Version 35 of Web scraping

Updated 2002-12-13 09:24:58

[clt postings from jooky and David Welton and Larry Virden.]

Web scraping is the practice of getting information from a web page and reformatting it.

Some reasons one may do this is to send updates to a pager/WAP phone, etc. , email one's personal account status to an account, or create data files for reading on a PDA. See projects like or Plucker for non-Tcl tools for scraping the web and provide a reliable scraping service.

"Web Scraping ..." [L1 ]

Apt comments on the technical and business difficulty of Web scraping, along with mentions of WebL and NQL, appear here [L2 ].

An alternative to web scraping is to work with the web host to work out details of a Web Service that would provide useful information programatically.

Category Internet