Version 16 of Visual REGEXP

Updated 2003-08-01 08:41:24

July 31, 2003 - I can't believe Visual Regexp is not in the wiki. It is the best regular expression tool ever. Ever.

Give up. There is no better tool than that. Or is VisualRegExp? -- Nah. Tried it already. Very good, but VR is a lot better.

Actually, the tool is referenced on a couple or three pages. However, the actual catalog entry hadn't been entered yet due to a variety of issues that are likely unimportant to wiki'ers...

 What: Visual REGEXP
 Description: Software to help you debug regular expressions, quickly
        build efficient regular expressions, etc.
        Currently at version 2.2 .
 Updated: 09/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] 

Someone explain to me why wiki insists on upper-casing "Regexp". Whatever the reason, it still is the best regular expression tool ever.

RS: Capitalization of a page title is determined the first time it occurs in brackets, and Larry Virden chose that spelling. Other links can use different capitalization, but the title is fixed and can only be changed by moving it to a differently-titled page (different in other respect than case).

What I actually meant was: I entered "Visual Regexp", and the wiki made it "Visual REGEXP".

EMJ: because LV wrote a reference &lb;Visual REGEXP] in April 2003 (or earlier), but didn't create the page - it ths that reference which determined the spelling.

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