Version 35 of The TK GUI - Q&A

Updated 2004-11-03 02:53:24

Category Dead Horse

Robert Abitbol The saddest thing about this wiki is that it is controlled by a negative person like you, MAK. I think you're pretty much a wiki nuisance and as long as you are here there will be no progress!

JCW will have to ban you if he wants this wiki to go places. You're just a rotten apple that will rot everyone else!

If this were my wiki, you would have been banned long time ago for you are a very negative presence, a dangerous person who destroys, a delinquent of sorts.

Let's say you ain't a Peter Newman and chances are you'll end up in jail for you have delinquency traits.

Oh well! As I said this is your problem! Your family's problem perhaps.

You should go see a professional and try to improve or else you'll have a very sad life.