
    set X($idx) $x
    set Y($idx) $y
    incr idx

    # Now generate the point list
    set xy [list $X(0) $Y(0)]
    for {set i 1} {$i < $np} {incr i} {
        set i0 [expr {$i - 1}]
        set i2 [expr {$i + 1}]
        set i3 [expr {$i + 2}]
        set X0 $X($i0)
        set X1 $X($i)
        set X2 $X($i2)
        set X3 $X($i3)
        set Y0 $Y($i0)
        set Y1 $Y($i)
        set Y2 $Y($i2)
        set Y3 $Y($i3)
        set N0 [expr {$X1 - $X0}]
        set N1 [expr {$X2 - $X1}]
        set N2 [expr {$X3 - $X3}]
        for {set j 0} {$j <= $PRECISION} {incr j} {
            set mu [expr {double($j) / double($PRECISION)}]
            set x [KeyFrameTCBSpline $X0 $X1 $X2 $X3 $mu $tension $continuity $bias $N0 $N1 $N2]
            set y [KeyFrameTCBSpline $Y0 $Y1 $Y2 $Y3 $mu $tension $continuity $bias $N0 $N1 $N2]
            lappend xy $x $y
    return $xy

 if {[file tail [info script]] == [file tail $argv0]} {
 ##Now to demonstrate and test the code you can use the following:

 # Test harness and demo code

 package require Tk

 set S(title) "Cubic Splines with Tension"
 set S(r) 5                                      ;# Control point size
 set S(w) 5                                      ;# Line width
 set S(precision) 10
 set INITPOINTS {-200 0 -80 -125 30 100 200 0}

 proc Reset {} {
    global S

    set S(tension) 0
    set S(continuity) 0
    set S(bias) 0
    set S(a) 0.5

 proc BrushedMetal {c width height} {
    ## from wiki

    ## for {set row 0} {$row < $height} {incr row 1} {
        ## set line_color [expr {45000+int(1000000*rand())%3000}]
        ## $c create line 0 $row $width $row -width 1 \
                ## -fill [format "#%04x%04x%04x" \
                ## $line_color $line_color $line_color]
    ## }

 proc DoDisplay {} {
    global S INITPOINTS

    wm title . $S(title)
    pack [frame .ctrl -relief ridge -bd 2 -padx 5 -pady 5] \
        -side right -fill both -ipady 5
    pack [frame .screen -bd 2 -relief raised] -side top -fill both -expand 1

    canvas .c -relief raised -borderwidth 0 -height 500 -width 500
    BrushedMetal .c 500 500
    pack .c   -in .screen -side top    -fill both -expand 1
    bind all <Alt-c> {catch {console show}}
    bind .c <Configure> {ReCenter %W %h %w}
    .c bind p <B1-Motion> [list MouseMove %x %y]

    bind all <Escape> {exit}

    AddCtrlPoint $INITPOINTS
 proc DoCtrlFrame {} {
    frame .buttons
    pack [button .buttons.add   -text "Add Pt"     -command AddCtrlPoint] -side left
    pack [button .buttons.dele  -text "Del Pt"  -command DeleteCtrlPoint] -side left
    pack [button .buttons.clear -text "Clear Pts"  -command ClearCtrlPoint] -side left

    set font {Helvetica 14 bold}
    scale .prec -width 10 -orient h -variable S(precision) -font $font  \
        -label Precision: -relief ridge -from 1 -to 40 -command DrawCurve

    scale .bias -width 10 -orient h -variable S(bias) -font $font  \
        -label "B - Bias:" -relief ridge -from -1. -to 1. -resolution 0.01 -command DrawCurve

    scale .tens -width 10 -orient h -variable S(tension) -font $font  \
        -label "T - Tension:" -relief ridge -from -1. -to 1. -resolution 0.01 -command DrawCurve

    scale .cont -width 10 -orient h -variable S(continuity) -font $font  \
        -label "C - Continuity:" -relief ridge -from -1. -to 1. -resolution 0.01 -command DrawCurve

    scale .a    -width 10 -orient h -variable S(a) -font $font  \
        -label "Cardinal Spline - A:" -relief ridge -from 0. -to 1. -resolution 0.01 -command DrawCurve

    button .reset -text Reset -command {Reset}

    labelframe .rb -text "INTERPOLATOR" -relief ridge -bd 2

    set rbList {} ;# radio button list
    lappend rbList {line "Linear"}
    lappend rbList {cosi "Cosine"}
    lappend rbList {cubp "Cubic Polynomial"}
    lappend rbList {cubs "Cubic Spline - Keith Vetter"}
    lappend rbList {catm "CatmullRom Spline"}
    lappend rbList {card "Cardinal Spline (A)"}
    lappend rbList {tbsp "TB Spline"}
    lappend rbList {tcbs "TCB Spline"}
    lappend rbList {bezi "Piecewise Bezier Spline"}
    lappend rbList {fbez "Fwd Dif Piecewise Bezier Spline"}
    lappend rbList {hbez "Horner Bezier Spline"}
    ## KeyFrame splines are drawing a linear line, not a spline for 1st segment
    ## I guess our assumption that we can test these splines by assuming
    ## the number of frames between key frames is the difference in X coordinates
    ## is not adequate.
    ## remove from GUI:
    ## lappend rbList {kfs  "Key Frame TCB Spline"}

    set i 1
    foreach entry $rbList {
        set key  [lindex $entry 0]
        set text [lindex $entry 1]
        pack [frame .rb.l$i]
        radiobutton .rb.l$i.$key -variable S(type) -value $key -font $font \
            -width 30 -text $text -command DrawCurve -anchor w
        pack .rb.l$i.$key -side top -pady 2 -anchor w -fill x
        incr i

    pack [button .buttons.about -text About -command About] -side left
    pack [button .buttons.exit  -text Exit  -command exit] -side left

    set row 1
    grid .buttons   -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew ; incr row
    #grid .add   -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew
    #grid .dele  -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew
    #grid .clear -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew ; incr row
    grid .prec  -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew ; incr row
    grid .tens  -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew ; incr row
    grid .cont  -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew ; incr row
    grid .bias  -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew ; incr row
    grid .a     -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew ; incr row
    grid .reset -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew ; incr row
    grid .rb    -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew ; incr row
    #grid .about -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew ; incr row
    #grid .exit  -in .ctrl -row $row -sticky ew ; incr row
 proc ReCenter {W h w} {                   ;# Called by configure event
    foreach h2 [expr {$h / 2}] w2 [expr {$w / 2}] break
    $W config -scrollregion [list -$w2 -$h2 $w2 $h2]
    BrushedMetal $W [expr {2 * $w2}] [expr {2 * $h2}]
 proc MakeBox {x y r} {
    return [list [expr {$x-$r}] [expr {$y-$r}] [expr {$x+$r}] [expr {$y+$r}]]
 proc MouseMove {X Y} {
    regexp {p([0-9]+)} [.c itemcget current -tag] => who
    set X [.c canvasx $X] ; set Y [.c canvasy $Y]
    foreach x $::P($who,x)   y $::P($who,y) break
    foreach ::P($who,x) $X   ::P($who,y) $Y break
    .c move p$who [expr {$X - $x}] [expr {$Y - $y}]
 proc AddCtrlPoint {{xy {}}} {
    global P S

    set np [llength [array names P *x]]

    if {$xy == {}} {
        set w [expr {[winfo width .c] - 50}]
        set xy [list [expr {$w * rand() - $w/2}] [expr {50 * rand() - 25}]]
    foreach {x y} $xy {
        set P($np,x) $x
        set P($np,y) $y
        .c create oval [MakeBox $x $y $S(r)] -tag [list p p$np] -fill yellow
        incr np
 proc DeleteCtrlPoint {} {
    global P

    set np [llength [array names P *x]]
    if {$np == 0} return
    incr np -1

    # Always delete the rightmost control point
    # swap RIGHTMOST and NP then delete NP
    set rightmost [lindex [lindex [SortPoints] end] end]
    .c delete p$rightmost
    .c itemconfig p$np -tag [list p p$rightmost]
    set P($rightmost,x) $P($np,x)
    set P($rightmost,y) $P($np,y)

    unset P($np,x)
    unset P($np,y)

 proc ClearCtrlPoint {} {
    global P
    .c delete p
    catch {unset P}
 proc SortPoints {} {
    global P

    set np [llength [array names P *x]]
    set xy {}
    for {set i 0} {$i < $np} {incr i} {
        lappend xy [list $P($i,x) $P($i,y) $i]
    set xy2 [lsort -real -index 0 $xy]
    return $xy2
 proc DrawCurve {args} {
    global S

    set xy {}
    foreach pt [SortPoints] {                   ;# Flatten point list
        foreach {x y} $pt break
        lappend xy $x $y

    switch $::S(type) {
        "line" { set xy [PolyLine::Linear      $xy $::S(precision)] }
        "cosi" { set xy [PolyLine::Cosine      $xy $::S(precision)] }
        "cubp" { set xy [PolyLine::Cubic       $xy $::S(precision)] }
        "cubs" { set xy [PolyLine::CubicSpline $xy $::S(precision)] }
        "catm" { set xy [PolyLine::CatmullRom  $xy $::S(precision)] }
        "bezi" { set xy [PolyLine::Bezier      $xy $::S(precision)] }
        "fbez" { set xy [PolyLine::FDBezier    $xy $::S(precision)] }
        "hbez" { set xy [PolyLine::HornBezier  $xy $::S(precision)] }
        "tbsp" { set xy [PolyLine::Hermite     $xy $::S(tension) $::S(bias) $::S(precision)] }
        "tcbs" { set xy [PolyLine::TCB         $xy $::S(tension) $::S(continuity) $::S(bias) $::S(precision)] }
        "card" { set xy [PolyLine::Cardinal    $xy $::S(a) $::S(precision)] }
        "kfs"  { set xy [PolyLine::KeyFrameTCB $xy $::S(tension) $::S(continuity) $::S(bias) $::S(precision)] }
    .c delete cubic
    if {$xy == {}} return
    .c create line $xy -tag cubic -width $::S(w)
    .c lower cubic
 proc About {} {
    set msg "Tension Splines\nby Greg Blair September 2003\[email protected]\nGUI derived from\nCubic Splines\nby Keith Vetter, March 2003"
    tk_messageBox -title About -message $msg
 set S(type) line

 ##In the above code, the part of [PolyLine::CubicSpline] that comes after Now generate
 ##the point list does such a conversion, but it is rather crude. Approximation with
 ##polygons is not bad as such (indeed, it is what Postscript does internally when it
 ##flattens paths), but in general one would want the number of line segments to be
 ##adjusted to the actual curve, so that the "precision" really would give a bound on
 ##the approximation error. I don't know how one would achieve this effectively, but
 ##there are probably good algorithms in the literature.

Category Graphics | Category Mathematics