Version 252 of Veronica Loell

Updated 2003-05-29 08:16:45

Born 1972 in Uppland, Sweden. Studying (full/part time since 1996) Computer Science (AI/Cognitive Sciences) [L1 ] at Link�ping Institute of Technology, Linguistics [L2 ] at Link�ping University and since 2000 Computational Linguistics [L3 ] at G�teborg University.

 gpl @
 veronical  - Tcl'ers chat []
 mindtrader - sourceforge [] and savannah []

A short note. I hold a strong personal belief in the GNU philosophy, but I would like to stress that I have the deepest respect for anyone choosing the OSI philosophy for themselfs. The biggest obstacle to open source today is in my opinion the communication problems that keep arising between gnu and osi developers.


 - Tklib []
 I will start putting in some time into this shortly.

 - Mimers brunn []
 Tools for translation and encodings. Will be updated...

 - UIE - User Interface Engine []
 A software architecture designed to provide a generic interface 
 between different programming languages.

I keep seeing references to project Gutenberg, so I thought it was best that I put a link here to project Runeberg [L4 ]...


 Nakawe data [] (at the moment in Swedish only)
 Computer Aided Administration - helping small businesses make better use 
 of computers for their administrative needs.


 Currently trying to work on my MA thesis in Computational Linguistics.
 G�r det att �ka anv�ndningen av direkthj�lp f�r slutanv�ndare?

African Grey (Kate):

See also Concepts of Architectural Design for Tcl Applications.

Category Person