Version 1 of Toy simulation of the dynamics of a community

Updated 2014-11-17 07:06:43 by arjen

Arjen Markus (17 november 2014) The program below is a mere toy, inspired as described in the comments by a recent newspaper article that I read. The well-known social media tool "Whatsapp" introduced a new feature and that upset a lot of people, proclaiming they would use something else. Of course, that does not really happen. The anger will pass and everybody goes on as they used to. Still, I wondered whether it would be possible to simulate the dynamics of this sort of events. So this is how the program below was born ... Do not read too much into it, though, it is based on my feeble understanding of the psychology of such communities or networks of people. Uh, did I say "understanding"? I should have put "imagining" instead.

For what it is worth, it does produce some intriguing pictures ...

Simulation of dynamic - picture

# social_media.tcl --
#     Simulate what happens if the community of some social medium is upset and
#     intends to move to another platform.
#     Inspired by a recent event with Whatsapp:
#     The guys behind Whatsapp introduced a new feature - two blue marks to show
#     that your message has been received and viewed. This was felt as a (further)
#     breach to one's privacy - forcing people to react immediately - and many
#     people thought of moving to some other platform.
#     The idea of the simulation:
#     - People are upset and want to move, but they are inclined to follow their
#       friends because connectivity is slightly more important than privacy.
#     - Each person has one or more friends - the number is determined by means
#       of a Poisson distribution. The connectivity is reciprocal (slight
#       complication in setting up the network), that is A is connected to B and
#       B is connected to A.
#     - The probability of someone wanting to change is p. They do not change
#       immediately though - that depends on how many of their friends will change
#       too.
#     - If someone does not want to change yet (after drawing a random number),
#       then the probability of intending to change is determined by the number
#       of friends that intend to change or have already changed.
#     - Now we have the intention of changing. Let them switch.
#     - Intending to change from platform A to platform B has a probability p1.
#       Intending to change from platform B to platform A has a probability p2.
#     Note:
#     Not sure if the implementation is correct - it seems far too dynamic!
#     There seems to be a transition at probabilities of 0.0023 or thereabouts.
#     I need to check the implementation, but it is more fun than I imagined.
#     Not entirely sure if the actual switching is implemented realistically.
#     Should there not be a probability factor?
package require math::statistics

# buildNetwork --
#     Build the network of friends
# Arguments:
#     nMembers         Number of members in the network
#     nFriends         Mean number of friends per person
# Result:
#     List of persons and their friends (each person is simply an integer)
#     The information per person: current platform (A or B), intending to
#     switch (0 or 1), list of friends
proc buildNetwork {nMembers nFriends} {

    # Set up the number of friends per person
    set nF          [::math::statistics::random-poisson $nFriends $nMembers]
    set nCheck      $nF
    for {set i 0} {$i < $nMembers} {incr i} {
        lappend remainingMembers $i
        set friendsList($i) {}

    # Choose the friends
    # Note:
    # It may not be possible to assign enough friends to everyone. To make the
    # algorithm finish, allow members to be their own friends and remove them
    # afterwards. Also allow double connections - the algorithm may not
    # finish otherwise :(.
    while { [llength $remainingMembers] > 0 } {
        foreach member $remainingMembers {
            set f [expr {int([llength $remainingMembers] * rand())}]
            set friend [lindex $remainingMembers $f]

            lappend friendsList($member) $friend
            lappend friendsList($friend) $member
            lset nF $member [expr {[lindex $nF $member] - 1}]
            lset nF $friend [expr {[lindex $nF $friend] - 1}]

        # Remove the members that have a complete assortment of friends
        set newList {}
        foreach member $remainingMembers {
            if { [lindex $nF $member] > 0 } {
                lappend newList $member
        set remainingMembers $newList

    # Assemble the information
    for {set i 0} {$i < $nMembers} {incr i} {
        set friends {}
        foreach f [lsort -unique $friendsList($i)] {
            if {$f != $i } {
                lappend friends $f
        lappend network [list A 0 $friends]

    return $network

# updateIntention --
#     Update the intention to switch in two steps
# Arguments:
#     nameNetwork         Name of the variable holding the network
#     probFromA           Probability of intending to switch from A to B
#     probToB             Probability of intending to switch from B to A
proc updateIntention {nameNetwork probFromA probFromB} {
    upvar 1 $nameNetwork network

    # First of all, the personal choice
    #set c 0
    for {set p 0} {$p < [llength $network]} {incr p} {
        set currentChoice [lindex $network $p 0]
        if { $currentChoice == "A" } {
            set intention [expr {rand() < $probFromA}]
        } else {
            set intention [expr {rand() < $probFromB}]
        lset network $p 1 $intention
        #incr c $intention
    #puts "First round: $c"

    # Second step, what do their friends think?
    for {set p 0} {$p < [llength $network]} {incr p} {
        set currentIntention [lindex $network $p 1]
        if { ! $currentIntention } {
            set probSwitch [intentionFriends $network [lindex $network $p 0] [lindex $network $p 2]]
            set intention [expr {rand() < $probSwitch}]
            lset network $p 1 $intention
            #incr c $intention
    #puts "Second rount - intending to switch: $c"

# intentionFriends --
#     Examine the intention of their friends
# Arguments:
#     network           Network data
#     currentChoice     Current choice (A or B)
#     friends           List of friends
# Returns:
#     Fractions of friends that would change to the other choice
proc intentionFriends {network currentChoice friends} {
    set count 0
    foreach p $friends {
        set friendChoice    [lindex $network $p 0]
        set friendIntention [lindex $network $p 1]
        if { $friendChoice == $currentChoice && $friendIntention } {
            incr count
        if { $friendChoice != $currentChoice && ! $friendIntention } {
            incr count

    return [expr {$count / double([llength $friends])}]

# switchChoice --
#     Make the people switch
# Arguments:
#     nameNetwork         Name of the variable holding the network
# Returns:
#     Fractions of friends that would change to the other choice
proc switchChoice {nameNetwork} {
    upvar 1 $nameNetwork network

    set count 0
    for {set p 0} {$p < [llength $network]} {incr p} {
        set choice    [lindex $network $p 0]
        set intention [lindex $network $p 1]

        if { $intention } {
            if { $choice == "A" } {
                lset network $p 0 "B"
            } else {
                lset network $p 0 "A"
            lset network $p 1 0

# printStats --
#     Print the statistics
# Arguments:
#     network         Network data
# Returns:
#     Nothing - just prints the counts
proc printStats {network} {

    set countA 0
    for {set p 0} {$p < [llength $network]} {incr p} {
        set choice    [lindex $network $p 0]
        if { $choice == "A" } {
            incr countA
    puts "$countA -- [expr {[llength $network] - $countA}]"

# main --
#     Start the simulation
set network [buildNetwork 1000 10]

for {set t 0} {$t < 1000} {incr t} {
    updateIntention network 0.002 0.002
    switchChoice network
    printStats $network