Version 45 of Tk Game Pack

Updated 2005-03-23 20:21:19 by lwv

A starkit full of almost 90 games and animations, mostly from this Wiki.

---> See Bundle o' Starkits - URL:

The download is now starsync capable and can be incrementally updated with the following:

 sdx update -from tkgamepack.kit

Latest release 23Mar2005 - see Games to add section of for a list of the new games since the last release.

So, what Tcl/Tk script only games are not yet in tkgamepack? If you are interested, then help by adding or filling in entries in the Games to add section below.

Games to investigate

  • [Add some here that you don't find in either of the two below lists]
  • Tcl/Tk Games may have some items that have not yet been explored.

Games to add

- Please format the text in this section to match the format of a valid Tcl list described later in this page (name, description, url, category). The name will correspond to a filename/directory name, so I recommend against using spaces.

  • [Properly formatted list describing already investigated games]

Rejected games

Binary dependencies

  • Babbleback machine - Snack - thoroughly depends on Snack
  • Asteroids - Snack - should be fairly easy to make this dependency conditional
  • TurnOut {description here} {category here} - Depends on Img - should be fairly easy to make this dependency conditional on Img being available.

Not a game - This is somewhat arbitrary as some "games" that are included aren't games either

Already there


Below is an alphabetized list of games that are currently in tkgamepack (sdx version = 2005/03/23 03:41:16 38001-73898). The text is in the form of a valid Tcl list with 4 elements for each game (name description url category). This text will be used to generate the outline used for each new release of tkgamepack.

Categories currently are

 list {Puzzle Games} {Strategy/Board Games} {Action/Arcade Games} {Card Games} Animation Miscelleneous

Games already present

Category Tclkit Category Games Category Application